PC 80-146RFSOLUTIOPI N0, PCB~-11~!~ A RESOLUTION OF TI'E AWAHEIN CITY PLA~IHIPJ9 C~'1~115510~1 TFIAT PETITIOtd FOR RFCLASSIFICATIOh! N0. ?1-`~1-7 f3E GRA"!TEfI. WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Plann?ng Commission did receive a verified petition for Reclassification from WILLIAN KUr,EL~ 12750 Mulholland Drive, Beverly Hi11s, California ~07_1~, o4mer, and JAMES D. WHITF, FRFDRICI;S DFVELOPMENT CORPORATI0~1~ 13 Brookholla•i Drive, Santa Ana, California ~7.7~5, agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, descrihed as: LOT 70 QF TRACT ~d0. 2517, AS S~f01!N Otl THE MAp REC~p9Fn Ih e~~K 133~ pAGES 1~0 to 1i2 INCLUSIVF OF ~115CELLAFlFOUS 14!1pS, RECOP.pS OF ORAPJGE COUMTY, CALIFOR~dI~. 1lHERE/1S, the City Plannino Connission rlid holrl a puhlic hearina at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Septemher 3, 1°•`;~, at 1:3~ o.m,, notice of said public hearing having heen duly given as required hy 1~~•i anrl in accordancr_~oith the provisions of the Anaheim Ftunicipal Code, Chapter 1R,n?, tn hear and consider evidence for and against said pre~osed reclassificatic+n and to investinate and make findinas and recommendations in c~nnection tf~ere~•~ith; anri Wf(EREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiaati~n and study made by itself and in its hehalf, and aft~r due constderation of ill evidence and reports o`fered at said hearing, does find and deterr~inc the followinq facts: 1, That t~e petitioner proposes reclassification of subject property from the CL (Commercial, limited) and CG (Commercial, General) Zones to the CO (Commercial, OfPice and Professional) l.one to construct an office complex. 2, That tl,a Anafieim Generai ~i~n designates subject pronerty for generai commercial land uses. 3, That the proposed reclassification of suhject property is necessary and/or desirahle for the orderly and proper deve?opment of the community. 4. That the prooosed reclassification of suhJect proaerty does properly relate to the zones and tiheir oermitted uses l~cally estahlished in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses qeneraily established throughout the community. 5, That the proposed reclassification of sub.ject pro~erty requires the dedication and improvement of abuttinq streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the General Pian, due to the anticipated increase in traffic ~~ihich will be generated hy t'~~ intensification of land use. 6, That no one indicated their prr.sence at satd oublic hearina in opposition; and that no correspondence was receiver~ in opnostti~n to the subject petition. PCBn-14f: EMVIRO`lHFNTAL I~~PACT FINDING: That the Aniheim CitY Plannina Cammission has revi~~ied the proposal to reclassifiy subject oroperty fr~m the CL (f,ommercial, Limited) and C6 (Commercial, 6enrr~l) 'ones to thr. Ctl (Co^+nercial, Office and Professional) Zone to construct an office com~ler, on a rer.t~n~ularly-shaned p:~rcrl of land eonsistinc of approximatelv 1!1.5 acres located at the north~~est corner of Crescent Avenue and Euclid 5trcet, havinn a frontine oF anpr~r.imately 71~~ feet on the north side of Crescent Aveune, and ~ frontane of ap~rnximatrly ~1.^ feet ~n the a~est side of Euclid Street; and does hereby approve the ~leaative ~ecla ratinn from the requirement to nrepare an environmental impact report on thr_ hasis that there alould be no significant individual or cumulative a~iverse environmental in?act due tc the approval of this ~legative Declaration slnce the Anatieim feneral Plan ~iesignates the subject oroperty for qeneral commercial land uses commensurate ~~Ith the ~roposal; that no sensitive r_nvironmental imoacts are inv~lvr,d in the proposal; that the Initial Study suhmitted by the petittoner indicates no si9nificant inrfividual or eumulative adverse ~nviranmental impacts; and that th~ tleqative Declaration substantiating the foregoina findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. NOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RES~LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby c~rant suFject Petition Tor Reclassif(cation and, hy so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Hunicioal Code he amended to exclude the above-described proper*_y from the CL (CONMERCIAL, LI'11TED) A'!~ C~ (CQMMFRCIAL, ~ED!E2P.L) 7.~~IFS and to incoroorate said descrihed property into the C'1 (Cf1NMFRCIAL, ~~FICF A~ID PROFESSI~NAL) ZONE upan the folloti•ring conditions ~•~hich are herehv found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of suhject prnperty in orcier to preserve the safety an~i general melfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1, That the o~~mer(s) of suhject pmpert~~ shall oav to the Citv oF Anaheim a fee, in an amount as determined hy the City Council, f~r tree plantinq nurposes along Euclid Street and Crescent Av?nue. 2, That fire hydrants shall he installed and chargeci as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire De~artment prlor to commencement of structural framing. 3, That the owner(s) of subject prooerty shall deed to the City of Anaheim a 25 foot radius property line return at Euclid Street and Crescent Avenue. 4. That the o~~ner(s) of subject pronerty shall pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3~`?6) in an amnunt as determined by the City Councii, for ccxnmercial huildings prior to the issuance of a buildinq permit. 5, That trash storage areas shall be provided in accor~lance +aith approveri plans on fil~ ~~ith the Office of the Executive Director of P~ablic lJorHs. 6, That the twm er(s) of suF,ject propertY shall suhmit a lettrr requestina the termination of ~onditional Use Permit tJos. ;~r,~ 1,~~~ ~~1~~ ~~~i 1~57 to the Planning Deoartment. 7, That a 6-f~ot high m~sonry ~•~all shall he constructed alnn4 the west pronerry line, ~i, That subject property shall be developed suhstantially in accordance Hiith plans and specifications on file ~•rith the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 throu9h 7; provided, howrver, that any revised plans anciJor nlans for a drive-throuqh -2- PC80-14G bank shall he submitted to the Clty Traffic Fngineer and Planning Commission for review and approval. 9. Prior to the introduction of ~~ ~rdinanc~ rr~nnin~ suhj~ct nroperty, Condition Nos, 1, 3 and 6, ahovr_-m~ntioned, shall be comnlet~d. Thc nrovisions or rights granted by this resolution shall heca~e null and void !;y ir,tion of the Planning Commission unless said conditions are c~mnlied o-~ith o-~ithin one year from the date hereof, or such further tine as the Plannina Commission m~v qrant. 10. That orior to issuance of ~uilding nermits, thc ~evr)noment phasing plan shall be submitted to the Streets and Sa~itacion Jivision, Electric Cngineering ~ivision and Traffic Enqineerino Oivision f~r revie~~ and anproval, 11. That Condition ~los. 5, 7, ~3 and ~, ~hove-menti~ne~, sF.ali be complied with prior to final building and zoninq inspeetions. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the AnaheiM f,(ty Plinning Commission does hereby find and deter~ine that adoFtion of this Resolution is expressly predicated iipo~ applicant's compliance ~•~itti each and all of t'ie c~nditi~ns hereinahove set forth, 5hould any such condition, or any part thereof, he der_lared invalid or unenforceable by the final _judgment of a m court ~f ccxnpetent jiirisdfction, then this Resolution, and any appr-ovals herein contained, shall be dremed null and v~id. THE FORE~OIPIG RESOLUTIOf! is sinne~ and approvP~ hy ne this Rth day of September , 198~, ATTEST• ~~'~-~~; ~~..~ CfIAIP,~!q!I~ l1~~AF!EIH CITY PLA~!Nl~a~ COMMISSION `~~~~..~ ~ ~~,,.~:, SECRETARY~ ~~AHEIM CITY PLAM~aIN~ COMMISSION STATF OF CALIFORtJIA ) COUNTY OF ORq~~GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) !, Edith L. Harris~ Secretary of the Anahein City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certtfy that the foregoing resolution ~•~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Septemher `~, 1~?0, by the followirtg vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSION[RS: BARMES, BOI1qS, BUSH~PE, FRY, HFRgST, TnLA~ NOES; COMMISSIOWERS: FlONE ABSENT: COM"11SSIOhERS: IU NG IM WITtlESS WHEREOf, I havr. hereunto set my hand this "th ~1ay of September , 19A0, ~~ .r° ~~,A_ ~, SECRETARY, A~IAHEIPt CITY Pl.nN~!I~fr, CO"!MISSIOPJ -3- prR~-ltih