PC 80-147R:' i01.IIT10"I !IC. PC~^-11~ p. P,ESOUITI~!! OF TNE A!!/1F'FI'± f,ITY ?LP'1'!I"r C~'1~~Ic5~n~1 Tf!~T PFTITI~!! F~~ PfCL:15Slf ICATI~N t!^. ~^°~;1-~ [iC rnn~IT~^. IdfIEf~F./15, the Anaheir~ Citv Fl~nnina Cor~missi~n ~iid rnc~ivn. <~ verificd pctition for Recl~ssification from M!CH~FL D. DECY,tlFR A'If1 Y~.'I~L"~'! L. BEC!'~!FR~ °?;~ ~est Ba 1 1 Road, Anahr_ im, Ca 1 i forn i a `~2?nl! , ~~•mcrs an~i Dn': I fl. !:. I:. Cf~A~IG, 177`~ Colonial Avenue, Anaheim, California ~2~~1~, a~ent of c~rtain r~•il nropertv situated in the Citv of Anaheim, County of ~range, State of Califnrni~, descrihed as: The Soirth 1^7 `cet of that nortion of the b!r.st h~lf o` the South~•~est ~uarter of the Southeast ~uarter of Sectinn 13, in Tovmshin ~' South, Ran~e il '.Jest, in thc Citv of ~nah~im, Countv o` Oranqc~, State of Calif~rnia, San fiernardino `leridian, ~I^scrihPd as follo~•~s: Be9inning at the southeast corner of the sai~i blest half; thence 4fest alono the Snuth line of said sectinn, 1^'! F~et; khence North parillcl ~•~ith th~ Eist line of sai~' IJes*_ hal`, 'if.r `c~et to the !~orth lin~ of t~e land conveyed to °.ollv R, poy{;irt an~1 t•~i`e, hy de~d recorded ~ecenher 2h, 1^~~", in ~Soo{: 177~ na~e °1, Official P,ecor~'s, in the office of t~,e Co~int~ Recorder of said County; thenee East alona the tlorth line of said lnnd n` 9ovl~in in~+ a~i`r., i!1'1 fPet to the East 1 ine of sai~ Ilest half; thence ~out~~ ainno said East lin~~ 3~5 feet to the ~otnt of '~e~innino. ~~~~{~!?F/15, the Citv Plan~ing Commission did held a nutilic hParino at the Civic Center in the City of Anahelm on Seoten~~er ", 1^%i~, at 1:?^ n.n., notice of said putlic hearin9 havtna heen duly given as reouirr_d hy lav~ anrl in accorrlance ~~ith Yhe prcroisions of the Anaheim tlunicipal Code, Chapter 1^.~?, ro hear anri consider evidence for and against satd proposed reclassification an~l to investiqate and r~akP findings and rPCOr+~endations in connr_ction there~•~ith; anrl WNE^EAS, said Cor~niss(on, a~ter due insnection, investiai*inn ard study made bY itself and in its F.ehalf, and after due considcrition of all evidencF an~f r~perts offered at satd hearina~ does find and determine the f~ilo4~ing facts: 1, That the oetitioner proposes rFClassific.~tion ~f s~ihjr_ct or~~erty `ron the RS-A-h3.~n0 ~ResTdential/llgricultural) Z~ne to the R'1-1?~~ (Residential, Multiplc-Family) 7one. 2, That the Anaheim Ger.eral Plan ~iesfanates siih_lect nro~ertv for r~edium density residential land uses. j, That the n mposed reclacsification ~f cu~j~ct nrnnPrTv is necess~ry and/or desirahle for the ~rderly anri ~roper dc.v~ln~r~ent of thF rnr^munity. 1~ That the ornoosed r~classific~tion of sutiject nrnnerty d~es nr~nerly retitP t~ ihe ~ones and thetr permitted uses loc~llv cst~hlishrd in close vroxinity to suhje.:t nroPerty anrt to *he zones ~nd their n~rr+itted us~~ renerally ('SYBbIIShP(I throunhout thn_ cor^munitv, PC8^-1G7 5. That the proposed reclassification of suhject• property requires the dedication and improvement of abutting streets in accor~ance a~ith the Circulatton Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffTc vahich v~ill be generatcd by the intensification of land use. 6, That one person indicated hi~ presence at said puhllc hearing in °PPosition; and that one 1=tter ~~ias received in oprosition to the subject petition. EFlVIRO~I!1ENTAL IMP/1CT FIPlDING: That the Anzheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposa to reclassify suhject oro~erty from the RS-A-it3,000 (Residential/Agricultural) 7_one to RM-12~n (Residential, tlultiele-Fam11y) Zone to construct an $-unlt apartment huilding with ~valver of maximum structural heiaht on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisti~g of approximately !1.33 acre, havtng a frontage of approxirriately 1D0 feet on the north side of Ball Road, havinq a maximum depth of approximately 11~E feet and hetng located appr~ximately 5(5 feet east of the centerline of Dale Avenue; and does hereby approvP the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report ~n 'the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental ir~pact due to the approval of *_his Plegstive Declaration slnce the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for medium-density land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant indivldual or cumulative adverse environmental imnacts; and that the hleaative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. tJ~41, Tfl[REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pianninq Commtssion does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, by so doing, tFiat Title 18-Zoning of the Anahetm Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-1F3,000 (RESIDENTIFlL/Ar.RICULTUR/1L) ZQNF. and to incorporate said described property into the RM-12J0 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLF-FAMILY) 7_OPlF upon the folloa~tng conditions ~!hich are hereby found to be a necessary orerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the e~fPry and gen^ral ti;~elfare of tne Citizens of the City of Anaheim: ~ 1. That the owner(s) of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet iri~~~idth from the centerline of the street along Ball Road for street widening purpos~s. 2. That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim alonc~ Ball Road including preparation of improvement plans and installation of all imorovements such as curbs and gutters, side~•~alks, street gradtnq and oaving, drainage facilities or other appurtenant worl;, shail be complied tvitli as required by the City Engineer end in accordance arith specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer; :hat street liyhting facilities along Sall Road shall be tnstalled as re~uired by the Office of Utiliti~s General Manaqer, and in accordance ~•~ith specifications on fiie in the Office of l~tilities General Manager; and/nr that a bond, certificate of deposit, ietter of credit, or cash, in an amount and ferrn satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be pocted with the City to guarantee the installation of the above- mention~d requirements priar tc occupa~cy. 3. That trash storage areas ~hall be proviaed in accordance with approved plans on file ~:~ith the Office of the Executive ~irector ~f Public 1Jorl<s. '2' FC8o-11~7 4. That fire hydrants shall be instalied and charged as required and determined to be necessary bv the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of structurat framing. 5. That the o~•mer(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee, in an amount as determinecf by the City Council, for tree plantinq purposes along Ball Road. 6. That subject Property sfiall be served ~y underground utilities. 7, That drainage of subject property shall he disposed of in a manner satisfacY.ory to tiie City Engineer. 8. That the oe•mer of subject property shall ~ay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate parE: and recreation tn-lieu fees as determin~d to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to he paid at the time the buil~ing permit is issued. 9. That the oom er(s) of suhject oroperty shal? pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance PJo, y°y6) in an amou~t as determined hy the City Council, for each new d~veTling unit prior to the issuance of a huilding permit. 10. That subject property shall be dPVeloped sul~stantially in accordance with pla~s and specifications on file Hrith the City of Anahei~ marl:ed Exhfbit hos. 1 and 2. 11. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rez_oninq subJect property, Condition Nos. 1, 2 F.S, above-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights 9ranted by this resolution shall hecome null ancl void hy actton of the Planning Commission unYess said conditions are complied with ~,~ithin one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 17. That Condition Plos. 3, ~+, 7 and lOr ahove-menttoned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisston does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly oredicated upon applicant's compliance a~ith each and all of the conditions here'nabove set forth. Should any such condltion, or any part thereof, be declared invaiid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdictton, then this Resolu*_ion, and any approvals herein contained, sh~ll be deemed null and void. THE FORE~OItJG RESOLUTIQ~! is signed and approved by me this 8th day of Septemher, 1~f30. ~~u'<~L:~~ '~ " ~~`C~ CHAIRMAhJ, AtIAHcIM CITY PLANNIiff CGM'•11SS!OM ATTEST: ` ~c~.r~ ,~° ~~,-~,w SECRETA{',Y, ANAHF I M C ITY PLAP!PI I Plr, COMH 1 SS I OP! -3- PC$0-1 ~~7 r;'' STF~TE OF CAL I FORP•I I A) COUPJTY OF ORAPlGE ) ss. CITY OF AMAHEIM ) I, Edith L, Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregning resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Ptanning Commission held on Septemher ~, 19£3f1, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSI~MERS: BARNES, BOUAS, BUSHORF, FRY, HERRST, KING, T(1LAR NOES: COPI~MISSIOPlERS: PIOPlE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE I~l 411TtIESS tJHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of September, 1980. Q ~.~~ ~ ~~.i .t~~.. SEC RETARY, ANAHE I M C I TY PLAP!td i PJG C~PiM I SS I OP! -~F- PCSn-1 ~E?