PC 80-17?FSOL!ITIOid `10. Pr, ^o-j~ P~ RESf1LU7'fOH 0~ IL'[ ;~,td.4HEl~1 CITY PLf=.t!!;I!I~ fq~~,':,I~$i0'1 TF!~,T PETITI:~.'I FOR V~.~I~F~C~ !;C, ~i?n n~- r,n~.,',IjF~ llfIEREFlS, the ~`irr,iieim CiCy Planning Co^~r;i,sio~ di.~ r~~ceive a verified Petitior for Variance firom I~TIL•~il0 FLO,^,ES "`1;;;)gq~p;i ~l;;p ;;nrn~_ir. .Jnr,n,~ ~a~~~~R.q;~~t~ 4n7 East "lorth Street, 4naheim, Ca1i`orni3 ~'2;n5 n~. er~ ~f situated in tf~c City of llna'~eir, County of Oranqe, ;tatc c` Californiande;crihedD~asy Lot T in Clor_~~ A of ?ract tlo. 53'1, in the C~ty of ,~na"ci~, as shown on a map t!r~ren~ recorded in Lcol: 2'? , pane 1^, '1isc~llaneous ~"a~s, reeord; of saiu Orange County. l•/FIEREAS, thc City Planning Commission did hold ~ nublic hearinq at the City hla 1 1 i n the C i ty of ~~.nahe im on January 2', 1^3~'?, at 1• n •3 p.n., notic~ of said public hearing i~aving been duly given as required by la~, ar.c in accordance ~•~ith th~ provisions of the Anaheim ~lunici~al CodF, Chapt~r 18.nz~ to hear and consider evidence for and against said nroposed vari~nce ~nd to inv~s`ieat~ and rnal;e findings and recomro~ndations in eonnection there~rith; and ` IJHERFAS, s~~d Commission, after du~ insoection, investiaation and s2udy r~ade by itsel` and in its behalf, and aftr_r due consideration of ~I1 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and deterninc the foll~r:inn facts: 1. That the petitioner pr<~~;eses •~aiv~rs nf ,h^ follo~;tinq to retaln an illeyal garage eonversion and fencer (~) SEC'~101! 1~.~~.fi!p,n~? - Hinimum nunber of parkiny sp~ees. ~ ~ ~:~~~r~J s~~ae~e ree!ui rr~;l; ---- none er, i s t i ng (b) SECTIOIJS 1~.01,.O~t3.1~i and 1•. ~ ~. ~~ t. ~ n-.•'1ax: mum fence he i ~nt. 2 inel:es pcrmi tted; ~ eZ~et-pron.~sed) 2. That the ahove-m~ntioned i~~aivcr~ a~•c hereLy nranted nn thr hasis that one on-s i te par{;i na soace i•~i 1 1 t~e provi c+.er1 hy the oet i t i ~ner an:i ~ hat the proposed fence consists of masenry ,~loci: and ~~,rcught iron ~•~hich does not ~~dvers~,ly affect the visibiliCy for sa,`ety alonp adjaeent streets. 3. ihat thc a!~ovr.-mentioned r~~ivei; are hereby granteri sui~jecl' t~~ the following stipulatior,s macle by the petitionr.r at the oublic hearinn: (a) That the ~:<isting bricl; and O1 ive St l pi laster nearest to t',e corner of !;orth Street r~•~[ s ~all bc r~~r:oveu inrl rcpl;~crd i:i th ~ sn~il~r str •el ~~c~;t to support: the o proposed fencing shall be rna~nental subiect ircm te !,e t _ in,t~lled; „nd that the Engineer to insure proper traffic o ,~nnrovii visibility fro h, the City Traffic m th d e a jacent streets. PC`3~-1] (!~) That r_~i~ ~i;ncr shall ohtain ,-, Cit:,, ri~'~t_-nf..~..~„i per~iit far a?1 construction ~~it!•~in th~ n~iF.lic ri~f-~t:-nf-~:»y ~n~1 >h~il ~nnfor~. Co all C i ty or~l i nances tiicre`or. (e) That all proposcd and existinq fencinn ,hall he no hiqh<:r than si~•. (5) feet ,~s measurerl fror~ qroun~l lnvel. (J) That one parl:.ing sp~ce sh~ll he provi~le~1 cn site in the `ront' setbacl< alonn Oliv~ Street, sul~jeet to t~e ~,r.nroval of the City Planning Departraent and th^ City Enginer_r; and ~h~C netition~r ;hall sCipulate, in ~nritinc, to par!<ina his ~ersonal ~~:>f~icle in saicl on-site parkina space. (e) That plans shall i;e submitt~ci to the Buildi7q Givision shot-~ing comnli<nc~ ~:~ith the minimun standards of the City of Anznein, including the Uniforr.~ Bui~ding, Pli-~rouinq, Electricnl, fiousinn, ,`lecha~ic~1 and Fire Cedes as adopted hy the City of Flnaheim; and that the appropriate pernits shall he obtained for any necessary ~-rork.. h. That there t~r~ exceptional or extr~ordinar~r eireu~stances or eonditions a~plieable to the nroperty involved or to the intende~-1 use o` the property that do not cpply generally tc [he propcrCy or class e` use in tlie sar.~~ vicinity and zone. 5. Th~r. the renuested varianc~ is necessary ~nr the nres~rvation and enjoy~ent ~` a,ubstantial property righ.*. possesse~ 6y other prenerty in thc sa~~e vieinity and zone, and denied to the ~roperty in question. u. That the recuested variancc ~~~ill not ~e materiaily detrinen~al to the public ~•~elfare or injurious to r.he prooerty or in~roveTents in such vicinity and zone in ~•ihich the property is located. 7. That 3 persons indicated th~ir nresence at sai~l public he~ring in opposition; and that nc correspondence ~tas received in opposition te the subject petition. EI!',I"OiINEtlTAL II11'ACT FIiIC~I;1G: Thc Plannin~ Director or his outhorized representative has determined that the prooosed project falls ~~rithin the de`inition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 3, as defined in Paragra~h 2 of th~ City of Anaheim Environmental Impact "eport Guideiines a~d is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIF;. 1104I, Tfl~i'iEFORE, BE IT RESGLVED that the Anaheim City Ptanning Co~nmission does hereby grant sub;ect Petition for l~ariance, upon the fo~lc~~•~ina conditions which are herr_by found to be a necessary prerequisite to tf~e pr~posed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and ge.neral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: i. That thc o~•rncr shall obtain a City right-of-s~ay permit for ail eonstruction ~:rithin the ~uhlic right-of-~;~ay and shall conforr to all City ordinances therefor. -7.- PC$0-17 2. Thar. the o~mer(s; of subject proncr~y shall p~y to t!ie City of P~nahein a fe~, in an amount as ceterinined by the City Council, for strcet linhtirg along tlorth Street and Olivc Strcet. 3• That trash storage areas sh~)1 be nrovi~ied in accordance ~~ith approved plans on file ~:rith the Office of thr Executive 7irector of Pu!+lic blor{;s. 1`• Plans shall be suhnitted to the ~uildirci Division shorring complianee with the minimum standards of the City ot`.4naheim, includin.^, thr_ Uniform Building, Plun,bir,g, Electrical, Housing, ~lechanical and Fire CoeJes as adopted by the City of Anahein. The appropriate pernits shall 6e o;,tainerl for any necessary ~vork. 5. That sub.ject property shall he develoor.d suhstantially in acrordance ~~+ith plans and sp~eifieations on file ~~~ith the City of Anaheir*, marked Exhihit ~ln. 1; provided, ho~•~ever, that one par!;ing spacc s~all he provided on site in the front setbac4: along Olive Stre~t; and that th° masonry bloc!< pilaster near~st the corner o` Ulive and ~lorth Streets shall be remaved and re~l,iced ti•iith ornamnntal ~~~rcught irvn, as approved by the City Traffic Enginecr. 6. That Conditiun ~lo,, 1, 7 and Is, abovc°mentioned, shall 6e conplied ~•~ith prior to the cor~meneemen*_ of thc activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to thc~ time that the buil~ling permit is issued, or t•~it!iin ~ pericd ~f sir.ty (~d) days from dale hereoF, ~::5iehever occurs first, or such further tire as the Planning Commission may grant. 7. That Cond i tion t;os. 3 ar~~1 5, above-r.icnt ioned, shai 1 he corr.pl ied 4~i th prior to final huilding and zoning inspections. [3E !T FURTHER R[SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planninn Cocimission does hereh~ find and deterr~ine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly pr-^_dicated upon applicant's compliance ~~~ith each and all of the conditions hereina6ove set forth. S~1C.1t1~C~ %111V Cllrl~ (`nrl!~iti(?n nr rr f~t. .-,F I. .1..-1. .,J ~1• " ~L_ _ ~~ n~~ n~ n~.n_ ...~ ...:....~~~... --••.~. ~ i.~ ~ ~`l.l:U IC: by the final judgr~ent of any,court o` competent^jurisdicti~n, then this~Resclution, and a m~ ~pprovals herein centained, shall be deemcd null and ~i~id. THE F~f;~r01:'1~ RFSOLUT 10"! i s s i une:~ and apnrov~d 6y r,.e th i s?.°•th day of January, 1^8^,, _ _C~A~t~,.c_ /~ ,~d ~..... .. CfIA I?!!A;J, A~!AHE I ~' C I PLA^I`I I"I~. CO'"%! I SS I 0~; ATTEST: `~~ ~ ~~ SECRE i ARY, A~d,~HE 1;~1 C I i Y PLr,NM I'IS C011H I55 10'rl -i- PC"~-17 STFlTE UF CAL I FO~.fI I ~`, ) COUtlTY OF ORA~,GE ) ss. CITY OF A;!AHEIM ) ~, Edit'n L. Flarris, Secretary of Cn~ Anaheir City Plannin, Comr.iissier, do herehy certify that the foregcina resolution ti:~as passed ard a~;onted at a meeting of the Anaheim City planning Conmission held on Januar~ 2", 1~~>n, by thc foiloa~ing vote of the nembers thereof: P.YES: COF;;9ISSIO,dERS: GARNES, [iUSII~RL, F!',Y~ HF~CST, !:I~lf:, T~~qp. td0E5: C01!'~IIS510^lEP,S: tJO~IE ADSEt;T: COh!!11SSIOfIERS: D1V17 ItJ b11TflESS IJHEREOF, I!iave hcrcunto set my hand this 23th day o` January, 1^>u0. /. K~t, ~l ~~ /~i SECRETARY, ArJF,H~I'1 CITY PLP,P!!!If!~ COt1~tISSI~JPi _t+' PC811-1?