PC 80-187~ .~. ~ RESOLUTION tJO. PC3~-1°7 A RESOLUTIOr! OF TII[ /1rIAHE I ~t C 1 TY PLAHt! I~1G CO~t~±l SS I Qr! RECOM~!~~lD I IJG TO TIIE C I i Y COU~~C I L OF THE C ITY OF A`!AH[ IN DISAPPRO~IAL OF AtlAHEIH GE~~ERAL PLAt! AME~lDMENT ~70, 1~3 IAND USE ELfMENT. WHEREAS, The City f,ouncil of the City of Anahcin did id~pt the /lnahetm General Plan by Resolution No. ~~9R-6~r~~, s!ioti~ing the aeneril cf~,cription and ~xtent of possible future development of land ~•iithin ~he City; and WHEREAS, on Se~tember 5, 1~7~, The City Council aporove~l Reclassification No. 7a-79-6 (RS-A-43~000 [o RS-50Q0) and Conditional Use Permit No, lPb~ (to permit a 35-unit planned unit dcvelooment r~ith a a,a;ver of minimun buildino site area per dwelling uni[) on approximately 5.0 acres. Cn September 1~1, 197~, the Planning Comission approved Tentative Tract N~, 9315 (Revision ~Jo. 1) which prooosed a one- lot~ 35-unit condomintun su6division and on Decemher 3, 1!17q, tfie Planning Corinission approved a revised plan for construction of 2^ do-~ellin~ units on 4.2 acres; and WHEREAS, the Planning Deoartment deemed it appropriate, pursuant to the provisions of the California EnvironmPntai Qualtty Act, to prepare a Negative Declaration in connection with the C,eneraT Plan Amendr+ent for the f~reqoina area under consideration; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Plannina Cormission did hoid a public hearing at the Anaheim Civic Center~ Council Chamher, 200 South Anahei^~ Boulevard, Anaheim, on ~~ovember ;, 198~, a[ 1:30 p.~., notice of said puhlic he~ring havinq heen duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahein Municipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and aaainst said anendment to [he Anaheim General Plan and to investigate and make findi~gs and recommendat~~ns in connection there~~rt th; and WHEREAS~ said Commission. after dun insoccti~n, inv~~tictatf~n ~~.~ c~~~~ty na~~ by )tseif ~nd in its behalf~ and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, DOES NEREBY FIND: 1, That evtdence presented did not substantiate the need for an amendm=n[ to the Anaheim &c^eral Plan at this time. 2. That the Cicy Council considered and adopted the City inttiated General Plan Amendment No. 11+5 ~Alternate Exhihit "A") on April 18~ 1~7E~ r~hlch changed the land use designation to Lo~~ Density Residential. A prevision was included in the approval that a planned uni[ development arould be permi;ted provic'~d chat the densTty could not exceed seven (7) dwelling units per gross acre. 3. That approximately 20 persons were present at said public hearino and a petition was submi[ted concatning a~proxir~ately 11+~ signatures of pPrsons in opposition. PCBo-tE7 NOW~ TNEREFORE, EE IT RCSOLVED that [he Anaheim City Planninq Ccvnmission havi.g reviewed tfie prop.sal for a Gen^ral Plan Amendmr_nt to consi~er changing the eurrent lo+~i densi[y residential designation to Low-Nedium Density ~esidential on an irre9ularly-shaped arr_a cnnsistin~ of approxim~[ely 4.2 acres located ge~erally northeast of the intersection of Simmons Avenue and hlaster Street; and does hereby disapprove the Negative Declaration fron thc requirement to prepare an environmental lmpact report on the basts that there Yro uld be significant individual ~r cumulative adverse environmenta) impact due to the approval of this Nenative Declaratio^; that sensttive environmental impacts are involved in [he proposal; and tha~ *.~~e Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates significant individua{ or cumulative a~verse envfrorvnental imoacts; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED~ that pursuant to the foregoina findin~s, the Anaheim City Planning Cor.mission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City or" Anaheim disapproval of General Plan Amendment l~o. 163, as follows: 1, That no changes he made to the current 6eneral Plan designation. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and a~prnved by me Chis 3rd day of November, 1~~0. G~cyt'.~ ~'~ ~'~'~`-- CHA I RHA~I, APIAtiE I M C i TY LANH I NC, COMM I SS ( ON AT7E5T: ~~=-~ ~ ~~~:- SECRETIIRY~ A~JAHEIM CITY PLflNNING COMMI5510~! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORA~JGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Edith L. Harris~ Secrztary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisston. do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adooted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cortmission held on November 3. 19II~, hy the follo~ring vote of the menbers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIO~lERS: QARNES, BOUAS, FRY, NER85T, KINr,~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BUSHO4E ABSENT: COMMi5510NERS: ~IONE IN ~ITNE55 WNEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3r.i day of November~ ig8o. ~cc~~ .z- ;~~~~.~.-.. SECRET.4RY~ ANAHEIFI CITY PLAPIqiNG COMMISSION _Z_ PC£3~-187