PC 80-235RESOLUTIOM ~10. PC8~-7.35 RESOLUTIO~I OF THE At~AftEIN CITY PLA-1NI~Ir, ~pr~r~ISS10~1 THAT PETITIOtI FOR ~;ARIANCE 1l0. 31°,2 BE UEHIED WHEREAS~ the Anaheim CTty Planning Commission did receive a verlfied petition for Variance from G~RAP,D F, WARDF AHD JOYCE M. IlARDE, e[ al, ~;334 East La palma Avenue~ Anaheim~ Californla 92807, cNmers of certain .•eal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of f,alifornta, described as: The South 210.~0 feet of the East 1?6.~2 feet of the b/est 10.27 ac~es of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest auarter of Section 2~. Township 4 South, Range 10 IJest, Rancho Los Coyo[es~ CitY of Anahein, as shown on a mao recorded tn boot: 51. page 1~ of Miscellaneous Maps~ records of Orange County, Caiifornia, deccrtbed as follor~s: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Southeast quarcer of the Southwesc auarter of Section 2~, Township 4 South~ Range 1~ Vest, r!?7.2 feet uest of [he Soutfieast corner of said Southeast quarter of the Sout~iest quarter; thence West along the South line of said Southeast n„gfC°~ ~c t4~ Southwest quarter, ~35 feet to the Southwest corner of said Southeast quarter of the Sou[hwest quarter, sald point bei~q ~329.3 feet East of the Southwest corner of sald Section 21; thence North along the tJest line of the Southe~st qu~rter ef tha Southwest quarter of said Section~ 121'+ fcet tn the South )ine of the tract of land conveyed to the Southern racfftc Railrr~d Company by deed recorded September 19~ lro~~ t~ boo~ G5. paoe 1LQ of Deeds; thence East al~g said South right of ~~y tine ~35 feet; thence South 1214.75 feec to the point of beginnino. 1JFIEREAS, the Ctty Pianning Commisston did hold a public heartnn at the Civtc Center in the City of Anaheim on Decrmher 15, 1~8~~ a[ 1:30 p.m,~ noLice of said public hearing having been duly aiven as requTred by I~r, a~r1 in accardance with the pravisions of the Anahetm Municipal Code, Ct~apter iR,03, to hear and cons~der evidence fo~ and against said proposed variance and to investi4ate and make findinqs and recortimendations in connection therew(th; and 41FIEREAS, said Commisston. aftcr due fnspection, investigatlen and study made by itself and in its behalf~ and after due consfderation of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing~ dces find and de[erntne the follewin~ far.ts: ~. SECTION 18,31.061.012 - Mintmum lot arca er dwellinn unit. 30 0 s uare eet rcqu re ; 211+ square cec pro~sed) B. SECTION 18.31.OG2,012 - Maxim ~n structural heiqht. 1 story perm ttc w th n ~-~eet of RS-720A zoning; 2 5[orics prrsposed) PC8o-235 ~hi~ya.. .., C. SECTIO'! 18.31.062.~2~ - Nax.imun site coverane. i0, pern tted; +T~.7Z proposed) D. SECTIOti - Hinimur.~ IandscancA sc[back. 2 eet required ahutt nq RS-7?~~ zontng; ~t ororwsed) E. SECTION - Hinimur.~ recreational-leisure arPa. 1000 s uare eet per un t requ r.d; 3~ square eet pr~posed) F. SECTIO-1 1Fi.31.066.01~ - Minimun number of ar~ino s aces. 39 soaces required; 25 spaces pr~posed) 2. That the above-mentioned waivcrs ~rc hereby denied on the basis that the petitioner did not dcmonstrate that a hardshie cxists duc te the size. shape or topography of suhject property. and tfia[ ~Dnrevai of said .+aivers vrould adverscly ir*.pact the nearby single-family resiAentiai uses. 3. That there are no exceptiona) or extraor~finary circumstantes or eonditions appltcable to the aropertV involved or to the irr~ndeA use of [he oreoerty that do not apply 9e~erally to the oronertv or tlass o~ u5e tn t~+e sa~~ vletnity and zone. ~+. That the reouested variance is not necessary for th~ preservatlon and enjoyment ~f a•;ubstan[iat property right t~ossessed by othcr nrooc.~cy in the suae victnlty and zane, and d~-nied t~ the prcperty in ~ucstion. 5. That the requcsted variance Ni11 `,e materially detrlment~l to the publlc welfare or (nJurtous to the Frooerty or tmpr~venents in such vtcinitY and zone in vfiich the property is located. G. That three (3 ) Persons indicated tneir presence at said p~bile hearing in oppos.tion to the specific developr+ent proposat; and that no corr~sDonde~ce aas receiv~d in opposition ta ihe subject petition. E~IVIROtIMENTAL IHPACT FINDI~IG: That thc Anahclm CTty Pinnninq Carn+lssion has revlerro d the proposa tc~ rec ass y subject aropertY from tye RS-72~~ (Residential. Singie-Family) Zone to ~he Rr-3000 (Residenttal. Multlvir-Fently} Zone to censtruct s one-lot~ T1-unit condom?nium suhdlviston Ntth waTvers of mint~+u~ lot ares pcr dwelling unf[. maximuti structural height. mnximum slte covera~e, mInIT•n landscap~d setbatk, minlmum rccrca:tonal-l~tsure arca and nintmum number of onrktna svaces on a rectangularly-shaped p~rccl of land co~sistina of appr~Kim,,t~ly n,f1~ acrr. located at thc nertheast corncr of Katella A venue and Da11os ~rive, h~vin~ frontaqes of approximately 1?0 feet on the north sFdc of Kate11A Av~nuc and 17~ feet on tho east side of Uallas Orivc (2'135 Ncst Katclla Avcnu~); and docs hcr~by iaorove the Ncqative Declaratlon frori the requ!r~rnent to pr~pare an t~vtrone~entai tr.spati repflri ort Llse basts that therr. would he no signtftcant individual ~r cu+~ula-tve Adverse environmental impact due to Che approval of this 1legativ~ Aeclarati~n since the Anahe(m Gencral Plan deslgru+tcs thc subJect propcrty for toa-me~diu~ dtnsTta tand uses commensurate with the pre~sal; that ne sensttivc cnvTronnr.n;al tnpacts are Tnvolved in tho proposal; that the Initial Study suMnitted t~y thr ~~tTtinner lndicates no -2- PC80-235 ~. signifteant individuai or cumulative adverse envirornnental impacts; and that the Hegative Declaration s•~bstan[iating the foregoing flndings Is on file in the City of Anahei~ ?lanning Department. NO'a~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that !he Anahetm City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Variance on the basis of the foregoing findings. THE FOR[;OItIG RESOLUTIO!! is si~ned and approved by me tfiis 15th day of Decemher, 193~. L~4~ ~ H I ~~ N~ ~I H M L:IN Nr, MMISSION ATTEST: SECRE~R~~~ ANAHEIn CITY L11ti~tl!J~ CO'1yI5SInN STATE OF CALIFBRNIA ) COU!1TY OF ORAttGE ~ ss. CITY OF AtUiHE1H } !, fdiih i. NaFris~ SseFeE~~y of the Anaheim City Plannino Corrmtssfon, do herebr terttfy that the foregoing resolution rras passed and adop':ed at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cornlssion held on Decenhcr 15. 1480, by the following vote of the n~enhers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARt~ES~ BOUAS~ BUSNORE, FRY, Klfir,, ToLAR NOES: COMMISSIOt~ERS: NOtIE ABSENT: COMM~SSIOtlERS: HER85T IN W~TNES~ 4MEREQFt 1 hav.. F,~~..~~~~~ c..t .~. ti~..~+ Lk~. tc~~ ~+~~, ~f pecer.,trer, 1980. - ~~ .C- ~-+w ~~ SECRETAR . At1A!iEIM CITY L n~tlNr, CryM~SStoN -3- PC80-235 - .-~~