PC 80-31RESOLUTIO(I ~10, pC o^_31 RESOLUT l Otl ^F THE ,1rlA~iE I~1 C I TY PLA~It~ I,~~ CO!trt I SS I ~~I TfIAT PETITIOt! FOR V/1RI~tICC ~l0. 313~ EF GR~1tITED WHEREAS, the Anahein City Planning Cor~nission did receive a verified Petition for Variance from TE:;.4C0 A"I~IlEl~1 HILLS, I~dC., 3^^ Anaheim Hilis Road, Anal~eim, California 923n7, otimer of certain real property situated in the City of Anahelm, County of Orange, Stote of Cali`ornia described as: A11 that certain real property in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of California, bein~ that portion of projected Sections il and 12, Toamship ~; South, Ranne 9 41est in the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana; described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of the land described in Parcel 2 in the d~ed to the City of Anaheim recorded ~•tarch 15, 197; in Book :~5~16, Pages 4'~1 et. seq. of Official Records, records of said County, said most tlortherly corner being the PJortherly terminus of that certain course in the houndary af said land described as having a bearing of ilorth 15° 30'23" East and ~ length of 277.53 feet; t5ence SouCherly aTong tne 1/esterly line of said land the follo~ving courses: South 15° 30 23" West, 27?.~3 feet; South 44° 1~~ 13" 41est, 393.72 fect; South 238.2~~ feet; North 32° 59~ ZS" East, ~1~t,60 feet; South 25~ 04' 1?" East, 377,5~3 feet; South 5n° 2~~ ~S'~ East, 421.25 feet; thence leaving said boundary PJortli 9° 26' 30" tast, 420.71 feet; thence East 315.1t~ feet; thence South 36° 05' ~5" East, 3'S.03 feet; thence South 70° 11;' 32" East~ 2~~•33 feet; thence South 9° 4E' 13" West, 306.4l+ feet to the boundary line of said Parcel 2; thence along saicl boundary line South 77~ 45' 34" West, 4Rn,~~ f~~t~ t!~^^cc tca:~Fng ;aic ucur~ary line South 346.3~ feet; thence South 16° 21~' 4b" llest, ~+27.49 feet; thence South 1~O 30' ~~" East, 451.00 feet; thence South 560 30' 00" East, 24Q.l10 feet; thence South (~7° 03' ~0" We~t~ 597.np feet; thence North ~~° 07' 33" West, 545.8C- feet; thence South (,7° 55' 00" t•/est, 250.0~ feet; thencc South 5d~ 41' 00" blest, A7g.00 feet; thence South 3(;° 21' O~E" West, 280.50 feet; thence North 54° 35' 00" 4Jest, 503.00 feet; thence South 35~ 25' 0~" West~ 215.00 feet; thence South 80° 25' 00" West, 7n,~~ feet; thence tJorth 5~~~ 3S' OQ LJest, 120.OJ feet; thence ~lorth ;~ 35' 0~'~ lJest, ~~,0(? feet; thence North 35° 25' 0~" East. 95.00 fee±; thence ~Jorth 3tio 12' 42" Wes[, 27~~.4~ feet; thence ~Jorth 77° 30' O(1" blest, 539.53 feet; thence ivorth II5 40' ~7" West~ c~27.13 feet to the Ilesterly line of said Section 12; thence along said Westerly line ~Jorth 0° 43' S1" East~ 609.53 feet to a line parallel o-~itli and ~.istant ]OOQ.00 feet Northerly of the Southerly lin~~ of said Sec[ton 11; thence along said parallel line North $a° 13' 14" ldes[, 2;~,25 feet; thence !lorth G5° OZ' 22" Wes[, 75~.21 feet; th~nce hJorth 33° 50' 00" West, 12n3,j~ fcet; Lhence tJor[h 17~ 3S' 33" liest, 31'1,?n feet to the tJortho-restetly line of that certain easenent described in Parcel 1 in the deed to thc Southern California Edison Com~any PCC~-31 recorded December 23, 1~68 in Bool< F"24, Paqe 1~ et seo. of Official Records; thence along said t•lortho-res*_erly line the followiny courses: North 72° 24' 27" East, ~5F.50 feet ~dorth C~° 05' 26" East, 1209.a6 feet; tJ~rth 72° 24' 32" East, 2751i.5i feet; Morih 72° 23' ~f5" East, 713.6.9 feet and Nor;~; 6~?O 25' 2~!" [ast, 454.53 feet t~ a point an the centerline of tJohl Ranch Road as described in the deed to tl~ie Cit/ of /lnaheim, recorded hlarch 23, 1973 in 3001: 1QC;~~, Page 67J~ et. seq. of saicl Official Records; thencc along said centerline, Soutii GF:° ?.~ 12" East, ~;~,19 feet to the beginning o` a curve concave hdortheasterly and having a radius of 600.00 feet; thence Southeasterly alono said curve ti~rough a c~ntral angle of 2fi° O1' 25" an arc distance of 27?.57. feet to the point of beginning. Centainin,c an area of 3~~f.717. acres more or less. WHEREAS, the Ctty Planning Conmission clid Nall in the City of Anaheim on February 11, 1~40, at hearing having been duly given as rec;uired by provisions of the Anaheim htunicipal Code, Chapter evidenc~ for and against said proposed variance and and recommendations in connection there~f~ith; and iold a puhlic hearing at the C1ty 1:30 p.m., notice of said public 1a~1 and in accordance with the 18.n3, to hear and consider to investigate and make findings WHEREFlS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its Lehalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. Tt. : the petitioner proposes iaaivers of the followinq to establish one (1) open space ard eleven (11) re~idential tracts ~~~ith 7_07 RS-2400(SC) units, 327 R~1- 3000(SC) units, 25 RS-HS-22,OQ0(SC) units, and 13 open srace lots: (a) SECTIOf~I 1E.01.130 - Required lot frontage. all lots required to front-on a dedicated street; .~ri 1~40(1(SC) and R!1-3000(SC) lots proposed to front-on private streets (b) SECTIOtJ 18.2t4.061.021 - tlaximum number of lots on a cul-de-sac. 10~L o total tract lot count permitted in RS-HS-10,000 Zone; 12.5% proposed) (c) SECTIOMS t~.23.061.020 and t.32.0~1,020 - Minimum buildinq site width. 0 eet required on an RS-HS-22,~~0(SC) cul-de-sac; 50 feet proposed for 1 lot; 70 feet required in R11-240Q(SC) zone; 30- t-~0 feet proposed for 207 lots) 2. That the above-mentioned waivers are hereby granted on the basis that the petitioner states tfiat a hardship exists due to the topography of subject property. -2- PC~O-31 3. That there are exceptional or extraordin~ry circumstances or conditions ap~ticable to the property involved or to the intended use of th~ prooerty that do not apply generally to the propr_rty or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. That the requested variance is necessary for the rreservation and enjoyment of a suhstantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and ~enied to tne property in question. 5. That the requesCed variance will not be materially detrimental to the public we~rare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in ~•~hich the ~roperty i, located. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said puhlic heartng in opposition; and tliat no correspondence ~•~as received in ooposition to the subject petition. E~JVIROPtt1ENT~L 1MPACT FIt1DIidG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find that Environmental Impact Report h~o. 2;5, supplementing EIR Ne. 207t3 v~hich covered the addition of Planning Units IX and XIX to the Anaheim hlills Planned Community Zone and was certified by the City Council on Decemher 30, 1977, for the proposed development of 5~° residential units on an area of ap~roximately 34% acres located approximately 1400 feet south of the intersection of ~Johl Ranch Road and Anahelm liills Road, having been considered tliis date k~y *_he Anaheim City Planning Commission and evidence both written and oral, having been presented to supplement draft EIR No. 7_35, tl,e P)anning Commission finds that ootential project generated individual and cumulative adverse impacts have been redur_ed to an insignificant level; and that tlie subject draft EIR ilo. 2~5 conforms to the f,ity and State F.I° Guidelines; and tnerefore, based upon the foregoiny information and testimony given at this public hearing, the Planning Commission does hereby certify said ~IR Ido. 235. N041, TfiER[FORE, ft[ IT RESOL~IED that the Analieim City Planning Commission does hereby grant sul~ject Petition for Variance, upon the folloo~inG conditions wnich are hereby found to 6e a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve tlie safety and general welfare of the Citizens of ttie City of Anaheim: 1. That this Uariance is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 7g-80-25, naw pending. BE IT FURTFIEP. RESOLVED that the Analieim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance ~~ith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or une~forceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, tiien this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. TH[ FOREGOIflG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this llth day of February, 1°80. ATTEST: ~ .t.° ~1~,,~ _. SECRETARY, ANAHE I M C I TY PLAN"! I iJG COMM I SS I Qi! ~...~~. ~ _ . ~ ~~ CFTFl I r.t~or~Ar!, AplA IE I M C TY PLAPIM I NG coMr~ i ss i or~ -3- PC~o-31 ~°~. S7ATE 0 F CAL I FORFJ I A ) COUDlTY OF ORA~lGE ) ss. C ITY OF A~~AIiE IFt } I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetiny of tlie Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission held on February ti, 1a30, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMt41SSI0PJERS: BARtdES, BUSHORE, DAVID, FRY, I;ERGST, KIPlG, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: tJ01lE ABSEtJT: COt1i11SSI01JEP,S: tiOPi[ ~~~ WITNESS 41fIEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of February, 1gao. `~~~~ ~~ ~ SECRETARY, AhlAHE I H C I TY PLANIi I i1G COMi1 I SS I ON -L- PC30-31