PC 80-54RESOL!ITIO~I ~1Q. PC90-51~ A RESOLUTIO!1 OF TI;E A~1N!Eltt CITY PLA"IPlltlr, Cn~tt115SiQN TH/1T PETITIO~I FOR COtIDITiOF!/1L IISF PER'tIT ~!'1. 205<, f3E ~RAt!TED 4l11ERE/15, the llnaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Perm;t fron NICIiFlEL J. CR~Jf,IL .~,ln W~LTFR SH(10Y., 2920 East La Jolla Street, Anaheim, California ^23f1~, o~;rners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County oP Orange, State ef California, descrihed as: Parcel ;, in the City o` .4naheim, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map filed in hool~ 95 pa~es ;3 and ;1~ of Parcel Maps, in the office of tF~ county recorclr.r of saiJ county. IJHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Ha11 in the City of Anaheim ~n !darch 24, 1~3~, at 1;3n p,m., notice of said public hearing havinq been duly given as required by la~i anci in accordance ~~~ith the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1".!~3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit and to investigate and make f i nd i ngs and recomr.iendat i ons i ri connect i on there~-: i th; ancl 4JfIERCA~, said Commission, after due ins~ection, investigation anci study made by itself and in its Lehalf, and after ~ue consideration of all evidence ~,id reports offered at said heariny, does find and deterraine the folla:~ing fi~ts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for rihich a conditional use permit is authoriz~d by Anal~ein t?unicipal Co:ie Section 1".n3.~;n.^1Q to ~it: to retain a contractor's stora~e yir~l in thF •~L (In~!usrrqal, ~ ~ni«c~) ~one. 2. That the proposed use is hereby granted for three (3) years, subject to revier~ by tlie Planning Commission, upon written request by the ~etitioner, for consider~tion of possible extensions of time if the use has not had an adverse impact on nearby uses and pronerties. 3. That the proposed use is hereby granted su6ject to the petitioner's stipulation that the existtng access gate from La Jolla Street shall be open at all tines during regular business tiours. 4. That ti~e proposed use e•~i 11 not adversely affect the adjoining lancl uses and the gro~vth and devetopment of the area in ~:~hich it is proposed ta be located. 5. That the sizc and shape of the site prcoosed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, he~lth, safety, and general a~elfare of the Citizens of the C i ty of /1na5e i m. 6. That the granting of tlie Conditional Use Permit un~ier the conditlons imposed, if any, i•~ill not be detrimental to the p~ac~, health, safety and general welfare cf the Citizens of tfie City o` Anahei~, PC?0-S~, 7. That the traffic gener~ted by tli~ nro~os,~d lJSC will not innose an undue burden upon th~ streets an~ high~~ays designvd and improved to carry the traffic in the area. ~s. That no one in~iicate~ their presc:nce ~t s~i:l public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence ~•fas r~ceived in onposition to the subject petition. EidVIRO(4PiFPlT/1L I?i?~1CT FltdDlh!;: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviei~~ed the proposal to retain a contractor's stor~ge yard ir, the F1L (industrial, Limited) Zone on a rectang`larly-shopecl parcel of lan~! consisting of approximaLely 1.1 acres having a frontae~^. o~ appror,imately ir5 Feet on the south side of La Jolla Street having a maximum depth of 31~! fe~t and i~ein9 located approximately 1`;~ feet aiest of Lhe centerline of 'ecl Gum Street; and does hereby approve Lhc ~leqative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there o-rould be no significant in~!ividual ~r cumulative adverse environmental impact u~c to the approval of this tlegative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan desi~nates the subject property for generai industrial land uses commensurate a~ith the ~roposal; that no sensitive environmenta) impacts are involved in the pruposal; that the Initial Study subnitted hy thr petitioner indicatPs no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental im~acts; and that the t~legative Declaration substantiating tl~e foreyoing findings is on file in the City of Analieim Planning Departr.ient. h:061, THEZEPORE, DE IT RESQL.'-J that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does iiereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions ~~~hicn are he~e~y found to be a necessary prerequisite Y.o the proposed use of the suhject property in ordcr to preserve the s~fety and general we]`are of t!ie Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That all engineering requirements of the City of .Anaheim along La Jolla Street including preparation of improvenent plans and installation of a~~ inprovements such as curbs and gutters, sidei~alks, street qradin~ ~n~i navin~, dra i na~e fa~ i 1 i t i ~s er ot!tcr Jp~u~t~~~~~~~ ,.~o~~_~ sha 1 1 be comp 1 i ed aii th as requ i red by the City Engineer and in accordance ~oith specifications on file in the Offtce of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities along La Jolta Street shall be installed as required by the Office of Utilities General Mana~er, and in accordance ~~i*_h specifications on fiie in the Office of I.ltilities Genera) ?lanager; :;nd/or that a bond, certificatr_ of e~epesit, letter of credi:, or cash, in an amount and for~n satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted t~~ith the City to ~uarantee the installation of the above-mentioned requirements prior to occupancy. 2. That trast~ storage areas shall be provided in accor:iance ~~~ith approved plans on file with the Office of the Executive Director ~f Puhlic 1~lorks. '. That the o~:~ner(s) of sub;ect property shall pay aopropriate clrainage assessment fees to the City oF Anaheim a; determined hy the City Engineer ~•~ithin a period of sixty (Gn) days. ~E. 7hat the o~:~ner(s) of subject property shall pay the traffic signal assessnent fc,e (Ordinance 'r!o, ;?;;:) i~ ;n ar~ount ~s :lrterminc~l tiy th~ i y Council, for industrial building; ~:ithin a neriod of sir,ty ((^) days. ~~ -2- PC~n->tF 5. That the existing structure shall bc Lrought up to the minimum standards of the City of Anaheim, including the llniform Buitding, Plumbing, Electrical, tdechanical and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Anaheim. 6. That ali outdoor stcrage areas be comnletely paved ~•rith asphalt to a minimum dept!~ of three (3) inches. 7. That the existing access yate from La Jolla Stret shall be I;ept open at all times during regular husiness hours. 8. That subject property shall be develo~eci substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on fii~ ~•rith the City of An~heim marked Exhibit Plo. 1. 9. That all of the conditions above-mentioned shall be complied 1•iith prior to final building and zoring inspections or ~•rithin a period oF sixty (60) days from the date of approval of this conditional use perriit, •,,ihichever occurs first. 10. That the use is granted for a period of three (3) years, at a~hich time and upon t•rritten request by the petitioner, the ?lanninr Commission may qrant extensions of time if the use has n~t had an adverse impact on surrouncling uses and properties. BE I'r FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Com~ission cioes hereby find and deternine that tne adoption of this Resalution is er,pressly predicatec~ upon applicant's compliance ~vith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforccahle by the final judgment of any court of cor,ipetert jurisdiction, thn_n this Resolution, and any approvals nerein contained, shall be dcemed ~ull and void. THE FOREGQItlG RESOUJTIO^1 is signed ard approved hy ne this ?~~th day of March, 1980. _1L~~~~~~/l ~G'[. ~•/~- Cf~A I R!!AM PRG TEMPORE AI;AHEIM CITY PL~1h1~!II1~ C!~"aMIS51~~! ATTEST: ~~ 1 /~flit.~.zr SECRETA"Y, A!IANE I11 C I TY PLA~lD! I t!G COMH I SS 10`; -3- PCSO-,1i ~ '~Y~ . .1," STATE QF CllLIFO^p!I/1 ) COUMTY OF ORlIP,GC ) ss. C ITY OF AtIAHE I!; ) ~~ E~~t!~ L• ilarris, Secretary of tLe Anahein City P~~~~~n~ Commission, do hereby certify that the fore einc [he Anaheim City Planning~ Comr.iisslortlhelcl,on~1~rc.~i und adoptcd at a m following vote of the members thereof: eeting of , ~~' ~?"^, at 1:3~ p.m.,bY the AYES: C~fi'11SS10~l~RS: QUSfiORC, ~P~VIp, FnY~ HER^ST, N.I!!G, TOLA° MOES: COFt`;ISSIO~IERS: NO~;E A[3SEt1T: CO'•tl•11SS10'r;[RS: BAR,rIES ~~~ ldlTtfESS WN[ZEOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 21;th day of !larch, 1qf;p, SECRETAr;Y~ rl~ ~,~.i C~ ~ ~~ PL4~,tIIFir Cp„t•~-SSI~M -1;_ PC3n-54