PC 80-59^ESOLfiTlf?~1 Pl,7. PC "~-5~ A RESOL'JTIO~! ~F Tfif. /1~L1f:Cl`1 f.ITY Pi.!',~ltil'i~ rn'!'tISSI~'; TIiA"f PETITIOL' FOR V!',RIA~ICF ~10. 31l~2 ~F r^~,~ITE^ 4/fIEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission <ii~i rn_ccive a verified Pet~tion for Variance from FR/1?!~ n~tiAL~~ AS~ILFIrf! /1'1~ LIr~nA LCF ~1SHLEIGf!, 1^1 Strada Place, /lnaheir.i, California ^,?_^n7, nnd J~)Ht; RnFHLL•,G A`~~ D~,~~!P, Rq[NLIVS, iln Belleza Lane, Anaheim, Californi- ~7_~;^7, ~~,,;~ers of certain reil property situated in the City of Anahein, County of Or ge, State of California descrihed as; j LOT ; OF T2ACT !10. ~3~33, 45 SfiO'1~; Or~ ~ l±~P 2rrOr?~-p I~t BnOY, 3~F, , Pn~ES G Af~D ~ OF tiISCCLLl~.?!E(1~!5 M^.PS, qECn?~^ pF pnq~:.;E COU"1TY~ j C/IL I FORN I A; F,ND LOT " OF TFACT ,33~ AS PER '1,^,P R.EC~°.nED I~i 8~71' 3^7, Pn;FS 7.3 A~l!? 21~ OF MISCELL/',t~lEtlUS !iPtPS IN TNE OFFICE OF TI'E C~U;ITY ~ECO?~FR OF SA I D COUtlTY. LIHEREAS, the City Planning Commission dic: hol~ a putlic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on :`larch ?_4, 1~i3n, at ~•3n P,m.~ ~oti~~ of Si~~ public hearing havirtg been duly given as re~uircd tiy l~ti•r ar.:! i;s acc~r,iancc oritti the provisions of the Anaiieim 'tunicipal Code, Chapter 1^.n;~ t~ I~e3r and consider evidence for e,nd against said proposed variance and to imicsttaat~ an.' r,»{;~ findings and recommendations in connection there~-~ith; and 4lHEREAS, said Commission~ after due inspection, investination and study r~ade by itself and in its behalf, an<I after c!ue consideration of all evirlence and reoorts offered at said hearing, does find and determine thc foll~~;~inc~ facts: 1. That the petitioners propose a ~•iaiver of the fo1)c:vinn t~ c~ncrr~~cr ~•,-, (2) tennis courts: SECTI0;1 1".22.~E3.~1~ - rlinimun str~.~c[ural sethac~:. 1~ eet required to tennis court fer.cing; ~'S~eet proposec~) ~. That the ahove-mentioned 4~aivcr is herehy qranted on thr hasis tti~t the petitioners demonstrated that a hardship exists in that subjec~ pirc~ls arc adjoining and one tennis court i•~i)1 he located on hoth parcn_~S; that an easenent a1i11 he provided alloaring access to t~e oFf-site ~ortion of the court; ~n1 tliat ~n amr_ndmenC to the Zoning Ordinance is pencling ind ~~ould perr,iit a seth~cl; of five (5) feet or less and submitted plans indicate con`ormance ~•~ith the propose~i or-1in~r.r_r_, 3. That there are exccption~l or extraorclin~rv circurastances ~x conJitians appiicable to the property involved or to the intende~J use of t5c pro~er[y th~t do not apply generally to Che property or cl;ss of use in t~;e same vicinity ar,d zonr., !~. That the requested variancc is necessary f~r tii~ ~reservation and enjoyment of a subst~ntiai proncrty rig!it possesse;; by other prop~rt~• in t.'ie same vicinity and zone, and ~ienied to the Pronert/ in question. PC3~-59 0'~Ma . ~. That thc requcstcd variarce ~•;i 11 not be riateri ~] ) publie ~velfere or injuriou. ~~ the nr~~,crtY or inorover~e in aihich tlie prn~erty is ~_~t~~ Y detrinental to the nts in sucl~ vicinity and zone E• That onc pcrson indicated her intcrest ~t said one letter was received in on~osition to suh' ~ublie hearin~; and that lect aetition. ~epresentati~ve~has'~determinedrthatr,t~f!~Gpro~~s~e~ Pr~n~c~`f ~~rector of Categorical Exenptions, Ciass ~ ~ ~~~5 ~.~jt~~~~°f his authorized Environmental Im ~+ ~S ~~`ined in Par- ~ the deflnition pact Report Guidnlines ~~~~~P`~ ~f the City of Anahelm the requircr~ent to prepare an [IR, J~~ ~S~ therefore , categ~rically exempt from ~f04l, TfiEREF0.4E, BE IT does hereby grant suhject Petition forOVariancet ~he :1naheim Cit P are hcreby found to 6e a necessar Y lanning Commission ~ ~on thP follo4~ing conditions tialiich P~operty in order to preserve the safetrea~~u~~~te to the pro~oscd use of the subject City of Anaheim: Y _neral ~~~e)fare of the Citi~ens of - Yhe ~• That any tennis hei 'it of ~~~~~t linhting oroposed s;~all not excecd a maximum 9~ ti~en[y (2~) fect ancl shall be directed ao~ay fror, ~,~• P~otect thc reside~tial integritv of th~ are~, ~oininn ~ropcrties to 2. That a perpetual easec;ent agreenent for a stri of ~ half (7-1/~) f~et to seventeen (17) feet ~~ide for access portion of Lot ^, ~' '~~~~ seven and one- Attorney's Office and Lhenth n3j` ~~~a~~ ~~ ~ Purnoses to th~ southeastern e fi led and recordeJnintt~•~ ~n ~n' ~o?rovecl hy the City Recorder. e office of ti t, e Orange County 3. That subjeet property shall be dev~loped suhs[antial)• with plans and specifications on file ~•~ith the Cir.• ~F ~;;~~ i;~ i.~~r,:e~ Ex.hihit 'lo. 1. ~ in ~ccnrdanc~ BE IT FURTHEP, RF.SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Conmission does hereb find and determine that the adoption of this Resolution is expressl aPPlicant's compliance ~•ittf~ each and all of Y Shoulu any condttion or a~ the conditions hereinabovecset~'fo~thn f~^a~ ju~l~ment of any courtPoftcompetent juri~sdict~o~~nvalicl or unenforceable b aPPr~~als herein contained, sha)1 be deemed null an:' voidhen thts Resolution, and any ~~arch, 1~F30. TFtE FOREG01 P!C RESO~UT I ON i s s i q~e~ and a~provecl by me th i s 2-~ th day of i G, ~ CI A I RMAtJ PRp T~~ E.1 PD it F ATTFST: ~~~JAf1E I It C I TY Pt.~Nrl I ~~r, ~~ti~p~ ~ gc ~ p~l SECR[T~1RY~ A;JAHE N Ct7' LANNI~lG CO'1~~ 5 . s-ori -2- Pc3o-,~ ~._..:..::;:.:, STAT[ OF CAL i FOR'! 1~1 ) COUtlTY OF ORAfJG[ ) ss. CITY OF A~IANEIt1 ) ~, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of the llnaheim City Planninh Corimission, d:. hereby certify that the foregoing resolution oras passed and adoptn_d at a meeting of Lhe Anaf~ein City Planning Commission held on !larch ^1~, 1~20, at 1•3~ p,m.,by the follot-ring vote oF the members thereof: AYES: COMMIS510tIERS: DUSHORE, DAVID, FRY, HERBST, KINr,~ T~L~R 4lOES: C0~4ttISS10~lER5: tJOrlE ADSEWT: COf1MIS510;lER5: [il1RNE5 IN ',IIT;lESS WHEP,EOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 21rth day of tlarch, 1p~0. ~o4.C-[~4- /~ - '~Q~,~ ' SEC^ETARY, A~lAHEIM CITY PLA~Rtlrir, Cnr~y~cs~n;.~ --~- PC3o-5~