PC 80-61RESOLUTIOM ~•10, PC3~-61 RESOLUT I ON OF THE AFJAHE I N C ITY P~ANPI i NG COF1M1 SS I O1J 7HAT °ETITIOhJ FOR VARIAPlCF P10. 31~t1 6E GRAr1TE.~, WNEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Cor~mission did receive a verified petition for Variance from HOLLY WADE DAVIDSO"!, P. 0. Box 123, Hanalei, Hawati, g67t4~ owner, and JAMES MOHLER AtlD THOMAS PLEH/1M, 1542-E3 Moulton Parkway, TusLin, California 92680, agent, of certain real property situated in [he City of Anahelm, County of Orange, State of California, descrihed as follows: PARCEL 1: THAT PORTION OF E3LOCY. 25, OF TfiE ~OLDE~I STATE TRACT, A$ SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGES 6G A4D 67 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS~ RECO°DS OF SAID ORANGE COU~ITY, DESCRIEED AS FOLLOblS : BEf i NN I NG AT TfIE SOUTHEASTERLY TERtt i ~lUS OF THAT CERTA I F~ COURSE CITED AS "SOUTH i~ DEG. 3>' 32" El1ST~ 20.71 FFET"; ItJ DEED TQ THE STATE OF CALIFOR~!IA, RECORDED JUtlE 4. 1^53 It! B001: 65,'3, PAGE 167, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID ORAtI~E CC'U'ITY; TfIEtlCE ALO`l~ THE SOUTIiEASTERLY L I tdE OF SA I D LAST t1Et~T I OP;ED LAND THE ~O~.L~tf I ~J~ COURSES AND DISTANCES; NORTH 7~3 DEG, 34' S3" WEST 49.13 FEEi; SOUTH 65 DEG. 36' 00" WEST 202.41 FEE7; SOUTN ~F6 DEf,, 37' 3g" WEST 203.20 FEET; SOUTH 37 DEG. 50' 29" WEST 5!15.99 FEET; SOUTH 65 ~E(;, 47' 42" WEST 173.41 FEET; SOUTH 20 DEG. 42' S~" WEST 15.63 FEET; AND SOUTH 15 DEG. 57' 10" EAST 3.E3 FEET TO TIiE EASTERLY LIt~E OF THAT CERTAIN LAND DESCRIBED Itd PARCEL 123.01 IN DEED TO THE COII;ITY OF ORANGE~ RECORDED JUNE 4~ 1971 IN BOOY. 9G63. PhGE 713 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THEtJCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LItJE SOUTH 26 DE~. C1' 02" EAST 149.75 FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTHl/CSTE°LY LINE OF TFiHT CERTRiti LHtjG GcSCRICsEG it+ Gtcu T~ GRRt:GE CuU~~TY whT~~~ DISTRICT~ RECORDED JANUARY 20, 1939 IN BOOK 975, PAGE 444 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAID NORTHk'ESTERLY LINE 6EING A CURVE COtJCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 12,325.7~ FEET, A R/\DIAL LIPIE OF SAID CURVE PASSING THROUGN SA10 P01~lT BEARS NORTH 2G DEG. 4?' 11" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SA10 CURVE TO THE MOST N(1RTliERLY CORNER OF SAID LAST MENTIONED LAND, SAID CORNER BEIIJG A POINT IN THE tdORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 25; THE~;CE ALONG SAID ~JORTHEASTERLY LINE OF BLOCK 25, NORTH 19 DEG. 35' 32" WEST 490.7Q FEET TO THE INTE"SECTIOt! WITH A LINE THAT BEARS NORTfi 7~ DEG. 2~i' 28" EAST FROP1 SAID POI~~T OF BEGINNIN~; THEPlC[ ALONG SAID LAST MEtlTIONED LINE SOUTH 7~ DEG. 24' 18" WEST 10.0 FEET TO THE POItiT OF BEG I NN I PJG. EXCEPT I N~ TNEREFROM THAT PORT I OP~ OF Sl11 D LA~ll1 INCLUDES IN THE FOLLOWIHG: BEf,INNING AT THE POIItT OF IPITERSECTION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF ~IEWKIRK ROAD. 40 FEET I-1 WIDTN. WITH THE NORTIIERLY LINE OF TI1E 100 FOOT RIGtlT OF W~Y DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COU"JTY OF ORA~JGE~ RECORDED IP! BOOK 489, PAGE 3~~+ ~F DEE~S, RECORDS OF SNID COUNTY, THEMCE PIQRTH 1~ DE ~. 3R' 1F," WEST ALQ~IG THE SAID IJESTERLY LI~:E OF NEIJKIRK ROAD, 5n,0~ FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIP~G; THEPICE NORTN 14 DEG. 3~' 1~" UF.ST Al(1N~ THE SAID WESTERLY LIPlE OF tJEWKIRK ROAD 461.5~ FEET TO A POINT IN THE PC 2!1-61 SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LI~!E OF CA~IcO~N~q STA.iE NIS~!h',~Y• T~~FNCC F10.'tTH:Jc"STERLY AND ti;ESTERLY .4L0'!G THE L~1ST ~IENTI~'IEp R~ ,HT OF WAY LINE THROUGN THE FOLLOIlIN; COUR~ES 4t1~ OISTA~ICES; IIQRTt{ c,t DEf,, ~t~' 3f~" b/EST; 34.71 FEET; TNENCE ~~~RTH 3, DEG. 21' 23" 41EST SQUTH,I,FEE~, A"~ SOUT1}T7t, DEG. r,~~ :ar~~ t,~EST ilE.~, FEET; THENCE c~ 3~' iF" EAS. ALOtlG A LIH_ PAr~,ALLEI. UITN. THE cq~n WESTERLY L(tJE OF tiEbfY,IR; P,~Ap 5~~,03 FEET• TN,ENCE NORTH 7~ 7E^. ~1 ~~~~" EA~T .'S7.00 FEET TO THE T~UE Ppit~T OF B[~I~I~JI~1G; qpp PARCEL 2: AN cASE~1ENT FOR I.'1GR[:SS At1p FGRESS 3p FEET IN w'IDTN (~IENKIRK P,OAD) L'fIN^. WESTERLY OF THC WESTER~Y LItIE OF Lf1TS 11 q1~~ 32 OF ORAIJGE GROV't ALRES tt0. 2, AS SIIOtJ~J ON A F1AP RECORDED I:1 BOpK 7, PAGE 36 OF HISCE~LANEOUS MAPS. RECOR~S OF OftANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DOUt~DED SOUT4ERLY P.Y T1!E WESTE?LY PRCLA~-r,~j10~1 GF TNE SOUTHERLy LIt~E OF SAID LGT 3? /{-;p gpUNDEO ~IORTf~ERLY pY TNc' 4/ESTERLY EXTEPISION OF THE S~UTHERLY L I!JE Of Tl~E Ll,rlp ~Q~~yEYE'7 TO THE STP,TE OF CALIFORNIq BY DEEG RECOP,pEp HAY 24, 1?f.3 I~I B0~1; 656t~ Pq,E 23° OF OFFICIAL RECOP.CS. 41HERE/15. the ~iEy Fiannfn, Connissir:n did hold a nu~,lic tiear(no at ttic City Nall tn the CI[y of Anaheim on Aprii 7, 1~3~, a~ 1:3~ ~,m,~ notice of said public hearing having been duly gtven as required by lati~ and ir. acc~r~fance Nith thr provisions of the Anahetn Hunicipal f.ode, Chaote; 1~,n3~ =o hPar and consider evidcrce for and against said proposed va~yance anJ ;~ investio~=e and make findings and reeommendations in eonnection thererJith; and WFIEREAS~ said Commission~ aftcr due inspection, investiaa[ion and study madc bY itself and in its behalf, ~nd after due consideration of all evidenc~ ~nd r..R~~~~ offcred at said heartn~, dn~c p;..a _~ ~ ~ ",L ct~re;ine Chc foliowin9 faCts• 1. That the petitioner proposes wafverS of th<• followlno to construct an industriai conplex: (a) SECTIOt1 1_ 8,_ p~,p3~ _~equired lot frontac~e. a ots requ re to abut a public st~ee[ or allcy; ~ oTts abutting privatc Crtveways propesed) (b) SECT1071 13.F1,063,012 - Minimum landsca ed setback. ee[ requ re rom ~ assell Street ancf ZS .~ee[ requircd from Froniera Str~et; z5 ~cet proposed from ;lassell S[rcet and 5 to S fcec proposcd from Front~rn Strce[) 2. That the ahovc-mci~ttoned waivcrs arc hereby c~ran[ed on th~ bas(s that thc petitioner demons[ra[ed th~t a hardship exlsts duc to thc location and sh~pe of sub,jeet property ind t!~e significant nrade difference hetw~~n the ~roperty and adjacent streets. -?- PC3~1-f.l 3. Tha[ there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or eonditions applieable to [he property involved or to the intendea us~ ~` the proocrty [hat do not apply generally to the ~rooerty or class of w e in the s~,-,~• vicinity and zone. `+• Tha: the requested varianc~ is nrcess?ry for tne ~reservatlon and enjeynen[ of a suhs[~ntial propcrty riaht possessed by ~thcr oroperLy in [he same vieinity and Zonc, 3nd dcnied to the nr~perty in. ~ues[ion. S. That [he re~uested varianc^ r,il; ~~• ~~ n~;e~ia~~y detrimental to the publie wel`are or injurious to ,he nroner;v or inprovements tn such vlcinlty and zone in which thc pro~cr[y is located. 6. That no one ~ndica[ed tticir or~scr.^e at sat~ puhlic hearing in opposltion; and that r,o corresanr.d~~cc ~:as -cccivcA in o~nosition to the subject petttion. EIIVI40t1MEHTr1l I.•!PAC7 FIN~1Y~• Th_sr rti~ t..;yv• revlcr.+ed the ~roposal to reclossi ''- L=~`' ~13nninn CoTission has Y subjec: prcacrty fror thc County o` Orangc A-t (Generol Agriculturc) Zone to ;he Lity o` Anahein '!L (Industrial, Liml[ed) Zone to co~struct an industrial ~or~.pl~x ~,;(L,y ;;aivers o` required loc frontaqe and nlnimum landseaped setbae~ on an irregutarly-sh~ped p~rcel of land consisting of approxieately E.?L acres located .*.t the southeas[ corner of Fro~tera Street and Glassell Street, having a fron[anc of aparoxl~atcly lnnp f~et on ihe south slde of frontero Strcet and a fronta9e nf approxinatcly 15; feet on thc east stde of Glassell Street: a~d does hereby ~prove che ~lcgative Declaration f~~r~ the requirement to preparc an environmental aet report on =hc hasi~ ct,ar !he.r~ ....,.ia ~~ ~igr.t`i~,~r,: ICiC:~~ijUUd1 ~r cum~lir~vA ,dvcrse environr~ntol innact due to~the approval of thts Negative Declaration since the l,~ahein ~eneral P1~n designa[es the subject praperty for gcncral industrial l~nd uses cormensuratc with the proposal; that no sensitivc ~~vlronmental inpac[s are involv~d in [hc eroposal; that [hc Initial Study subnit[ed by the petfttoner indicates no sianiftcant indivtdual or zumulative adverse environ~ental innacts; ond that the 'Jcqotiv~ Declaration substanciating the foregoing findings is on file in thc City of Anahein ~lanning De~arMent. N041~ TNEREFORE, BE IT RESCLVEO th~c thc Anahcir City i'lanning Commisston does hereby 9rant subject Petition for Vartanc~~ upen ~hr follc,ainq condltions whtch are hcrcby fo~~~ [o bc a nccessary prcrequ(sitr. to thc pr~posed us• of che subject propcrty tn order to preservc thc safety and gcner.~1 welfarc of thc Ci;;zens of the Clty of Anahc.ir,; 1. Tha[ thls Uari~n~~ ~5 ,r~n,~.~~ su~jrct t~ thc conpletion of Reclassificat(on No. 7~-9'1-31, na~. pcndin~~, 2. That suhjcc[ aropcrty sh~11 hr drvr-~~~,f su,stintiiily in accordance Niih pl~ns anJ sCeciFic~flor,t ~n f;Ir „~tr~ ,hc l.ity of %~na~clr nar4t•d Exhlhic llos. 1 throu~h 1~. ~E ~T ~URTHER RESO~VED th~t the -~nihein Ctty Plinntn_ry Ca~lssion Jocs hereby ftnd ~nd detrrninc thac a:foptfon of chis Rcsolution is cxpr~ssly predicated upon applleant's ccx~nliante ti:Ith eact: a~J a~1 of ;he condtttc~ns heretr~bove set f~rth. -3- PC'~-61 ~-;~,,,~., _11~, ~y'' Should any such cond(tion, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceab)e bY the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdtctPon, then thts Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 7th day of April~ i980. ( ~~~ .-i.L~ ._.. ~,%_ ~ ATTEST: ChIA t Rl•IOMFlN, ANANE I M _r, I TY PLAh!Fl I NG~ COMM I SS I ON ~~..~.~ ~ -~.. SECRETARY, AMAHEIM CITY PLAPd1JING C019MISSION S7~1TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF A~~AHEIFi ) I, Edith L, iiarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion, do hereby certify that the foregoir,a resolutioii was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planr~i~g Commission held on Flpril 7, i48q, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BF,RFJES, DAVID, FRY, KIPaG NOES: COt•1MISSiOhlERS: BUSH6RE, HERBST ABSENT: COMMISSIOtJERS: TOLAR IN WITPIESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of .q~~i1~ 1?0,0. ~~~rctiA~tY~ A~~AHEIH CIT~LANtJI~FIMISSI0P1 -4- PcIIo-6l