PC 80-64,~- r.ESO~urinn r~o. PcIIn-64 A P,ESOLUTIOii OF THE ANAHEI~1 CITY PL/1t!"IIFIG CC!1IIISSIOPI THAT PETITIOtI FOR CONDITI~~tIAL US[ PEP,t11T N0. 2nF] D[ G~A'!T[D WfiEREAS, the Anaheim City Flanning Commissi~n did receive a verifled Petition for Conditional Use Permit from ORAi~GE COUPITY E3UDDfiiST CHURCH, 909 South Date Street, Anaheim~ California, ~2304, o4rner, and JU~lJI SP.RASffIt~A, 7107 Petican Drive, Buena Park, California ~lOF,20, agent, of certain real oroperty situatec! in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: A portion of the East 5 acres of the South half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, To~•msliip 1~ South, Range 11 ldest, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 51, Page 11 of Miscellaneous ~taps in the office of the Recorder of said County, descrihed as follo~is: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said South half of the Southeast quarter of the South~•~est quarter, thence 'lorth !1° ~Q' 35" East 396.40 feet along the East line of said South half to the true point of beginning, thence South 8qO 5a' 3$" lJest 32~.71 feet parallel N~ith PJurth line of said "cast 5 acres to the West line of said East > acres, thence South ~~ 09' 35" West 3^f.~.31+ feet alonc~ said Wesi line to the South~~est corner of said East 5 acres, ther,ce North 3~° 59' 15" East 329.71 feet along the South line of said East 5 acres to the Southeast corner of said East 5 acres, thence North 0° 09' 35" East 396.4~ fcet along the East line of said East 5 acres to the true point of beginning. EXCEPT That portion of the East 5 acres of the South half of the Southeast C~Ud!'tC!' Of tF7~! 50!Jt}!~.•;°St '~!lar~~r nf S.`^tl'~'1 ~Z~ 1'p.,~..cf.l~ It 57'lt~`a Range 11 llest. in the Rancho Los Coyotes. in thc City of Anahcim, as shoarn in Book 51, Page 11 of Miscellaneous ilaps, in the OffTce of the County Recorder of said County, inciuded :•+ithin Parcel 1, as Shovm on a Parcel Map filed in 6ook 68, Page lti of Parcel Ma~s~ in said County Recorcfer's Office. WHEREAS~ the City Planning Commission did hold a puhlic hearin9 at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on April 7, 1A$~, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required hy 1a4~ and tn accord~,ce with the provisions of *he Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 1~,(13, to hear a~d consider evidence for and against said pro~osed conditional use permit and to i~vesttaate and make f(ndings and recommendations i~ connection therearith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiaation and study made by itself and tn its behalf, and after dua consi~feration of all ~vtcience and reports offered at said hearing, does fi~d and deterr~iinc the follo~~~in~ fa~ts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for ~•~hich a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim hiunicipal Code Section 1",21.05~.110 to ~•~it: ta permit expansion of an existing churcfi. PC8o-61+ Z. That the proposed u,c ~rilt no[ adverscly iff~ct rFc ~cijoinin~ land uses and the oroY;th and d~vclopment of the arca in t~hich it is pro~~sed to bc located. 3. That thc sizc and shapc of thc site proposed for thc use is adequate to allow tiie full development of the pro~osed usc in a manncr nat ~ietrimental to the partieular area nor to the pcacc, hcalth, safety, and ~~encral :ve)f,~re of the Cit(zens of the City of Anaheim, - 4. That the granting of the Conditionai i'sc ?er^~it under [hc eonditions lmposed, if any, ti•~ill not be detrimental [o t~e peacc, health, safety and genera) welfare of the Citizens of ti~e ;:ity of Anaheim. 5• That the traffic generated by the proposed use ~rill n~t impose an undue burden upon t5e streets and hi9h1•iays designed and improved to carry t5^_ traffic in the area. E. That no one indicatr_d their presenc~ at said aublic hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subjeet petition. EtJVIRO~~MENTAL !?1PACT FI!:@I!;C: That E'~c rmaheim t'.Ity ~ianning Go~ission has revie~ved the proposal to expand an existi~g church on a rectanaularl of land con,iscin of a ~ y-shapeA parcel 170 fe~t on the west side ofrDaleaAvenue,,havCn95a maximunadcothtofcapDYOxpratelyC2Ag feet and being located ao~roximately 225 feet n~r[h of the centerline of 9a11 Road; and does hereby approve thc ?~egatlvc Declaration from the requirement to prepare an envlronmental impac[ report on the basis tha[ there ~rould be no slg~ificant individual or cumulaLive adverse environmental Tm~~ct due to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General P1an designates the subject property for medium density residential land uses cor.,rtc•ncur.~~.. „~~ti .~,,, , sensitive environme~tal impacts are involved in t5e u L~~~~~' ~~~~~ ~~~ submitted b «,e P~oposal; that the Inltial Study Y peLitioner indica[es no significant individua) or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that tne ~de9ative Declaration su6stantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City os~,lnahein Pianning Qepartment. tlOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Usc Pernit, upon [he following conditions whtch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject properiy in order Lo preserve the safety ancl ~eneral weliare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. Thai trash storage .,reas shall be providcd tn ~ccordance wich approved plans on file :~ith the Office of the Executive Director of Puhlic 4/or~~s. 2. That appropriate ~~ater assessment fecs as detcrnfnerl hy the Off(ce of U[ilities R~neral Manager shall be paicl to thc Ci[y of .4ni!~cim prior to th~ issuance of a butlding permit. 3. That the rnvner(s) ~f subject property shall niY to the City of r\n:fheic! a fcc. in an amount as dctcrr~ined by thc Clty Council, for strcet 11aliting along Dalc Avenuc. ~ -2- PCan-61, 4. That tlie proposed nulti-puraosc buildin9 shall cor.ply with all signing requirenents of tl~e RS-A-4?,n~n (Residential/Hg~icultu~al) Zone. 5. That subject property sh~ll be developed suF~stan[ially in aeeordanee with alans and spccific~tions on filc ~ri[h thc Citv of Anahcin marl:ed Exhibit Nos. 1 through ~. G. That Condition t~o. 3, a5ove-mentioncd, shill ,~e cor~plied with prior to the eor•vnencement of the activity authorized under [his reso'lution, or prior to the tine tli~t the buildin9 permit is issucd, or :vitfiin a period of one year from date hereof, ~rhichever occ:~rs first, or such furt!~er tii~e as the Pianning Commission may grant. 7. That Condition !los. 1, ~~ and >, abovc-mentioned, shall 6e complied with prior to finai building and zoning inspections. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tnat thc An~heim City Planning Commission doe~ hereby find and deternine t!~at adaption of t`~is Resol~tion is exprr_ssly predicated upon applicant's compliance ~oith each and all of the condi:ions hereinabove set forth. Shauld any such con~!Ftin~, nr any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgnent of any court of conpetent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any apProvals hr_rein containcd, shali be dcemed null and void. TNE F~REG01~1!; ^ESbL~~T10!! is signed and approved by ne this 7th day of April, 19~~. j - .. , CHAIRt10'~~`I, ANAHEIM CITY'PLAT!!!I~!G COMMISSION ATTEST: `~"~,~. .z°. ~~a.,,~..~ SECRETARY~ A,IAHEI!1 CITY PLA7RJItIG COM'tI5S10,! STATE OF CAL I FOR~I IA ) CCU!JTY OF ORAt~GE ) ss . C ITY OF ANAfiE 1:1 ) I~ EdtYh L. I{arris, Seeretary of ttie Anahete- City Planninq Commission, ~fo hereby certify that tlie for~gotng resolution ~•ras passed ~nd adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission he1J on April 7, 1~80, hy the follo~oing vote of the members thercof: AYES: COMttIS51011ER5: BAR~lES~ UUSFIORE. OAVID. F„Y~ NERBST. f:l~l(; t~OES : C~M`11 SS I OtlERS: ~IOt~E ADSENT: CCMNISSIA'IERS: TOLAR Itl NIT!JESS 41~IEREOF~ I havc hercunto sct my fiand this 7th day of April, 1980. SEC'tFTARY, AilAa 1~1F111 L~ PLAMr;i~lG COMM15S404! -;- PCF30-f,1~