PC 80-72r;FSOi_urio~~ ~~o. Pc ;n-7~ A RFSOLUTIOhI OF THE A`IAHEI'•1 CITY PLAtRllrlf, C~~1t115SI0t! THAT PETITIQtI FOR VARIA~ICE M0. 3146 eF GRA'ITED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City F)anninp Commission did receive a verified Petition for 1,'ariance from F~t~A!!EIM 110TEL LTD., 2535 ^laricopa Street, Torrance, California Q~503, owner, and SAP; °EDPn SIG~! C!1, c~.2~~ !liraflores Avenue, San Pedro, California 90731, agent, of certain real property~situatec in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California described as: Pf1RCEL 1: THE SOUTHEA.ST OUAR7ER OF THE SOUTH4IEST QUA^,TER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUFlf<TER OF SECTION 2;, T04!~lSt!IP ~: SOUTN, RA~IGE 10 l•/EST, S• B• B. E~~1. EXCEPT TIIE IJEST 1 ACRE TfiFREOF. ALSO EXCEPT THE WEST 24p FEET OF TFIAT PORTIOP~ TFltREOF LYIFJG E/15T 0~ THE EAST Llt:~ OF SAID WEST 1 ACRE~ThERFOF, ALSO EXCEPT A"' UtlDIVIDED 14.G/20THS ihlTEREST I~J THE IdOP,TH 10 FEET OF THE EAST 60 FEET OF TNF WEST 33~ FEET OF TIIE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF TFIF SOUTHtlEST QUt1RTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QlJARTER OF SAID SECTIOtI 23, 4lNERE~S~ the City Pl~nning Commission did hold a p~~hlic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on April 21, 1~?0, at 1:3~ p,m., notice of said public hearing having been duiy given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim llunicipal Code, Chapter 1'.~3, to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst said proposed variance and to investioate and make findings and recoMmencfations in connection there~vith; and IJHEREAS~ said Commission, after due inspection, investig~tion and study made by itself and in Its hehalf~ an~! aft^r duc consider~~ic,n oE' aii evidence and reports offe~ed at said liearing, does find and determine the follo~iing facts: 1• That the petitioner proposes a ~iaiver of the f~lloa~ing to construct signs in the P1L (Industrial, Limited) Zone: SECTIONS ~a.os.o~~.o~~ and 1.05.09 .012 - Maximun area of free-standing siQns. 1~0 and 3 eet permitted; 2Q2 and 12 square feet requested) 2. That the requested Svaiver is herehy granted, in part, to permit one 182-square foot free-standtng sign but requiring that the entrance sion he not more than three (3) square feet in size (instead of t~~ielve square feet, as proposed) in conformance ~aith Code regulations. 3. That there are exceptional er extraordinary -ircumstances or conditions applicahie to the pro~erty involved or to t`ie intended use of the property that rlo not apply generally ta the property or class of use in the sane vicinity and ?one. ~*. That the requested var?ance, as grante~f, is necess~ry for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property ric~ht possessed by other property in the same vicini[y and zone, and denie~i to the property in question. -2- PCE30-%2 ;. That the requested varian~e, as nronted, ~•~ill not be nat^rially detrimental to the public ~•~elfarc or injurious to the prop~rty or inprove^~ents in such vieinity and zone in ~ihicii the property is l~cated. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no corresp~ndence ~ias received in ooposition to t!~e subjeet petition. EtlVIRO~JME~ITAL IMPACT FIPIDI~lG; The Plannincl ~irector or his authorized representative has determined that t'ie proposed project falls ~•:ithin the definition of Cate9orical Exem~tions. Class 3, as defined in Paragraph 2 of the City of Anahein Environmental Impact Report ~uidelines and is, therefore, categorically exempt fro^~ the requirement to prepare an EIR. ~10`rJ, THEREFORF, CE IT RESOL~~ED tFat the Ar~a'~eim City Plannin~ Comnission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the foilcn~ing con~iitions ~yhich are hereby found to be a neeessary ~rere~uisite to t!~e pror,osed use o` the subjeet property in order Lo preserve thc s~fety and general t•~elf~re o` th^ f,iti~ens of the City of Anahein: 1. That subject property shall he develone~l SU~SL7n~iilly in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~•~ith tne City of Anatiein mar~:ec: Exhihit ~los. i through 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pla~ning Connission does hcreby find and determine that adoption of this P,esolution is e:cpressly predicated uoon applicant's compli~,nce ~•~ith each and all o` the ~onditions h~reinabove set forth. Should anv such condition, or a~v part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of com~etent jurisdicti~n, thrn this P,esolution~ and any approvals herein contained. shall be deemed null an~i void. TFIE FOREGC I tJG FESOLUT I O!: i s s i gned ancl annrovc~i hy nc th i s 11 s t day of April, 195~. /~ / / CHA I Rl!OMl1!! ~ A°IA~~E I" L I TY PLAN;11 K6 C':`115510'~ ATTEST: ~~-cJ~ .(~ /~i~-~- SECRETARY~ ANAtiEIH CITY PLA~t"IING CQM't1551~'I -2- PCB~-72 STATE OF CALIFOP,~!!A ) COU!!TY OF ORq!~~[ ) ss. C ITY OF ANAf!=1 ~! ) I, Edith L. fiarris, Secretary of thr_ Anaheim City Pianning Conmission, do herehy certffy that the forcgoing resolutinn was passed and adoated at a meeting of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission helr+ on April 21, 1^?~, hy thc `olloo~ing vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: C~4MISSIQ"!ERS: D~VID, F~Y, HER^ST, F;I!!r,, T~~,~n t10ES: COHMISSIO~IERS: ~ARlJES, BUSHO4'' ABSENT: COMMISSIONEP,S: ~JO!lE I'~ WIT;lESS 6'HE~:EOF~ I havc hcrcunto 5e[ nv hand this 21st day of i~pril. 7AE0. i'r~1~w~ ~ ~ n.ii~ SECRETA'tY, A'!l;4E I'+ C ITY PLA'!`I I~~~ CQr!"' I SS ION -3- PG3~-7~