PC 80-87f. -1 ~ R^SOL'1TIOI! '10. PC?n_n A R[S~L'ITIOtI QF TI!E /1t!1IIE1"1 CITY PL~,!I,11"J!; Cn~+,~+ISSI~M T{{l1T PETITIO!! FOR RFCL.4SSIFIC/1TIOi! il~. 7^-`;0-?~3 BE GR/1~lTFD. W!!EREl1S, the Anahein City Planning Commission rlid rer_eive a verified petition for Reclassification from GIL ROD4.IGIIE?, ET AL, Rn~ tJorrh Fern Street, Orange, California ~2;61, o~~rners of ccrtain rcal prr~~,erty sittiated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, descrihed as follo~•~s; Lots 7 and ? in B1ocE: 1 of 2esh's SuLdtvision of a~art of Vineyard Lot D-G In thr_ City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as sho~~n on a ma~ recorded in Bo~l; 1~, Paae p?_ of Niscellaneous Naps, records in the office of the County Recorder of satd County. 4/HEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a puhlic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 2, 1~'i~, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly yiven as requirecl by law. and in accerdance r~ith provisions of the Anaheim "lunicipal Code, Chapter iP.~3, tc hear ancl c~nsider eviclence for and against said proposed reclasstfication and to investignte ancl ma!<e `tndings and reconmendations in connection thereo-~ith; and 41tIEREqS, said Commission, after due inspection, investinatinn and study made by itself and in its behalf, ancf af;,er due consideration of ~11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determi~e the f~l)o~.~tn~ facts: the R"1-74~~ That the petitioner~proposesYjeclassific~tion nn,15uhjeCt property from (Resld~ntial Multi le-Famil 7one t~ the 1?n.7 (,^,esidential, ,lultiple-Family) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim Gener~l Plan d~sian,r~s c~~tij^"' ` ~~"s i t',' ; cs i Jen t i a 1 i and uses. - ~ :Pert'~ ~ ~r ned i iim- 3. That the proposed recla,sification of suhject oroperty is necessarv and/or desirable for the orderly an:l proper development o` the comm~_inity. ~+. That the proposed reclassificatton of suhject pronerty does properly relat2 to the zones and their ~ermitted uses locally estaFlished in close proximJty to subject property and to the zonAs and their permitted iises ~enerallv establishe~l throuyhout the comnunity. 5, That the proposed reclassification of subject prnnerty requires the de:Jication of abuttin9 streets and alleys in accorrlance aiith the Circulation Elament of the General Plan, dur. to the anticipatc.d incrc~ase in traffic which io 11 be generated by tfie intensification of land use. ~. That no one indicated t'~eir presence at said public hearinc in opposition; and that no correspondence ~~as rr,ceived in onpnsitir,n to suhjeet petition. PC^~-Q] ENVIROtJMEFlTP.L I'IPACT FI~JDIh;G: T'ri~t thc /lnaheir~ City Planning Comciission has reviewed th~ proposal to reclassif sub'ect ,_ h~ultiple-Family) 7one to the F;1-12^~ (Gesidenti~al,rlultip1e11Fani~1~~~1'~~ ~Residential, a 9-unit apartment eomplex i•~ith ~•~aivers of minimum lan:lscaoe:l setbacin andeominimum recreational-leisure area on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consfsting of appro~cimately 0,~5 acre located at th~ northeast corner of Chartres Street and Citron Street, having a frontaye c~f approximately 122 feet on the north side of Chartres Street and a frontage of 91 feet on the east side of Citron Street; ar,d does hereby approve the tJegative Declaration from the req~.iirenent to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis tliat tliere :-~ould be no sic~nificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approva] of Chis ?leaattve Declaration since the Anaheim aeneral Flan designates the subject property for medium-density land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental inpacts are involved in thc proposal; that the Initial Study submitted bY tlie petitioner inJicates no si9nificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the P:egative Declaration substantiating t5e foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. ~~~k', THEREFOP,E, BE IT RFSOLVED that the Anahein City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for P,eclassification and, by so doing, that Title 13-Zoning of the Anaheim ~lunicipal Code be anended to exclude the a!~ove-descrtbed property from *_he R!1-2400 (RESIDEtITiAL, H!JLTIPI.F-FFl~tILY) ZONE and to incorporate said described property into the Rt1-1200 (RESfDE'lTIAL, ~UILTIPLE-FA~IILY) ZO;JE upon the folloU~tng conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general ~•~elfare of the Citizens of the City of flnaheim: 1. That the owner(s) o` suhject property shall deed to the City of Anahe`r a strip of land 3p feet in ~iidth from the centerline of the street along Chartres Street, including a 15 foot property radius at Cttron Street and a strip of land 1p feet in ~•iidth from the centerline of tl~e alley for str?et ~•~idenin~ puro~s~5, 2. That trasn storage areas shall be orovided in accordance aiith approved plans on file r~ith the Office of the Executive Director of Public b/orF;s. 3. That drainaye of subj.~ct property shall be disoosed of in a manner satisfactory Co the City Enginaer, ap~ro riate rhat the oo-~ner of subject prcaert/ shall pay to the CiCy of Flnaheim the p park and recreation in-lieu fees as determinec! to he appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the time the buildi~g permit is issued. 5. That the oiL~ner(s) or subject property shall pay the trafif!c signal assessment fee (Ordinance ~lo. 339G) in an amount as deCr_rmined by the City Council, for each new d~•~elling unit prior to the issuance oF a building permit. 6. That subject pro~erty shsll he developed substantially in accordance with plans ar~d specificattons on file tai±h the City of Anaheim narked Fxhibit i!os. i througli 3, 7. Prior to the introduction oP an ordinance re-r.onlig subject property, Condition P;o, 1, above-mentioned, sha11 be completed. The provisions or rights grante~ 6y th;s resolution shall hecone null and void by action of the Planning "~' PCBO-(37 Commission unless saici conditions are complied ~vitti ~~ithin one year fr~m the date hereof, or such further timc ~s the Planning Commission may c~rant. 8, That Condition P~os. 2, 3 and 6, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior te final building and zoning inspections. BE IT FUP,TNER f;ESOLVED that tlie Anaheim City ?lanning Commission does hereby find and determine that adnption of tliis Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance !~~ith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null anci vold. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTI0~1 is signed and approved by me this 2nd day of June, 1930. ATTEST: /I~~~ ~._ ~ ~ rl~i~ _,..~ CNFl I R!dQ!111il, A71A I ~1 C i TY PLII~;!J I ~l~ CO!"M I SS I ON `~~ ~° ~~, SECRETIIRY, AI1qF;E It1 C ITY PLANN I IIG CO'1't l 5510~1 STATE OF CALIFOR~lIA ) COUHTY OF ORANGE j ss. C I1'Y OF A"JAHE IH ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Cornmission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution r,as passed and aciopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Rlanning Commission held on June 2, 1~40, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COM~MISSIOIJERS: BARPIES, BUSHOf',E, !1AVID, FP,'f, HERBST, Kit•I~, TOLAR NOES : COMM I SS I ONEfiS: PJOPlE ABSENT: CO?1MISS10'lERS: tJOtdE IPI WITPIESS WfIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7_nd day of June, 1980. - [~ ~.G~~c. o~• /`~t/4.~. SECRETARY, A?1AHE I M C I Tl' PL/1^IN 1 D~G COM;1 I SS I Oh -3- PC3n-u7