PC 80-92RESOL!ITIOPI ~IO. PC~n-o2 Fl RESOLUTIO~J OF THE A~lAHEIM CITY PLF~II~II~l~ C~~1F11SSION THAT PETITION FOP, COFIDITIRYAL USE PEP,MIT FlO, 20'10 BE GRAP!TE~ WHEREAS, the Anah^im City Planninq Commission dtd receive a verified Petitlon for Conditlonal Use Permit from NOR11A f11ChIELLE 0'h~E~J A~I~ HQ,?VEY f141F~~~ ~~~(,~ Hunting Horn Drive, California ~~7~~~ oo-,rers of certain reai property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranyc, State of Californ(a, described as: TNAT PORTIOPI OF LOT 15, DLOCY, K, YRFlEME4 TRACT, CITY OF FI)LLERT~~l, COUtlTY OF ORAMGE, STATE OF CALIF02NIA, AS SHO'.J~~ ON A MAP RECOP.OF.D IPl BOOK 12 PAGES 37 ArID 8~ OF HISC[LI.ArlEOUS RECORDS OF I.OS ANrELEs CdUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLL04/S: pF.GItItIIP~C AT A PO~~!T I-! THE WESTERL~f LIPIE OF LOT 15, WHICH !S DISTANT "IQRTHE4LY 2~~2,1~ FEET FROM TFIE ~lORTHWESTERLY CORHER OF THE SOUTHFP,LY HALF OF THE SOUTHEP,LY HALF OF SAID LOT 15; THE~lCE EASTERLY AL^NR LIFIE PARpLLEL WITH AND DISTAMT NORTHERLY 242,1n F[ET HEASURED AT RIGHT .4N~(.ES FRON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHERLY HAL~ QF TME S!1CTltERLY HAl.F, !1 QISTAPiCE OF 26q,n~ FEET; THEP~CE NORTHERLY A~tn PqRA~,~EL WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 15, A DISTl1~~CE OF 175,7~ FEET; THENCE WESTERL'f At~D PAFAII[L IlITH NORTNERLY L I ~IE OF SA i n SOUTHERIY f1ALF OF TI~E SOUTNERLY HALF, A DISTAHCE OF 2(•Q,~n FEET TO THE WESTERLY L I NE OF SA ~ D LOT 15; THEr~CE SOiITF!ER~Y ALnyr, SA I D WESTERLY LINE A DISAtJCE OF 175,~~ FEET TO THE POI~JT OF P.Er,I~I~II"1r, WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public heartng at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 2, 19Rp, at ~;3~ ~,~.~ notice of saicl ~~~}.ai~ hearing having been duly ~;v.... ~, t~G~~~-~,J ny fati~~ and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahefm Ftuniclpa) Code, Chapter 1°.n3, to hear and consTder evidence for and against said proposed cond(ttonai use permit and to i~vestigate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~vith; ancJ WHERE/1S, said Comni,sion, aftcr due lnspection, ir.vesttgation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due conslderation of all evtdence and reports offered at said hearing, does Find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for aihich a condtttonal use permiY is authorized by Anaheim Hunicipal Co~fe Section lA,~~,~5~.~nn,511 and 1£3.03.030,010 to wit; To permit a public dancing factlity In conJunctfon with a restaurant. 2. That the proposed use conststing of an adr~ission charge for dancina Is hereby granted for a periocl of one year, subject to review and consfderation for possible extensions oC time if it is determined that the usP has not had an adverse impact on other n:arhy uses. adjotning3landTuses and tiPie~g~or~th and~ developme~td~oft•1tLhe na~Pa~VinSewhichfeit tts proposed to be lo::ated. PC'~-~~ 4. That the size and shape ef the site proposed for the use, as granted, is adequate to allow the full development of the propos~d use in a manner not detrimertal to the particular area nar to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare af thc Citiz~ns of the Clty of An~heim. 5. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under thr_ conditions imposed, if any, wiil not be detrimental to t:he neace, health, safety anci generai welfare of the Citizens of the Cfty of Anaheim. 6. That the traffic generated by [he proposed use, as granted, will ~ot impose an ~ndue burden upon the streets and hight•iays desi~ned and impro~e~ to carry the traffic in the area. 7. That no one indicated their presence at safd public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received In ~pposit'.~n to th~ subJect petition. E~lVIROtlMENTAL IHPACT FIt~Di~IG; That the Anahein City Planr,irg Commission has reviewed the proposal to permit a public dancing facility on a rectanqularly-shaped parcel of land consisting o` arproxinately ~.~ acre having a frontage of approximately 17~ feet on the east sidP of Kraemer Boulrvard, havinq a maximum depth of approximateiy 2iF feet and being located approxtr~atclY 2j~2 feet south of the centerline of Coronado Street; and does herehy apProve the tJegative Declaration from the requir2ment to pre(~are an environmental impact report on the basis that there would be no sign(ficant indtvidual or cumulativA adverse environmental impact ~1ue to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anahein General Plan designates the subject property for general indus[rtal land uses comnensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by thc petitioner indir_ates n~ si~nificant indtvidual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration s~~hsi?nt3~rln~ `h~ f~r..~~t~~ ft.~~ii....~ j~ ~~ ci~~ ;r .`;C .`~FL~' C~ :Zr3~Ct~'; S'I1JiTIRy Department. NOW~ THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLI~ED that the Anaheim City Planninq Commission doe~ hereby r,rart s~bject Petitiun for Conditional Use Permit, uoon the following conditions ~•~!~1ch are hereby fo~~nd to be a necPssary prerequisi[c to the proposed use of the subject property in order to prr_serve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That street lighting facilities along Kraener 3oulev~rd shall be installed as required by the Officr of 1ltilities General Manager~ and in accordance with speclffcations on f11e in the Office of Utilities General Manae~er; and/or that a bond. certiFicate of deposit, letter of credit~ or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Ana!,eim shall he posted with the City to guarantee the installation of the ahove-mentloned r~quir~ments prtor to occupancy. 2, That subject proper[y shall he devrloped substantially in accordance with plans and specificattons on fTle ~rith [he City of llnatieim r^arked Exh;bit t•!o. 1. 3. That Conditlon No. 1, above-mentioned~ shall he compliectt.rith prior to ttie conmencement of the activity authorized under thts resolutton, or prlor to the tlme that the hulldtn~ permtt is issued, or wtttitn a period of ~ne year from date -^- PC::n-~2 hereof, vrhichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commisslon may grant. ~~, That Condition No. 2, ahove-~entioned, shall he co-~plied with orior to final building and zon(ng inspections. 5, That the use is hereby granted for a perio~ of one (1) year~ subject to revie~•+ and consideration for ~ossihle extensions or time by the Planning Commission upon w~it'en request by the petitiorers, if it is determined that the use has not had an adverse impact on other nearhy uses. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVCD that the Anaheim City Planning Lor.mission does herehy find and dEterninc that adoption of [his Zesolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance ~~~ith aach and al~ of the conditions hereinabove set forth. S~iould any such condition, or any part thereof, be deciared inva'id or une~forceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolutton, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOItlG 4FSOLUTION is signed and approvcd by me this 2nd day of June, 1980. ~ ~~.,~/ . ~ ~~o~ ~ ~ GNAlftll~"A~t~ A!dANE1H Cii1 FLA~~tii~i„ CR~"t5Sl0!! ATTEST: ` oL[. ~ .~ • ~~~ - SEGRETARY, A!lAHEiN CITY PL.4t!1(I~l, COH'tlSSIO`! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU~lTY OF ORA-IGE ) ss. ~lTy OF AFIANEIN ) 1, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of thc Anaheim City Pla~nino Commisslon, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutTon o-,as passed ~n~ a~iopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cortmission hcld on June 2, 1°, hy the foll~•~ing vote of the me~bers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIO~lERS: BAR~lES, BU5110RE. J4VID. FRY, KING, TOLAR i~dES: CONMISS IODJERS: NO:JE ABSENT: COM`115510NFR5: HERQST W1T11E55 WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of June. i?A0. `~~ ~° ~ ~ SEC.°.ET~RY, ANAHFI-! CITY PLA"I~~Irtr, CnMMIS510N -3- PC3~-^?