PC 80-93^ P,i SOLUTIO~! Nn, PC f?n-q3 A rl'SOLUTI011 OF TI'E A'lANEIFI CITY PLAPI~II~If, C~N!115510"1 THA~ PFTITIOH F02 VARIAMCE r;0. 3147 BE C,RANTED, I'I PA~T WIIEREAS, the An~heim City Planning Comnission did receive a verified Petition for Variarce fron Y.E'; W. BQSARDUS AND LY~1pA L[A gOS~~pUS, ET AL, 113~1 Red Gum Strcet, AnaFeim, California ~28'16, ovmers of certain rcal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran,qe, State of Ca)ifornia described a,; Those portions of Lots 171., 173 and 174 of [he Eucalyp[us Forest Tract. in :he City of Anaheim, as sho~•m on a map thereof recorded in boo'r, 5, paaes 29 and 3~ of Miscellaneous Maps records of safd County, described as follrn~is: Parcel !i as sho~m on a nao ihereof recorded in hool~ 2~;, pane ?5 of Parcei Maps, re~ords of said County. NFiEREAS, t~e City Plinring Com~issien did sc'iedul~ a oublic hearing at the City Na11 in the CitY of 1lnahein or. Junr_ 2, {?~'~;, at 1:3~ p.~., notice of said public hearing having becn cluty given as required tiy )a~•r ancf in accordance with the pr~visions of the Anahein 1'unicipal Code, Chapter ~`3.n3, to hear and consider evidence for and aclainst said proposed variance and rn ir±vecti~ate a~; :.,Jl;` ~(ndJnc~s and re~ormendatTons in connection there~•rith; said public hearing havinq been eontinucd [o the Pl~rniny Comnission m~eting of June 1!, 1~?'1~ and N'IEREAS, sai~f Comnission, afCer due insn^ction, investic~ation an~i study made by itself and in its behalf~ ~nd afrer due cons+deration of ~11 evidence and reports offered at sai~f heari~~, does find and de[e minc the followi~g facts: 1. That t,~ petitton~r proposes waivers of thc following to re.ain an outdoor storage yard: (a) SECTION 13.~(,(lGr!.~3'? -:'1i_nimu~ number of ~ar{~inq spaces. ~32 spaces for conhined indoor and outdoor uses required; 1~ spaces p;opose~l) (b) SECTIOt! 13.61.OG3.013 - Minimun landscaped setbacl;. 5 eet required; none exis[ing) (c) SECTIOh! 1£i,(i,Q64,020 - Maximum fence heiqht. 30 nches permitteJ in front setback; c~et ex(stina) 2. That thc above-men'ionecl waiver (a) is herehy denled on the basis tha[ the petltioner stipula;ed to provTding oar{:ing spaces in conformance with Code requirements whtch parking nay include proar.rly marl:ed and acc~ssiblP employee spaces wlthin [he fenced area. PC9~-~j 3. That the above-mentioned waivers (b) and (c) are herehy g-anteJ on the basis that the petitior,er stipulated to removc tre existing six (h) foot high chainlinlc fence from the puhlic right-of-~~ay and relocate it at the property line, and to completel,~ intero-~eave said fence ~•~ith redarood or cedar slats as required by Code. 1{, That the proposed variance is hereby 9ranted subjeet to the petitiener's stipulation to provide landscapinu in the fiv~ (5) foot setbacN area behind the fence and to maintaln said iandscaping. 5. That there are exceptionat or e:ctra~rdinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property invnlved or to the intended use, as granted, of thE property that do not apply generally to the pr~perty or class of use in the same vlcinity and zonc, 6. Thar the requested variance, as granted, is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a sutistantial prooerty ric~ht oossessed by other property fn tie same vicinity and zone, and riented to thr property in question. 7. That the reques[ed variance, as granCed, tirill not be materially detrimental to the public we)farc or injurious to Lhe prooerty or imorovPm.•nts in such vicini[y and zone in wfiicn the property is located. II, That no one indicated their presence at the June 16, 1~?~1 satd publie hearing in opposi[ion; and one person indicated her presencP at the June 2, 143n~ public hearing in opposltion; and that no correspondence ~:~~s ~eceive~l in opposi*.ion to the subject petition. ENVIRO~lMENTAL IHPACT FI!lDltJr; The Plannin~ Director or his authorized representa[ive has determined that the proposed project falls a~ithin the definition of Categorical ExPmptions, Cla~c 3~ ,~ a~F~z~a j~ ~~~~c1`~~~, ~ ~~ tf~e City of Maheim Environmental impact Report Guidelines and is~ therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIR, WOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ctty Pianning Cemmission does hereby grant. in aart. subject Pet(tion for Variance, unon the following conditions wh~ch are hereby found [o be a necessary orerequisfte to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Cittzens of the City of Anaheim: 1. Tha[ stdea~alks shall be installed alono Red Gum and B)uc Star Streets as required by the City Engineer anJ in accordance with standard p)ans and speeifieations on file in the Office of the City Englneer. 2. That trash s[orage areas shall be provided in accordance ~oitfi approved plans on file ti:ith the Office of the Executive Director of Puhltc '~lorks. 3. That subject property shall be developed suhstanttally in aecordance with plans and spec?fications on file ~iith [hc City of Anaheim mar~:ed Exhihit Mo. 1~ provided~ however, that the portion of the exis*ing ~-f~o[ high c`~alnlinl: fence -2- PC~'n-g3 encroaching into the public right-of-way adjacent to alue Star Street shall be relucated to the property line and shall be entirely inter~•~over. with redo-rood or cedar slats;that five (5) feet of landscaping sha)1 be provided inside said fence and shall be pernanently maintained; and that adequatc on-site parF;ing shall be provided in conformanee with Code requirements. 4. That a re~~Ised plan showing the r.iodificat~ons specifie~ in Condition ~~o. 3 shall be submitted Lo and appruved by tlie Planning Departnent tirithin a perEod of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, 5. That Condit(on ~los. 1, 2, 3 and 4, ahove-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zonin~ ir.spections; or within a period of sixty (6Q) days from the da[e hereof, whichever occurs first; or such further tfine as may be approved by the Planning Com~ission. BE IT FU2TN~R RESOLVEO that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that ado~[ion of this Resolution is expressly predi~ated upon appiicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions herelnabcve set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof~ be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of ~ny court of cor„oetent jurisdiction, tlien this Resoiution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FORE~OIt~G RESOLUTIO': is signed and approved by me this lEth day of June, 1980. ATTEST: ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ I.HAIQt1011A~1, ANAHEIM CITY PLANHItJG COMKISStON `~~~ ~~ ~~ SECRETARY~ A~lAt1EIM CITY PLAtltJING COt1"tISSIOt! STATE OF CALIFORtJIA ) C~UPITY OF ORAt1GE ) ss. C ITY OF AtlAHE I~t ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Clty Planning Corrx~ission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution a~as passed and adopted at a meeting of [he Anahefm City Planning Commission held on June 1~, 1~P,(+, hy the follo~ving vote of the membe~s thereof; AYES: CO:MMISSIOHERS: BAR~IES, BUSHORC, ~.4VID, FRY, HEReST, Y.It!(;, TOLA? NOES: COMHISSIO~JERS: NONF ADSEtlT: CO"1MISS10'lERS: ~~0"IE I!! WITMESS VltIEREOF, I h~vc hcrcunto set my hand this 1C-th day of June, la°~, ~,. (n! - /~ CCkG ~S • ~ a SECP,ETA~Y~ At!i14F1" CI?Y PLn.•!'~IF!r COFI;'!$SIO~v -3- PC3~-~3