PC 81-111RF.SOLiIT10~! t1Q, PC81-11 i A R.ESOLU?IOtI QF TN[ ANAtiEl~1 CITY PLAt!~IIpIG C~'1~1P115S10~I TH/1T PETITIOhJ F~R RFCLASSIFIC!;TIC~I M0, 30-(;1-31~ [3E G~ANTE~, 41HEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified petition for Reclassi`ication from JFRI h~liR ~q,~;{cpy KIlOIdLFS K~PC.NEK, 1572 llest Orange~•~ood Av~nue, +~naheim, California 92'~~2, ovmer of certain real pro~erty sltuated in the City of Anahein, Co~mty of Oranqe, St~te of California, descrihed as: THE NORTH 7_>6 FEET OF TNE 4JEST ' ACRES OF THE EAST HALF OF THE tJORTNWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTIIEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHIdEST QUARTEP, OF SECTIO~I 23, 1~1 TO:JtdSHIP 4 SOUi'~, RA~!!;~ ln IdEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS BOLSAS, AS PER A1AP RECORDED II~~ BOOY 51, PAGE 10, NISCELLAPlEOUS MAPS, IM THE OFFIC[ OF TNE CDUIJTY RFf,OPDFR OF SAI^ COU`TY. 41HEP,EAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a puhlic hea;-ing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on May 18, 1931, at 1:30 n.m., notice of said oublic hearing having been dul~~ given as required hy lat•, an~i in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Flunicipal Code, Lhanter 18.!?3, to hear and consider evidence for and anainst said proposed reclassification and to invesLiqate and make findings and recommPndations in connection there~•~ith; and blHEP,EAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiqation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of a11 evidence and reports offer~~ at said hearing, does find and determine the fo;lo~~:ina facts: 1. That the ~etitioner pro~oses reclassification of subject property from the RS-A-~t3,'1~~ (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the RS-720'~ (Zesidential, Single- Family) 7_one. ? That the Anaheim General Plan design~tes subject property for lo~•r- densltv residenfial land uses. 3. That Che pronosed recla,sific~tion of suhject oroperty is necessary arnl/~~r desirahle for the orderly ancl proper development of Che cor~munity. l+, That the proposed r~classification of subiect property ~ioes properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to suhject property and to t.tie :oncs and their permitted uses generally established throuc~liout tl~e commun i ty. 5. That the pr~~osecl reciassification of suhject nroperty requires the improvei~ent of ahutting streets in acc~rdance ti,itl~ the Circ~:lation Element of the General Plan, due to the ~ntirinatecl increasc in traTfic ::hic!; ti:iil be generated hy the int~nsificati~n or land u~e, G. That n~ ~ne inclicated their pr~sence at said nublic hearing in oppns i t i on ; and th ; no corr~, ,nc~ndcnce ~:as recF~ i ved i n c.~npos i t i on to the sub j ect pet~tion. PC&i-111 EriviROr:nE~~T~~ 1~1PACT FI~JDI1;,; reviea~ed ~ That the ,~lnaheim City Pl~nning Commisslon has t.ie proposa i to rec lass i f~~ ~~• (Resfdentiai/qyricultural) Zone '~_'~ect ~rcoerty from establish a 7_- to the R., 72:)0 (P,esldential, SinglehFamily)AZoneOto lot, RS-72n~ suhdivisian on a rectangularly-shaP~~~ parcel of land consisting of approxlmatel p,( the south side of Orange~~ood Avenuere, hae•ing a frontage of a ~1j72 ;Jest Orangewood Avenu ' a~Pror,imatel PProximately 132 feet on e)~ and does hereb Y 325 fPet east of Loara Street the requirement to prepare an environmental imnaaP~r~Ve thc ~Je~ative Declaration f rom would he no significant indiviclual or cumiilativetaciverse enviro~nmentalstmpact ciue to the approval of tliis ~Jegative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan deslgnates the subject property for proposal; that no sensiti~~ ~o~~-`~ensity residentia) la~d u,es commensurate wlth th4 the Initial S envlronmental impacts are involved in t~dy submitted by the petitioner indicates ~~ the proposal; that cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and 'i~R~f~~ant Individual or substantiating the foregoing f~~di~3~ is that Department, on fi1P i~ the ~legative Declaration the City of Anaheim Planning NOIJ, THERtFORE, BE IT R[SOLVFD that the Anaheim Citv planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassificatlon and, b 18-Zoning of the Anaheim P~operty from Municipal Code be amended to exclude~theiabovehdescrihecl described property inta the RS-A-43,ppp (RESIDENTIA~/~.r,~~CULTURAL) ZOP~E and to tncorporate said fO>>oW~~g conditions which are hereby~foundEtoDhe,T~~L, S1NG~E-FI;~+ proposed use of ILY) ZOp!E upon the suhject property in order to r, a necessar-y prcrequ~site to of the Citizens of the CPty of Anahein; P~'serve the the safPty and general t•~elfare installed as requir•ed b ~• That street lighting facilities al~~g Orange~vood Avenue shall be ilities General 14anaqer, and i~ accordance "jt~~ speciftr_ations on file~fnrthe~Office of Utilities General 1lanager; ar,d/o~ a bond, cerLificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an satlsfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be that fnstallation of amount and form the abave-mentioned requirements~~sted o-~ith the City to guarantee prior to occun~~r.~ ~he a fee, in~an amount asedetermined~~, suhject property shall alonq Orangetivood llvenue, y the City Council, p,~rP~Y t° rhe City of Aneheim tre~ pianttng purposes 3. That subject property shall he served b y underqround utllities, ~~. That d~ainage of sunject propErty shall he disposed of in a manner satisfactory ko the City Engineer, ~• ~~ the event that subject sale, lease, or flnancing, a P~operty (s to t~e divided ror prope;ty shall be submittedarcel map, to rPCOrd the a Lhe purposF of recorded in the office of tO and PProved division of subject tfie Orange CountPnRe~o~derY the City of Anahe(m and then be ~• That the o~•mer of aPProp~iate park and recreation inLlleu feeseasYdetermined to be a City Council, said fees to be Pay t~ the Ci~y of qnahein the P~~d at the time the hutidin pnr~priaYe by the ~ ~ermit ic issued, -2- PCf31-1 1 1 ~ 7. That the ovmer(s) of subject p'~perty siiall p~y the ~r~ffic sig~al assessment fe~ (Ordinance No. ;~~96) in an amount as determinerl by the City Council, for each ne~•~ d~relling unit prior to the issuance of a huilding nermit. B. 7hat prior to issuancF of a buil~{ing permit, specific huildina plar.s for uroposed Parcel 2 shall L•e suhm(ttad to the Plann?n~ Commission for revie~r and approval. 9. That subject ~roperty shall !~e develope~i in substantial conformance with Exhibit ~do. i(par~el map). 10. Prior to the introduction cf an ordinance rezoning sub.ject property, Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall he comoleted. The provisfons or r?ghts granted by this resolution shall become r,ull and void by action of the Planning Commission uniess said conditions are complied ~iith v;ithin one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 11. That Condition l~os. 3, ~+, 9 and 1~, ahove-mentioned, shall be complied wlth prior to final building and zoning ins~ections. BE IT FURiHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim C;ty Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that the acloption of this Resolution is exnressly predicated upon appticant's compliance ti•rith e~ch and all of Lhe conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, he deciared invalid or unenforceable by the final judginent of any court of ccxnpetent jurisdiction, then chis Resolution, and iny approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. 1981 THE FOP,EGOIMG RESOLUTIOt1 is signed and approved hy me this 1~3th day of "1ay, 9~-~-~-'~ ~ • ~ ,_..~ CHAIRMAN P,0 TEFf ORE ~NAHF I M C f TV PLnNt,l I N~ f'(1NM I G$ I ~1~~ ATT[ST: ~~ ~ ~~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COM~iIS510P; -3- PC81-111 STATE OF CAL I FORtJ I A ) COUNTY OF ORAhJGE ) s~. CITY OF APlAHEIM ) 1, Edit'~ L. Flarris, ~ecretary of the Anahelm City Plann(ng Corimission, do hereby certify that the f~regoing resoiuti~n aras passed and adopted at a r~eeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Hay 1~?, 1~85, at 1:3!! p.m „ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: C0~1M15510'JERS: 6AR"JES, o0J4S, BUSHORE, FRY, HERGST, KIN!; NOES: C0~11115510^JERS: tJONE ABSENT: COMMISSIOtJERS: TOLAR I~!'.JITPlESS WNEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1Pth day of Hay, 19"1. ,~~ .~ ~...,.. SECRETAP,Y, AtJAHEIM (:ITY PLAN~II~d~ CONMI5510~ -l~- PCII1-1 i t