PC 81-113P,:SOLUTIOId ~JO. PC31-it; .~ R[SOLU i i 01! OF THE AIlAIi"c I Pt C ITY PLA'Jtl! "1~ C~~1~11 ~ S I ~tl THAT THE ORANGF COUNTY FLOOD CO~dTROL DISTRICT IS I~1 CO'lF~RMf"!Cf b11T!i THE CITY OF /1'IAHEI!1~S GF~IERP.L PLA~! !15 PE2?/11~!S T(1 TIIE SALE ~'JD CntJVFYA!~CE OF /l SU~FACE U~F E/1S[~+E`)? IJHEREFlS, the Oran;e Cou,ity Flood rontrol District nro~+oses to sell a parcel of land (Parcel E301-u01 .;;) ad_jacent to r,; lheft P,etardin~ Basin and com~ey a surface use easenent (Parcel 601-~~1,b) over Carhon Creel; Channel in the City of Anaheim, located approximately 3~0 feet southt•iest~rly of the intersection of Crescent Avenue and Brool:h~rst Avenue; and WHEREFS, the Govcrnment Cooe nf the State of C~lifornia, Section i51F02., provides in p~rt t~at a local anAncv such as the r"lood contrnl district shall not acquire real nronerty nor dispose of any real pronerty, nor c~nstruct a public uuilding or structure in any county or r_ity, until the location, ~urpose and extent of s~,:6 activity has been reported upon as to crnformity !~~ith t'~c adopted general plan arplicable thereto; and l•lNERFAS, the proposed sal^ o` a parcel nf land and the conveyance of a surface use easement, hy the Orange County Flood Control District, have been reviewed by the City of Anahein Planninq Cor*~nission in accordancP ~rith Section C•,li!12 0` the Califorria Governmr_nt Codc. I'IOW, TtIEREFORE, (3E IT RESOLV[D, tha* the Anahefm Plannin~ Commission does ~;~r~~;~y ~ inu ~;ia~ ~iie ~die ui ~arcei uJi-:i ii,; ano ~ne conveyance or a surTace use easement over Parcel BO1-8U1.4, hy the Oranae County Flood Control District, are in eon$ormanee ~~iitn the City's ad~pted Ge~eral Plan. THE FORGUQit~R RESOLUTIOt! is si9ned and anproved by ne t`iis 1°th day of May, 1981. ~.~.,-~ ~ ~~~-~---~ CH~IRMAt•1 PRO TEt1POR~ ~~IAHE I M C ITY PLAPI~I I id~ C~MM I SS I n;J ATTEST: /.~ (~~ ~ • ~!'~/l~d SECP.ETP,•,Y, AI;~HEIt1 CITY PLl1~I~;It!!; C(1MNISSIn'! PC31-113 STATE OF C~LIFOR~IIA 1 COLPlTY OF ORAt~G[ ) ss. C i TY OF A!IAHE I M ) I, Edith L, Harris, Secretary ot the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission, do herFby certify that the foregcin9 resoiution was passed and ad~ote!I at a rneeting of the Anaheim City Planning Comr~issinn held on Hay 1°, 1~`~1, 3t 1:3~ p.r~., bY the folloo~ing vot~ of the memhers thereof: AYES: COM~IISSIO~IER~: 6ARtJES, ROU/15, BUSfiORE, FRY, HEP.!?Si, I:It~~ NOES: CbMHi5510PIER5: NOtJE ABS~NT: C011~11SSIOhF~~: TOLAf: IN IdIT~JFSS 41HE^[OF, i have nerr_-unto set rry i~and this lpth day of Hay, 19~;1, ~~.~. ,z~ ,b~,t.~. SFCRETAf;Y, .~'1,1NFIP1 CiTY PL4N'IiMG C!'M"ISSlQ~! _2- r'C31-113