PC 81-121R~SOLUTIO'; `;^. PC"+1-12i /1 RFSOLUTIO!1 (1F TR[ A'I,~~iEl'1 !:ITY PLn'!'llPlq C~'~'11551^,'! TF{~T PETITIO'! FnR ~~p~nITlUriaL ~1SF. PFR!41T I10. ??.1~! ~F G?~PITE~ IJHEREAS, the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission did receive a verified Petition for Condilional Usc Permlt from 41EN!1FLL U. FI"!LCY, f.T A~_~ i~F79 ~tustang, Orange, California 72~G9, ot•mers, and WILL1/1'! S. NA°VEY, :s^~ ~,lest First Strret, Suite 203, Tustin, California ~2r,o!1, agent of certain reai pro~~rt~,~ situated in the City of Anaheir~, County of Qrang~, State of California, descri`~ed as: The Southerly i32 feet of the "~ortherly 52? f~et of ~he ldesteriy 33~ feet or t`ie Easterl~ f;,~ feet of that nor±ton of Lot ? in Bloe4; "K" of the "Y.raemr_r Tract", in the Ranch~ San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, in the City of Anaheim, as shnvrn on ~ man thereof recorded in hoo~: 1?, paoes ~7 and :', 4iscell~neoi.is ~ecords of Los /lnqeles County, California, d~scrihed as fo11o~.~s: E3eginning at a point in thc Eastr,rly line of said lot. ?~ chains S~uthPrly frpn the tlortheasterly corner af said l~t; thence Southerly alnna said Ea,teriy line 12.03 chains to the Southeasterly c~rner of said lot; thence Llesterlv alone the Southerl•~ line of said l~t, 7.~ chafns to t~~e South~•~estcrlv corner of said lnt; thence 'lortherly along the IJesterly linc of said lot, 19,~3 rhiins tn the Southa~esterly cnrr.rr of the r.ract of land ~lescrif~e~! in the f~PPG{ rrom Hattie Goctz and hushan~l, to Erna St,aff~r, rec~rd~d ~ecembAr G, 1~1? in !;ool; 31~, paqe 1')7_, ~ee~ic, reco~ds ~f sai~1 Or~r4e County; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of sai, tract, ?n _, ~ ~~~•3iii~ LG ~iie N.~ii1L Ui i~ec)Inning. 'dHEREAS, the City Planninn Commission oid h~ld a ouhlic hearlnq at the C1vic Cen*er in t'~e City of Anaheim on June 1, 1~31, at 1:3~ o.m., notice of said public hearing i~aving heen duly given as reauired hy lav~ and in accor~fance !,rith the provisions of the Anaheim Fiunicipai Code, Chan~er i',~3, to hear and conslder evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit and to investi4ate and ma{:e findings and reccxnmendations in connecti~n there~aith; and WHEREAS, said Cor~missio~, after d~.~n in;pection, investigation and study made by itself and i~ its behalf, and ~f~er due c~r,sideration of oli evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does fincl ~nd deternine the foll~arin~ facts: 1. Tha t t`ie proposed us~. i s nroper l~~ one fnr a~h i ch a cnnd i t i ona 1 use permi[ is authorized hy Anaheim Municipal CoclP Sectfnn ir,'1.n~~ ~n~ tn retain an autor~obilr restoration f~cility in the ML (Industrial, Limited) 7~ne, 7.. That the ~rnnoced use is 'ierehy nranted suhject Co the r.etitioner~s s[ipul~tior~ at the puhlic hcarinn that all vehic.,~~ sfiall be stored inside th~ buildinc anri t'~it ~il w~rL• sh~ll ~~e c~nducted ~::ho11y in,ide the huildina. 3. T'.at the ~roposed use ~.~~ill not adversc:l•; affect thr adjoininq land usa_, and thc gro~~rth and develo~^~rnt cfi the area in ~•ihic`, it is ~r~p~sed t~ be leta[ed. PCA,t-17_1 i+. That thc sizc an~i shapc uf t!~~ ,it~~ ~rooosed f~r t'~e use is a~lequaCe to al lcw~ the fui 1 dr_v~lonrn„•nt of the oronose:l us~ f~ ~ manner nnt detrimnr,tai tn tfie part(eular are~ nor to the prace, health, safety, and nen~ral a~~lfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahcim. 5• Th~t the ~7rantin~ of L,ie Cor~cliti~nal !J>e Permit un~ir.r the er~nditions imposed, if any~ will not he detrimr.ntal t~ th~ pe~cc, hA F ~•relfare of tne Citizens o~ thA Cit~ ~ alt~, ;afet, an~ ~leneral , o{ .{na,ieim, E. That the traffic penerated hy thc prnoosec' use ~~~ill n~t impose an undue burden u~on ti~: streets and higho-iays designed and im~rr~ved t~ carry the traffic in the area, 7. Tha* no one indicated their presence at s~i:J oublic hearin~ in opposition; and ~'riat no correspondence ~•ras ree~ived in ~Pnnsition to the subject petition, EFlVIROIdMEtJTAL IHPl1CT F!iJDiiJr,; That the Ananeim City Plannirig Commission has reviewed the proposal to reta~~ an iutonohiie re,;:uracinn facility in the fiL {Industrial, Limited) Zone ~n ,~ rectangularly-shaoed parc~l ofiand consisrln~ ef approximately 0.q arre, 4avir,9 ~ frontaqe of a~prnximately 13^ fe~t on the east side of ;tiller Sti•eet, and beina located appror,imately ~~0 feet north of the centerline of 74ira1oma ,~venue (132;-61 !~i i l~r Strcet); and does herehy a~orove D~elaration fror, the requirement to nrepare an environment~l imoact reoorteontthe basis that there ~~ould be no sinnificant inJividual or cu~,i>>t~~„ adverse environmental impact due to the anpr~~~~ nf this Heaative n~clarati~n since the ananein General Plan designates thc subject pronerty for ~eneral in~iustrial land uses commensurate ~•~ith the proposal; that no sensitiv~ envirnnmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that t;~e Ini[ial Study suhmitted hy the oetitioner indicates no signlficant individual or cum~i)~tiv~ ,.~~.,,~~.. '~~ya~~v~ Declaration suhstantiatin~ the foregotn~ findinns` its ~or.'f'i~letin the Clty tof Anaheim Planning Department. NOL!, THE'tEFOnE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cemmission dces her~uy grant suhject Petition for Conditional Ilse Permit, uoon the follo~~ina conditions which are here'~y found to ~~e a necessary orerequisite to the pr~posed use of the suhject property in o~dPr to prr_serve the saf~ty and ~eneral ~.~e;fare ~f the Citizens of tl~e Ci~y of Analzeim• 1. That all automobile restoration ~•~orl•. and autom~hile and narts storaqe shall be confined t•rholly to the interior of the huildinn, 2. Tha: suhject properry sha11 he devr)npzd suhstantialiy in accordance t~~i th plans and speci f ieat(ons on f i le o-~i th the C tty ~~ P~na'ieim ^~arked Extiihi *'Ios, throunh ;. GE IT FURTHFR RF.SOLUFp that the /lnaheir~ Lity Planninn f.onnissi~n does herrhy find and determine that adoption nf this ResoluCfon i~ ~„ apPlieant's compliance ~•,ith eieh and all of the conditinnSnh~reinDho~vecset.iforph,~ Should an, °uch condition, or any part Chereof, be declarPd invali~i or unen`orceable and any a~~rovalsdhereln~cont~ineri,ish~ll~hee~l~en,dUnu111and~vnicih~n this ftesolution, -2- Pf31-17.1 TIIE Fi1RE~,01~1~ °,FS~t.IITIOtI is signecl in~1 an~rovrci hy ne this lst ~1ay of June, t ? 31. ~ 7 ~, ~,____~ ('~4t~i'/ ~' ~__~!G`~<~~' UiA I R"f~~~l, IINAHF I'1 C I TY PL~~;~f I!!r, ~nN~! I 55 I(1N ATTEST: [~ rSL-~..~ ~ ~~t~,.~, SECRETARY, A~JAHEIM CITY PL/;t~t;I'Jr CO'1'1155I~'I STATE OF CALIFOR~JIA ) CoUtITY OF OP,ArlGE ) ss. C ITY OF Al!l111E IM ) I, Edith L. Harris, SecretarY ~f the /lnahnim Citv Planning Commission, do hereby ccrtify that the `oregoing resolution ~ras passed :~nd ado~ted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planninp Conmission '~eld on June 1, 1~''1, by the follo~.aing vote of the members thereo`: AYES: COMMISSIOHE^S: 6A°tlES, ~'OJAS, L'USN~]~E, FRY, HE°.RST, nl'~r, T~~~.•"•. NOES: COM'115510~lERS: ~l0!lE ABSENT: COMMISSIOMERS: iIOPiE IH tlIT~IESS 4~'HE°EOF, I havc• hercunto set ny h:~nd this ist day or June, 1°~1. `~ ~ ~° ~~-~- SFCRFTABY, /1NAHE1~1 CITY PL^'~"i~!f C~"MISSi~~! -3- ecni-izi