PC 81-124~;ESOLUTIOR rlo. PC ;1-T,!i A RESOLUTIO'~! OF TfIE AhJl1f!EIM f.ITY PLAh;MI'1~ C~,"1111SS1~'d T!1AT PETITIG!I FQ? COFIDITI~fI~L II>[ FFF;f~IT ~10. 2223 P,E :;.°,/1NTE~ 'vIHEREFlS, the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission di~i rr.cnive a verified Petition for Conditional Use P~rr~it fr.r.m SITYH HUA'dG LEE, FT FtL, :?17"i Seavie~-~ Drive, Fullerton 92633, a-mers of certain real ~ro~erty situate~i in rhe City of Anahein, County of Orange, State of California, descrihc~f as: PFlRCEL l: THE iIORTHllESTERLY ?_3~~.i~') FFET OF THE SOfljHld[S1cR!_Y 7,~0 ACRES OF THE ~lOP,TN~!ESTERLY ?.~1,!)0 ACRES OF LOT 1D OF A~~!AHEIh~ EXTEIJSIQfJ; ItJ THE CITY 0~ A(lAHEI~I, COUr1TY OF OkANGF, STFITF OF CFlLIFnRNIA, AS SHO;~J 0~! P, ~1~P OF SURVEY MADE BY l•'IU.I/1~~ HA~~FL A~~In FILED IPI THE OFFICE OF THE CnUrJTY ?FCO°DEP, oF LOS ADIr,FLES CniiNTY, CAL I FOR~d IA, A COPY OF l!H I CH I S SHOl1N Iti 9001< 3 PAGE 1 F3 ET SEQ. , EPlTITLED "LOS Ar(GELES COU'!TY MAPS'~, 1!; THE OFFICF OF THF COUNTY RECORDER OF S.41D OP.AiJGE CnUNTY; AP1D IFlCLUDI"JG THAT POP,TInti THERF~F LYING SOUTFIEFlSTERLY OF THE +~IORTHIlFST~RLY ll."IE OF TRACT ~J~, ~7_Q«, /IS PEP, MAP RFCOP,DED lil Ei00K 234 PA~ES 37 FltJ[1 3' OF !11SCFLLA'd[Ol1S 11APS, IN THE OFFICE OF TH[ COUPITY RFCORDFR OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, tl:e City Planninq Commissi~n did hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center in L''ne City of Anaheim on June 1, 1931, at 1:3~ p,m,, notice of said public hearing having heen duly given ~s required hy laa~ and in accordance with the provisions of tne .4naheim `iunicipal Code, Chaoter 1£i,(1?, tn h~ar an~f consider evidence for and anainst said pmposed conditional us~ nermit and t~ investiqate and make findinns and recommendations in connection there~-~ith; and 4lNEREAS, said Commission, after due insnection, inv~sti~ation and study made by itself artd in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and deterr,ine the follot•iin,i facts: 1. That the nroposed use is prooerly one for ~~~hich a conditional use permit is authorized by F.naheim Plunicipal Code Section iZ.~~~!,~5~,1(,~ to ~~iit' to expand an exist ing mote i~•~i th •.,ra iver of: ~ SECTlOPI 10,06.~50.~?4; and 12,44.06( -,'linimum number of parl;ing spaces. 101 spaces requtred; 4~SpaCAS~ proposed) 2. That the requested ~~aiver is hereby granted c~n t!~e basis that the request is minimal, amo~mting to iess than a three percent (3`,1 deviance from Code. 3. That the prnposed use ~oill not adverselv affec~ the ad,joining land uses and the ~ro~~~th and development of the area in u:hic'i it is prnnosed tn be ;oc3ted. ~+. That thr. size and shane of the site pro~nsecl f~r the use is adec~uate to allot-~ the full develonr~ert of the nronosed use in a manner not detrir?ental Co the ~articular arca nor co thr neace, healt!i, safet~•, and c,eneral ~~elfore of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, ` PC~,1-1?.4 5. That the ~;ranting ~f the Conditir,~~~ rlse Permit unrler th~ conditions ~~~°Sr'-~~ ~F an;', '_~i11 not he detrimental to thr_ ~eac~, hcalth, safety and general wclfare af the Citizens of the City ~f An~~heim. ~. That the traffic ycneraterl hy the nr~~osed us~ arill n~t ir~~ose an undue burden upon the streets and hig'n~ays desianed anrl i~nor~ve~1 to c~rry the traffic in the ar^_a, 7• That one interest~d ~r_rson inr~icat^~1 his nres~nc~ at said public iearing; and that no corresponclence ~.~~as rec~ived in nn~ns;tion to the subject petition. EIIVIROiJME~1TAL f~1PAf.T FIN~I"IG: That the Anahein Citv Planning Commission has revie~:~ed the proposal to permit ex~ansinn of an existing m~tel ~•~ith ~•~aiver of minimum number of parl<.ing spaces on a rectangularly-sfiaped ~arr_el of land cnnsisting of approximately 1,71+ acres having a fronta~e of a~proximately 3?1 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue a~proximately 7~~ feet i~est nf Cliffrose Street {1~~10 East Lincoln Avenue); and does hereh a requirement to ~repare an environmentalnimpacttrepor't9onfthr, bastsrthatnthere~~•iould be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmentil impact due to the approval of this t~egative Declarati~n since the Anaheim General Ptan rie,i~nates the subject property for general conmercial land uses c~mmAnsur~te ~,.~it` the propesai; that no sensitive environmental imoacts are involved in th~ proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the netitioner indicates no siqnificant individual or eunulative adverse environmental impacts; and t5at the N~g~tivP flPClaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the Citv of Anaheim Planning Departmer,t. Id0~1, THERE-FOP,E, BE IT does hereby grant suhject Petition conditions whi~h are hereby founci Of the SU~~iA('t nrnnn~rv ~~, . Citizens of the City of Anaheim~ ~ RESOLVE~ that T.he Ana!~eir~ City Planning CoTmisston for Conditional Use Permit, up~~ the foliowing to he a necessary nrerenuisite tn thP nre,nnc~d ~~~„ ~~ ~•s~~~ ve i;ie s~tetv and nrneral aielfare ~f the 1. Thar the o~•mer(s) of suhject prooerty shall pav to the City o` ,1naheim a fee, in an amount as d~termined hy the Cit~~ Council, for street liahtinn along Lineoln Avenue. 7. That the oi•mer(s) ~f suhject ~r~nerty shall pay rhe traffic signai assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3~~6) in an amount as detr.rmine:i hy the City Council, for commercial t;uildings prior to the issuance of a huil~iinn permit, 3. That suhject property ,hall he se:v~d by undernrnaind utilitics, ~~. That drainage of ;uhject properry shall be disnosed nf in a manner sat;sfactc~ry to thc City Engincer. 5. That sef.ject pronerty sha11 he deveioped suhstantially in acco;dance with plans and specifications on file aiith the f.ity of Anahein marF:ed Exhibit ~dos, 1 throu9h ~; i~;ovided, hoi,ever, that I<itctien efficiency units may be installed in no more tnan 25~5 of the un i ts, ~•~i th a m.ax imum of ~"-cub i c foot re`r inerators, two-burner stovr_s, excluding oven and haking facilities, and sinple conpartment sinks, except that the manager's unit ~~rill he allor,~ed to have f~~) kitchen facllities. -z- PC31-124 ~. That Condition ~!c, 1, aho~~~-menti~nrd, ;h,~ll h~ comoljcd t~~ith prior to the com;nencer~ent of the activity aut~~orized under this re;~lution, ~r orior to the time that the I;uilding permit is i~:surd, or ~~iithin a pericui of one year from datc hereof, 1•~hichever occurs first, or such further *im~ as the Plannin~ Commissinn may grant. 7. ihat Condition !Jos. ?, 1i and ,~, ahnv•-,-mentioneri, shall be comnlied aiith prior to final building and zoninq inspections. BE IT FURTFIE~ RFS~LVED that tf~~e Anaheim City Plannin~ Commisst~n does herehy find and determine that adoption of this ~esolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's com~lianc~ ~~~ith each and all or the conditions herr.inabove set forth. Should ~ny such condition, or ony part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of coripetent jurisdiction, thrn this Resolution, and am~ approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void, THE FOREGOItlG RESOt.UTIOt! is sion~d and anprcved by me this lst day of June, 1981. AiTES?: r____~~.~"fi ~~ CF'AIRIt ~I, APIANEI~t CITY' L4"JMihlG COHMISSI~PI Lo (Q.~~. .C. :l ~..L,L~a~ SECRET/1kY, ApIANFIM CITY PLA'JPIIPI~ C0~1~11SSInt! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUF~TY OF OR,~~!GE ) sc. CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ ~. Edith L. Narris, Secretary of the Anahelm C1t~~ Plannin9 Commission, do herehy certify that the foregoinn resolution a~as passed and adopted at a meettng of thc Anaheim City Planning Comr~issinn hel~i ~n JimA 1, 1~R1_ h.~ rti~ f,.ii..,.,t.,,. ,. „r the memi~ers thereof: " ' '' ""` "' AYES: COMM15S10"IERS: BARPIES, QOUAS, F,USNORE, F?Y, i1ERBST, RItIG, T~L~4 NOES: COMt11SSI01JERS: ~lONE ABSENT: COM!11SSIOFIERS: tJOtIE IN WITtlFSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this lst day of June, 1Q~1. ..~ i~ ? ~ c-~• SEC'?ETl1RY, ArdAHE I M C i TY PLAhit11 ~dl; f,OMM 15S l ON -3- Pr$1-124