PC 81-130~LSaLUTIn~t N0. f C~1-1;0 A RC~OLUTI0~1 OF TII[ AllAliEllt (.ITY PLAtUJIIlG C011~11SSIQ~J TfI,~T PETITI011 FOR C0~lDITIOIIAL US[ PER~11T N0. 221~1 E3E GRAilTED, III PART WII[REAS, the Anahein~ City Pl.inninn Coo,~;iission did receive ~~ veriPied Petition for Conditional Use Permic from NEAL E. CL~RI;, F?72 South Ilarbor [3oulevarJ, Anaheim, Californi~ ~7u05, oi•~ner of certain real property situatrd in Y.he City of llnaheim, County of Oranqu, Statc of Califurnia, described as; The Idorth 6~) fcet of tha~ portion o` Lot ~ of a replat of thc "Qrchard Park Tract" in the City of Anaheir, as sha•rn on a Map there~f recerded in Dook 7, ,~ac~e G op ~1isu.~i~neous ttaps, rerords of said Oran~e County, descriued ~s fnllo:rs: 6eginning at the IJortfw~est corner of said Lot '?, s~id pc,int bein~ in the monumented center line of Palm Street, and running thence Easterly along the tJortherly li~e of saici Lot, 179,7~ feet; thence Southe-ly para11e1 with said center line of Palrn Street, 12~ feet; thence 4lesterly parallel ~•~itlr said tlortherly line, 17;.7~ feet to said eenter 1 ine; thence tlortherly aionc; said center 1 ine 1''" feet to th^ point of ber,innin;. '~•lIIEP,Ei~S, the ~ity Plannin, Commission did hold a~~61ic hear~ng at the Ci~ie Center in the City of ~lnaheir~ on June 15, l~)~ti1, ~t 1;30 p,n., no[ice of 5~id public hearing havinq been July given as rec~uired by lat•~ and in accordance a~ith the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chapter 1".'1;, to hear and consider ev(dence for and against said proposed conc;itional 4se permit and to investigate and ma~:e fir,Jinn, ~~nd recor:rnendati~ns in eonnection there~•~ith; and llIIER[AS, said Conmission, after due inspection, investigation and study riade by itself an:{ in its behalP, and after duc considcration of a~l evidence ~nd r~n~rtc offered at s~i~l t,~,~~ ~... ~• ~, __.,,~•• ~,~~~ ~~~c:riaine tne toll~~•iinr, faets: ~• Th~t the pro~osr_d use is pro~erly one for aihich a conditional use permit is autliori>ed by Maheim ttunicipal Code Section 1~..!;1,~~~~,1j~ to wit• To permit the commercial use of a residentiol structure o~ith ~aaivers of: (aj SECTIOtI 18.41,O;p,13h - Minimum landscaped setback. 'IJ ~eet required; none existing) (bj S[CTI01! 1C.~i1.(150,1;5 - pcrmittcd location of required parkinq. °arkinr7 at rear o structurc required; p~rl:ing at frc~nt existin~) 2. That the requcsted ~~iaivers (a) and (b) are herehy denied on the basis that the petiti~ner stipulatcd to removc tlie exisLin~ ~~;rh~lt paving in Lhe 10-foot wide setbac4: area ~:dj~cent to Harbor [3oulevarcl anrl to reol~ce it ~•~ith lancJscaping within six (G) munths, and to lands~a~e the ~~-foot are~ adjaccnt to the 6-foot high walls along Chc north ancl e~st ;~roperty lines. PC81-130 ~. That the l~ropused use is hereby ~r~ntecl subj~ct t~ the petitlon~r's stipulations to ir.nrx~diately remove e;;istin<~ stored vehicles anci other naterials from the parF:incl ar~a lnc.:ted at the rear of tlir_ strur.ture, that r,o vehicles ,hc;i i be par~:ed or stored on the prenises overnicii~t. adjoininnt#lar,c;T'uses and thc~Pr~~th and~ developncrt`''of~~ft~~~ n~~c;dv'ns~yj' iehfeit tis proposecl to be located. 5. Tha: th^ ,ize ~n,l shape o` thc sitc proposed for tlie use, as granted, is adequa*e to allori the full d•~vc'.opment uf the prcposed use ;n a manner not detrimental to the particular ~rea nor to the peace~ IICOICII, safety, and general wel`arc of the Citi::ens of thc City of Anahci~i. G. That the ~rantin~ or tfie Conditional Use Pernit under the eonditions imposed, if any, i~rill not bc detri~ntal to the pcace, health, safety and qereral Yrelfare <~f the Citizens of the City of Maheim. 7. That the traffic ~encrat~~d by thc propose:l csc, as ~ranted, ~•~ill not impose an un~lue burden u~on the strects :~nd hi~~h~•iays desi~ned and iciproved to earry the traffic in thc area, E. That on~. person in~iicateu their presence at said public nearing in op~~osition; ~ncl th~t no corr~s~~ondence ara, r~ceive<i in o~position to thc subject petition. E~11/IR011~1EtlV~L II1P~1CT FitlDItJG: That thc Anahein City Plannin~ Conmission has reviewed the proposal to pernit the com;;iercial use of a residential structure w•ith wiavers of r~ininun l~ndseaped setbaci: anJ perr.iitted locat~on of required parking on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consiscinc of ~pp roximately 0.2 acre, having a frontage of ~pproximately (~1 fect on rh~ ~,~r r.i.~ ..F ~~>..~,.... ~.,. , v 39 locateu apprnximatcl ~ fect nor[h o` thc centerlinc af VermontVAvenue'U(~77_u Soutl Harbor E3oulevard); and does hereby approve thc ~legative Declaration from the requirement to pre~arc an environmental impact re~ort on tne basis that there ~vould be na cignificant indiviJual or :.ur~ui~tive advcrse environnental impact due to the approval of this Ne~a*_ive Ueclar~tion since the Anahein GPneral Plan desinnates the subject proPerty for comrercial professional ian~i uses conmensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental im~icts are involvecl in the proposal; that the initial Study submitCed by the petitioner indic~Ces no significant individual or cunulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the tJegative Declaration substantiating thc foregoinn finclings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Uep~rtment. ~JOII, TfIEREFO~,E, EE IT RESOLVEf~ tha[ the ~inahcim City Planning Commission does hereby 9ran[ subject Petition for Conditional Usc Pernit, u~on the following conditions ~~rhich ar;: here:,y `ounu to !,e a nceessary prereyuisite to the proposed use of the subjeet property in crder to prr_,crve tne safe ty and qeneral ~~elfare of the Citi:ens of the City of ~1naheiri: -2- Pc81-130 1• That the cti~mcr(s) o` suhject ~~rc,nerty slial 1~,~y to the Ci ty of llnaiie;;-. a tce, in an anx,unt .i, detci~,~~„r„t h~: the City Council, for ;Crnc Narbor Uouievard. t li~~htinq alenc ~'- That subject prcnert~~ shall i,c developed subs~~;^~ially in aecordanee with plans'and specii ~catic~n; on filc ~•~ith the City ~~f An~~heir.i rnarl<ed ~:;hibit tlo5. ~ and 7. eicept ~s ntl•~er.-~ise rec~uirec; licreii;, 3. That ti;e existing structure 5ha11 be brou ~ht up to the minim.;rn standards of rhe Ci ty of F,;»hei,,;, fnclu~ing the Uni form (3ui ldin~, P!umbing, Electricai, ?1echanical an~1 Fire Codes as adonted by the City nf Anaheim. ~F• Tnat Conditivn Ilo, 1, abovc-r~ert~ened, ,hali be complied with prior to the commencecient of Lhe activity autiiorized under this resolution, or prior to the tirnc that the builclinq permit is is;ued, or ~:iithi~ a period of one year `rom date hereof, rrhichever occurs first, or suc!i further tiek as the Planning Commission may grant. 5. Th~t Conditi~n tJos. 2 and ;, above-mentioned, shall be complied ~•~ith prior to final buildin~ ind zor,ing ins~ec[ions. E- TI~t3l wi tiiin six (() months ~( thc uate hercin, the `o~~r (ti) foot ~•ride areas adjacent to th~~ (-foot hi~~h ciasonry ~~all on the north anc) east ~roperty lines ahall be land,eop~~d and perrwnently r.inintainec!. 7• That ~~rithin si;c (G) rK,n[lis of the clate herein, the e;;i;tinc~ asphalt pavinn in the 1^-foot ~:~ide front s: tbacl; adjacent Il~rbor Uoulevard sh~11 be removed and replaced with irrigated landseanin9; said iand~c~pirg to be pcrmanently maintaineJ. r, ~• Thnr ~>>t~r~. ~ thc F~arl;ing are~, ,~r tlie rcar of^the st,ruc[urcUirn;~edfatclytand~t~iat,no vehic ese~sftall bc stored or p~r~:ed on [he prer~ises overnic~ht. [3E IT FURTHER fi[SOLVCD tlia[ the Anahciri City Plannin~ Commission does hereby find and detcrnine that [he aduption of this Resolution is er,~~ressly predicated upon applicant's compliance riith each and all o` the c~nditions hereinabovc set forth, Should any condition or .,ry part thereof, he declared invalid or unenforceable by the final ;udgment of any court of con~~etent jurisdict+on, then this Resolutio~, and any approvals hercin conCaired, ,hall be deemed null and v~id. THE FOREG01~lG RESOLUTI~t! is si c~ned and approveci by me Cliis 1;th ~lay of June, 1931. 0 ,~ , - (~ ' ~ c ~~, Q <<. u ~ . ~ tra lt~-c-_ CilAl!?ri~~f! f'R~ TErtaCRC ~ /1'lAilElhl CITY f'Lr1~1111!:C C0~1!1lS~10;; -~~ PC81-130 nrrEST: ^~ ~ ~ ~~- ~'- %~~ ~ s~r.i,~r~„y, nr,afi~ir~ CITY P!_~IIIlI~IG cn~~r~issin~i sTn-r~ or cn~i For,r~ i~~, ) C011;lTy OF OP,l~IlG[ ) 5~, CITY OF ANP,iiEl~t ) ~, Edith L. Harris, Sccretary of ~hc Anaheir; City Plannin~ Conmission, do hcreby certify thit the f~recoinc; rc,olution ~~is passed anci ado~ted at a meeting of the Anohein City P1annEng Corinission hcld on June 1~, 1~~':1, at 1:30 p.m., by the foll~~ing votc of thc rKr.bers thcrcof: " AYES: COtt~IISS10';CRS: 3I~R';ES, 3(;Ui~S, GUSI;~~<~ Fny ~iEp:~~~ ~„I,~~; ~~~~~: COHHISSIUtlEP.S: tJ011E ' ' %uiSEiJT: COt!~i1SSI~iJERS: TCL,;~ I~l ',lIT~;C55 b1HERCOF, I hav~• hcr:.unt~ set riy hand this 1;th d~~y o( June, 19~1. ~ i: ";~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ r ~~ SECPETA Y, AIL111E1~1 CITY PL,^,fl~llllG COHMISSIOM -4- PC31-130