PC 81-131RESOLUTIOtJ IJO. PC~1-131 RESOLUTIOtJ OF T'i~ AF1AH[IM CITY PLAIJIJItdG COFtf•11S510;J TIIAT PETI710~I FOR V/1RIAlICG t10. 322i BE GFA~:I~ED 4lIIEREr1S, thc Flnahe'm City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Variance fron•~ ROdERT P. HALL /11dD EVELYi! E. IIl1LL, S32 Whitir~g ~doods Road, Giendale, California 912~0, oo-~ners, and P,AY hlAt:AGA11~ AFJD hIAN(,Y r~af:nr~~~n, 2025 South 1~lanchester Avenue, llnaheim, California 92307, agents of certain re~l property situated in the City of /lnahcirn, County of Orange, St~±e of California describe:l as: ALL THFlT CERTAf I1 L;PJC S ITUAT[D It1 THE RG111CH0 SP.~J JUq~J CAJOPd DE SFINTA Atl;~, DESCFI[3ED AS FOLLOl~15: THFlT POP,TIO~! OF THE SOUTIfEAST 2Uf1RTCR OF TVIE NORTHtlEST QUART[R OF SECTIO(! 2G, T01ltJSHIP 4 SOUTfI, RANGE 10 41EST, SAfJ BEP,~JARDlt10 BASE AllD M[RIDIA:'I, DESCRI[3[D AS FOLLO~JS: C0~9t9LNCI~IG AT TIIE SOUTHEAST CO~ttdER OF TfiE IJORTI1lJEST QU/1RTER OF SAI D SECTI OPI 2~~, TtIEIICE WORTfI ~s3 DEG. 41' 15" blEST, ALOIJG TU[ SOUTIi LItIE OF SAID NORTHIdEST QUAR"fER, A DISTANCE OF G60.2G FEET: TIIENCE WORTEI 0 DEG. ~1' 47" E/1ST 715,3~ FEET TO A P011lT, Sf11D POItlT l3ElldG THE TRUE POIPlT OF L~EGItlMIiIG; TIiE~dCL" 50UTN Eu DEG. 1~1F' O1" EAST 20,00 FEET; TN[t~CE SOUTH 0 DEG. O1' A7" F/EST 1+1F.00 FEET; TfIEtdCE SOUTFI S~ DEG. !E4' ~t" E/1ST 2~0.07 FEET: TfIEt1C[ tlORTii D D[G. n~ ~~~7~' EAST 20.00 F[ET; THEh~C[ SOUTII 3~ DEG. 41t' 01" E115T 308.13 FEET TO TI;E SOUTtIb1E5T[RLY LINE OF TIIE LAF:D D[SCRI[iED I td A DFCD TO TIiE ST~TE Oi= C~LI FORt! IA, F! LED MFlRCII 12, 1952 AS DOCUh1EFlT PJO. 25071 IN TIIE OFFICE OF 1"ilE REGISTRAR ~JF TITLES OF OR,;;~GE COUIJTY, CALIFOR~dIA; TH[t~C[ IdORTH 39 DEG. 30' 19" l•lEST ALOtlG SAID SQUTI1llESTERLY LII:E A DISTAIJC[ OF 702.3h FE[T; THENCE tlORTfI 38 DEG, lt1E' O1" WEST 1G1.07 FEET TO /1 LIPJE TIIAT B[ARS NORTH 0 DEG. O1' 47" EAST FROP1 TI1E TRUE PCItdT OF QEGI~JNItdG; TIIErdCF50UTN n ~Fr., GI' 47" WEST 508.02 FEET TO TI1E TRUE POItJT OF BEGIIliJIt1G, E\CEPTIIdG TtIEREFR0~1 TIIAT PORTIO~J I„CLUDED WITIIIN PAP,CEL 1, AS SIIObJN 01! A MAP FILED IiJ BOOK 62, PAGE 5 ~F PARCEL MAPS, I11 TfIE OFF~CF OF THE COUNTY RECOf2DER OF SAID ORAPiGE COUPJTY. l~IIIEREAS, the Ci ty Piannin~ Commission did hold a publ ic fiearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on June 1~, 1nII1, at 1:30 P.m., notice of said public hearing haviny bcen duly given as required by la~-~ and in accordance with the provisions of the Flnaheim tlunicipal Code, Chapter 1F.nj, to hear and consider eviden:.e for and ayainst said proposed variance and to investigate and ma4:e findings and recommerdations in connection there~-iith; and WIIEREAS, said Cormission, after due inspection, investi9a,*.ion and study rnade by itself and in its bel~aif, and after due considerition of all evid~nce and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the folic;~ling facts: Pc81-131 1• That the petitioner praposes ~~aivers of the following to construct two freestanding signs: (3) S[CT~Q!! 1~.n5.p~3,~21 _ ~qa;,imum nw,iber of freestanding signs. one permi tted; t~,io pro~osed - (b) SCCTIOt! 1~,.05.Og~,p2~ - permitted locatinn of free;tanding si.ns. 120 feet rom northwest 9 property line r^~uired; 9q feet proposed) (c) SECTIO;J 1~.~5,p~~3,p231 -~linimum distance between freestandinq si ns. ~00 feet required; 1!5 feet propcsed (d) SL"CTIOtJ 1u.05.0~3.q2~t1 - ~taximum siqn height. 25 eet permitted t~ithin 300 feet of residential structure; 3G feet proposed) 2- That the above-mentioned waivers arc hereby granted on the basis tiiat derial a~ould deprive subjact p roperty of a privilege enjoyed by other- properties in the same zone and vicinity and that the sign ~•iill not be seen from nearby residentia~ mobi lehome parF; to the south. 3. That there are exceptional or e;<traordinary circumstances or condit~ons applicable to the p-operty involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the ~roperty or class of use in the ;ame vicinity and zone. 4• That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyr~ient of a substantial prcperty right pussessed by otfier property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the nroperty in question, 5. Thar. the requested variance will not be m~teri~it., ~~~ , public ~.~elfar~, ~- i;ju; iou, lu [iie ~ro ert~ ~ =•''ie;~rto~ tu iiie f P ~ or irnprovements in sucfi vicinity and zone i n wh i ch the property is locat-^.d. cpnosition; a~dhth~tno(, o~nerespondence a~iserecePvedenin oppositi~on~utolctheeasubject petition. EtJVIR0~If1Ft1TAL II•IPAC,' FINDI~IG: The Planning Director or his authorized representative hz~s determined that the proposed ~ro;ect falls a~itnin the definition of Cateyorical Exemptions, Class 3, as defined in the St~te [IR Guidelines and is, therefo~•e, categorically exempt from tlie requirement to p~eparc an EIR. IJ04l, 711EREFORE, 6E IT RESOLUED that tlie Anah~im City Planning Corre~issicn does hereby grant subject Petition for Varian~e, u,~on the folloa~ing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prer-equisite to the ~ro~osed use of the subject property in order to preserve the s~fety and general ~•~elfa.e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That thc o~vncr(s) of subject property siiall submit a letter requesting the te rmination of Variar~ce Flo, 71~ to thc Planning Department. 2. ThaC subject Property shall be dev~loped substantially in accordance with plans ancl specifications or file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit IJo. 1, -2- Pc81-131 ~~~ - ~ _ - 3. That Condition No. 1, al,ove-mentioncd, shall bc complied ~~ith prior to the conmencenr~~nt of the activity authorized under this resolution, or ~srior to the Lifll? that the building perr;it is issued, or ~:rithin a period of one year from date hereof, wliichever o,:curs first, or sucl~ `urther time as the Planning Commission may yrant. 4. That Condition iJo. ?, above-mentionecl, shali be complied ~•iith prior to final building an~ zoniny inspections. [3t IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commfssion does hereby find ancl determine that the adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compiiai,ce with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of com~etent jurisdiction, then Chis Resolution, and any approvals herein contaired, shall be dee~ned null and void. TIIE FOREGOItlG RESOLUTIOf! is si~ned and approved by ne this i5th day of June, 1981. /~~t~_ ~~ ~~,.s~--R-- CIIAIRNAPI PRO TEMPORF A~IAHEIhI CITY PLAt!(JI~JG C019FtISSIOW ATTEST: `~ ~ ~ ~~~ SECRETAkY, FlilAHEIM CITY PLA~lNIt1G C0~IMISSIO(1 STATE OF C/1L I FORII i/1 ) COUtJTY OF ORFltJGE ) ss. CITY OF AtJAiI[Ih1 ) I, Edith L Harris, Secretary of the Fnahein City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the fore9oin3 resolution was passed ancl adopted at a meeting o` the Anaheim City Planniny Commission held un June 15, 1~~1, at 1;j0 p,m,, by the foilowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COHt11SSI0f![RS: BOUC~S, FRY, HERQST, KING ~IOCS: COh1P115SI0~lERS: 6ARtaES, [3USHORE AE3SEtJT: COh1111 SS I OPlERS: TOLAR IU WITtIESS WlIEREOF', I have hereunto set my hand this 15th day of June, 19f31. ~_- / '~ ~~ ~ ~d ~1n~' SCCRETARY, AIIANE111 CITY PLAU111'iG CJIIMIS510N -3- Pc81-131