PC 81-132r,eso~u ~ i o~i ~~o. ~cFS ~- ~ A RESOLUTIOi; 0~ TIIE E1t~Al1[II1 CITY PLflPIIlIIIG CCF1111S51011 TIIAT PETITION FOR VARIAPICE IJO. 3?_2~f f3E D[~IIED WlIERE~aS, thc Flnaheim City Plannin~ Commi,sion did receive a verified Petition for Variance froro DALE R. TH~YER /1t1D t1URIEL E. TFIAY[R, 7~]p Sar,ianth~ Circle, Anaheiri, California 923~7, a~mers of cert~in real pro~erty situated in the City of ~naheim, County of Orange, Statc of California, described as: LOT 9( 0 F TRFICT G0. 2&;1 , I I! TI I[ C I TY OF ~UAI IE I FI, AS SHObRI OFl A MAP RECORDED III ¢001: 3(,9, PqGES l, 2 At1D 3 OF F1ISCELLAtlEOUS i~APS, RECORDS OF Or'ANGE COUt1TY, Cl\LIFORIlI/;. 411iERElIS, the City Plannin~ Commission did hold a oublic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on June 1>, 1951, at 1:30 p.m., eotice of said public hearing having been duly given as rec~uired by ]a:~r and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim ttunicipal Code, Ch~pter l~,,p3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investi~ate and ma{;e findings and recommendations in connection there~•~ith; and l/IIERF/IS, said Commi,sion, after due insi~ection, investigation and study made by itsclf and in its be(iaii', and after uue ccnsid•~ration of ail evidence ~nd renorts offerecl at s~iu hearinr,, does find and detern~ine the folla~iirc~ facts: 1. That the peti tioner proposes a~•~ai ver of t~e fol loarinc to retai n an existin9 gar~g~ conversion: SE_CTI01! lu.?_7,OG6.010 and .~11 - tlinimum number and type of parl:ing spaces. ~5 spaces v~i th 2 enclosed ,~~ u y~~ ay~ requi red; = open spaces exi s*. i nc7) Z. That the abovementioned a~aiver is hereby denied on the basis that the Petiti~mcr ;!i~l not ~'er:ion;Crate ti~at a hardship exists and approval couid set an un:lesirable ~,rece~icn: for convcrting residential garages to other uses. ~. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions ap~iicable to thr_- property invol:~ed or to the intended use of the property that do not app~y ~~~i~rnlly tn the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zcnc. ~+• ?ii~r. tlie requested voriance is riot necessary for Che preservarion and en_joyrr.~nt nf ~ substnnticil pro~erty rinht possessecl by other property in the same ~ieini ty anu ;:onc, nnd denied to the pro~erty in questio~. 5. That tf~c re~ucstc~! viriancc ~~ill bc rnaterially detrimental to the P~ablic ~~fclf~re or injuric,us to tlie ~~ru;>erty or improvements in sueh vieinity and zone in t•iliicl~ th~~ ~rop~~rty is I~~caic~~. Pc81-132 ~• That no one indicated their presence at said publ;c hearing in opposition; and tha~ no correspc~ndence was received in op~osition to the subject petition. Et~VIR06J~1E~;TAL IMPACT FltdUlllG: The Planning Director or his authorized representativc has determined that the praposed project falis within the definition of Cateyoricai Exemptions, Class 1, as defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefore, cateyorically exernpt from the requirement to prepare an EIR. tlOll, TII[REFOR[, G[ IT RESCLVED that the P~naheim City Planning Gommission ctoes hereby deny subject Petition for Variance, on the basis of th. aforementioned f indings. TfIC FOREGOING RESOLUTIO(! i> signed and approved by ne this 1;th day of June, 1981. ~~.e.p ~. ~ ~.~.~.~~ CfiAIRF1Atl PRO TEIIPORE ATTCST: ~~~A~IEIh1 CITY r~~A~~nirir, COM~IISSIOt! ~ ~ ~ ~~ SECRET/1RY, A~lAIIFIM CITY PL/1t1(JIt1G COf1MIS510;! STATE OF CALI FORtd ~q C~U~iT'~' ur uKiiilGL- ) ss. CITY OF AIIAH[IN ) ~, Edith L. Ilarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed ar,d adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission helcl on June 1~, 1931, at ~;3n P,m, b the fol)owing vote of tfie members thereof: ~ Y AYES: COP1F11SSIQPIERS: DARtJES, E30UAS, 6USIIORE, FRY, IIER[3ST, f:IP1G FlOES: COHf•11SSIOPI[RS: PJOhlE ADS EtJT: COMFt I SS I O~JE RS : TOLAR ItJ '•dIT~lCSS LlHEREOr, I have hereunto set my hand tFiis 15th day of June, 19B), s ~CRETAf'Y HilN~ ti~ ~~ P~n~ni r~r_~~ cortrti ss i ort -2~ Pc81-132