PC 81-134P,ESOLUTI~I! I10. PC&1-13~! A RESOLUTIOIi OF THE A(!hH[1~1 CITY f'LA,I~lI~lG C011MIS~10'! T;IAi PETITIO•'1 FOR V!1(tIA'!Cc IJO. 3%-'~~ ~~= ~~~iIEG 4J;IERE1IS, tiic Anaheim City Plannin9 Cormissian did receive a verified Petition for Vari~~ce frora IfEI;If:ICIi VIRRO ~tIU F1~P,Tfi/1 VIRf;O, ~'12 florth Ler.~on St~ect, M~hcim, Cal iforr~a '!28~~, cx~iners of ccrtain re~l property situated in the City of Anaheir:i, County of Orangc, Statc of Calirornia, described as: The Sou[h fi0 feet of Lot 6, Biocl: l1, Tract 11E;, as per map recorded i n E3ook 11 , pac~e i~ of P1i sce! laneous ~taps, records of Oranyc Co~nty. IdHEREP.S, the City Planninq Conmi;sion did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on June 15, 1~c31, at 1:30 P.m., notice of said publie hearing I~aving been duly given as reauired by lx~i and in accc>rdance t•~ith the provisions of the Anahein Nunicipal Co~e, Chapt^r 1f1.03, to hear and consider evidence for ard against said propo5ed vari~~ncr_ nnd to investic;ate and na4:e findings and recommendations in conneccion thera~rith; and 4lI1ERE!IS, SaiJ Commission, afrer ~lue ins~ecti~n, investinati~n ~nd study made by itself an<1 in its behalf, and after :lue consic'~ration of ~11 evidence and reports offered at sa; ~! hcari ng, docs f i nd anc'. :!etermi nc thc fol lo:•~i nn facts : 1. That the petitioner pro~oses ~`:l~iVr; of thc follo~r~ing to retain a 9ara9c conversion: SEC710~1 13.;1=.06G.012 - Minimuri number of parking spaces. 5 spaces required; 3 existingT 2. That the above-r~entioned waivcr is hereby denieu on the basis that the petitioner did not der~onstrate that ~ h~rdship exists and approval could set an unuesirable ;~recedent for com~erting apartrient 9~rages to o~her uses. j. That there ar~ no er,ceptional or r_xtraordinary eircumstanees or conditions ap~licable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not zpply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. h. That *_he requested variance is ~iot necessary for the preservation and enjoyn~nt of a substanti.~l property ri~~ht possessed by other property in the same vicinity ~nd zone, a~_: denicd to the property in question. 5. That the re~uested variance ti•~ill be materially detrimental to the public ~.1elf~re or injurious to tt;e propert~ or ir~prov~_rnents in suc!~ vicinity and zone 1n whieh thc propcr[~ is located. PC81-134 ~~. That no one indie~~tecl thei~ presenee at saicl publ ie he~ring in opposition; ~nel that n~ eorresponcleneei•ias received in o~~osition to thc subject petition. EiIVI ROf;ItE:IT/1L I t1P~CT FIIlDI IlG: The Plann i n~~ bi rectcr or hi s authori zed representative has deterrnined that thc ~roposr_d project falls o-~ithin the definition of Categorical Excr~ptions, Class 1, as clefined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefer~, cater;orically e•r.cr;ipt froci the requirement to prepare an EIR. iJOl1, TIIERCFORE, E3E IT i[SOLVED that thr_ llnahein City Planning Comrnission does hereby deny subjec: Petition for Variance, on the b~sis of the aforementioned findings. TIIE FOREG0IIlG R[SOLUTIOiI i s s i c7ned and apnroved by me th i s 15ti~ day of June, 19~1. ~~_ ~ . ~ ~,~-e^-~ CIiAIRIiFuI PRO TEIIPORE AIIAIIEl~1 CITY PLl11l~;IiIG C01111 1 5 5 1 0t1 ATi'LST: _ (D C~-~! . ~ , /~`/-C~1it-c.ai SECR[TI1RY, AIlAIIEIPf CITY PLAN~iIUG C0111i15510~1 STATE QF C~LIFORIlIA ) COUtITI' Of ORq,yGE ) ss. C I TY OF A~lAHE I I~ 1 I, Edith L. Narris, ~ecsetiry of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do nereby certify [hat t(ie roregoing resolution ~das passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held or, June 15, 1~~1, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the merrbers thereof: AYES: COPfMIS510NER5: BARNES, BUSHOR[, FRY, HERQST P10[S: COFIMISSIOtlERS: BOUAS, I:I(dG ABSEiJT: COt1111SS10(lERS: TOLAR IPl 411T(1[SS WHEREOF, I havc hereunto set n~y hand this l;th day of June, 19"ul. ~ ~ ~~ti SECRET/1RY, AIJAIiEIIt CITY PL PlNI(!„ C~I•1~iISSIOt: '2' Pc81-134