PC 81-138f;[SOLiiTfOr) ~~0. PC31-1?3 ~ RESOLUTI01! OF THE AP;AIIEIM C~TY PLA!dPJIrJr, C~h1P'IS510!I DF.FIYIrlG THE REOUEST FOR DCLETIOPI OF COt!pI710ta tIOS. 2 A~Ip ~ OF RESOLUTIO!~ PJO. PC81-83 PERTAINI"iG TO STREFT LIGH7 INST~:LLP.Tin~l AND TRaFFIC Slr,~IAL ASSFS5~1[P!T FEE I"I Cn;!tiF.CT10~! !•liTH COhIDITI011AL USE P[Rt~IT ~!n, ~~q(; WIIEREAS, thc peCitioner suhmitted a reaucst for an amendment to the conditions of approvai contained in Planning Cor^mission Resolution ~fo. PCn1-fi3 adopted in connection with Conditional Use Permit r!o, 21n^, s•ihich ~ias granted by the Planning Commi;sion on ~pril "~, 1~31, to permit antique sales in the N~L (Industrial. Limited) Zone on property consisting of approximately ~.?7 acre located at the northeast corner of Y.atella Avenur and 7eyn Street, and further descrihed as 131 4/est Katella Avenue; and WHERFAS, the petittoner renuests deletion of the following conditions contained in the above-referred t~ resr,lution: "2. That street liyhting facilities along Katella /lvenue and Zeyn Street shall be instailed as required by the Office of Utilities Gen~ral !lanager, and in accordarce ti,;tth specifications on file in the Office ~f l!tilitiFS General tSanager; and/or that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and `orm satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted t-iith the City to guarantee the installation of the aLove-mentioned re~uirements prinr to commencement o` the activity herein anproved. 3. That the o~•rner(s) of subject property shall pay the traffic signal assessnent fee (Ordinance No, 3n^o) in an amount as determined hy the City Council, for commercial buildings r.r~nr rn rh~ cc~_~~~~ •,r .. ~C; ~;.~7 ~y^ j:c!'6ii ~ Gi' C:ur~~,iiiCi~(.rnlc'.nL Oi the activity herein approved, ~~ihichever occurs first." WHEP,EAS, the Anahei~ City Planning Ccx7mission did hold a public hearina at the Civic Center in the City of /lnaheim on June 1S, 1~81, at 1:3n p.m,, notice of said public liearing having be~n duly given as requir•:d by ia~•~ and in accordance with the provisions ~f the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hsar and consider evidence for and against said proposal to amend the conclfticns of approval of Conditional Use Pcrmit No. 2198, and to investigate and mak,e findiny; and recommendations in connection therewith; and WNEREAS, said Commission, after due inspectior, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after di~e consid~ration of all evidc~nce anrl reports offered at said hearirg, DOES HERf_RY ~'Ih1D: 1. That no one indicated their presence at said pu~lic hearing in oppusltion; and that no correspondence was r~ceived in onpositloi, to the ,ub,ject request. PC81-13~3 z. That the Commission coiiid not fird justification For de]eting said conditions on the basis that all o`her pro~erties in the Cit~~ of Flnaheim are required to pay said fees and granting the request co~~ld set an undersirable precedent. EDIUIROh1MENTAL IMPACT FI~IDING: That a Negativn Declaration a~as previously approved en April 2~, 19~1, and no further action is necessary, ^IOIJ, THEP,FFORE, QE IT RESO~V[D that the Anaheim City P)annin Commission does fiereby dem~ amendment of Resclutfon ~`fo. ~1-83, and the cond(tions r9main as a part of the resolution and nust he compl ied ~-~i t!i. 7HE FOREGOI~J(, RESOLUTIOP! is signed and approved by me this 15th day of June, 19f31. /~~-~-<~ i~ , ~_ CHA I R!1A~J PRO TEMPOP,E ATTEST: A`JkHEIM CITY PLAP~N1~lr, COM!~ISStn~~ > ~ ~ SECP,ETARY~ AtdAHEIM CITY PLAflNiidr, COMMlSSI0~1 STATE OF CALIFORPlIA ) COUNTY OF ORA~JGE ) ss, CITY OF FlPlAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Comm;ssion, cio hereby cert?fy that the foregoing resolution ~oas passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahetm City P)annin~ Commission held on June 15, 1~3~, at 1:3~ p,m,~ Sy the following vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: COMt•iISSIONERS: BARNES, BOUFlS~ BUSNOP.E, FRY, HEP,BST, KIMr. NGES: COMMISSIONERS: NQNE Ag~-'~' COMMISSIO!JERS: TOLAR ~Pd WITrJESS WHEkEOF, i have hereunto set my hanci this 1~;[h day of June, i9R1, ~ ~-GG~ ,/ ~~r~vrti.~-a.~ SECRET~RY, A~dRHEIPI CITY PLAtJIJINR COMMISSION -2- PC~1-1?8