PC 81-141aESn~uTior: ra. Nc~t_t4i - RESOL'JTIOfJ ~F TIIE Ai!/1ilElil CIT1' PL/1iJi111lG Cnp~~~15;~0~1 TII!',T PETITI011 FOR ~p;~p~TI0t1AL USE PER~11T I10. ???(, p[: fGq;JT[U 4IIIERE,.~, th~ An;;hein~ City Pl~nning Cormiission clid receive a verified Petition fur Co.~dir;~,~~~ il,~ permit from ~l'~U! E. TIIOItSE;I, ~T qL, 1;~7 South Orive,~ SantacAn~ An~hcim, California ~Z~O1, o~.mer, and J~E P,IC1;;1/1;J, ?,~i7 Rainba,~ the Citv of Ana:;cirnC3Countn~' ')?7`75, a~~c~[, or certain rcal propert• .. y of Oranye, St~te of California, uescribedSasua`~`~ ~n PltP,CEL A: Tl~i~t portion of Lot ; of Tr~ct 71, as per map recordecJ ~~' ~'O°~`• ~`>> Pa9e >'L of riiscellaneous ma~s, records of said Orange County, descr;bed as po11o~.~s; P~rcel 2, as sha•m on a map there~f 1'iled in book 5~, pa~~ 17 af Parcel Ha~s, records of said Qranqe County; ~nd P,'1R~EL C: Tnat portic~n of Lot :,, Tr~ct 71, as per ma recordec in bool; 1~, p~Je 2? of iaiscellaneous maps, records Orangc ~ount ~ Y, California, described as fo1)a.~s; C3eginninq ~Lof Point ir the eenterline cf PLAC[iJTIA qUEflUE, ~•~hieh p~i~t is 2~~ feet, s~u~h of the nortlnvest corner ~f Sectior 2';, To:rnship ~~ south, f.~;~q~ ~p i.~~st, S,L',3. 1 ine of PLACE:IT1l1 !lr ~ ~~ ''• ~ thencr_ south a1on~ thc center s~u[h b~a._iJary linc ofE~ct~;,JTract' ~I~enr_e east par~il~l t~~ith thc t~~°r~c~= nc-tn par~llel :~ith snid centerl;a ~istance of 151; feet; feet; thc~ce ~.aesC par~~llel ~~ith the southcbounurLirCE.'ITIP-. AVE'lUE, 5~ Lot 5, di;tanee of~ 1,4 fect Y linc of said ~egi nn i nc~. EXC[PT'tlf- TIIEREFR0;1 that portion ~•iithin PLACEiITI/f+~~qVEIUE, as shcw~n a~0.00 f~~t street un said maP, ~djoini~n, said Lot S in the ~~iest. 4JIIERE/15, the Ci tv P1 ~.,~;.... ~ ~`=~~~~~ ~~~ the City of .4naheim on June`Il~'1j'~V~~ ~~~ hnld a hearing having been dui ~_ Public hearin~ at the Civic ~, 19II1, at 1:3~ p.~., notic.e of said Nubiie provisions of the Anahein; yliur~~iicipalaSCode~u~red by I~i•~ and in accordance with the evidence for and against said ~ ~h3?ter 1~.,r~3, to hear make findin~- ProPosed conditional use a~~ consider ,~ and recomr.~enditions ir, Permit and to investigatc~ and connection therei~iith; ~n~ ~~'~~EREAS, said Cormiissien, after due inspection, inves[iyation and study made bY itself and in its behalf, and aft~r ,;i1e. consideration of ~31i evi,ience and reports off~red at said hearinq, ~ioes ¢ind and deterraine the folicwiing faets: 1. That the proposed u>e is I'r~perly one for N;hich a pern~it is authorized by Anaheim Ftunicipal Code ~ condition~l use permit a comr,~,«~~~ office buildir. i,, e~tion 1~.~3,03~.O1n 9 the HL (Industrial, Limited) Zonet~ ~~~~t' T~ ` 'hat the P~~~osed use is Pier~,~ uses as stf~ulated to b, Y 9~anted and limitec; to the follo~•~ing ~ the peti[ioner: 11e~lical offices i•~iil not be permitted, Accountinn - [3o;~kE;ecninc Adninistrative E3usines,e; E~`~~~~`"~'~s F~~~~~~~1 ~nsCitutior~s PC81-~4t lldvcrtisin~~ Anst•~crir,~; Servicc Appraiscrs llrcli i tect Associations - Gusincss and Tradc, CharY~er of Commcree, Labur, Professional, ete. Attornr~ys L'an{;s 6rnkers - R. E., Qusiness Op~ortunities, etc. Uusiness System Conpanic, Civic Organiz~tions Collcetion /lgeney Cor~municati~~n Consultant ConsultanCs Centrac[ors Cor~oratic~n Ileadquarters Regional Office Credit Reporting Agency Dat.i Proeessinq Centers Designers - Industri~l, Interior, Graphic General Office Gnvcrnment~l Of`icc Importers/Ex~orters/General Office I nsur,~nee Corip~n i cs Inventory S~rvices Investigation 5ervices Investrr~nt Serviees Leasinq Companics Le~al Services htanagement Companies F1arLetinq Companics htortg~ ge Compan i es Pcrsonnel Agency Puhl~c.f;gcncics Publishine Comp~nics Rese,~rcl; L Cevelo~i»ent Saies Office (outside) Secret~~rial Services Titic Companies Travel Ageney Develnpment eornanies 3• That thc pro~os~d use o-~ili r;nt advcrsely ~`f~ct the adjoinine, land uses anJ the ~ira~~Ch ar,-i developr„ent of the irca in v~hich it is proposed to be located. 4. That thc size ard shapc oi [he sitr F;roposeci for the use is adequate to allo~•~ Chc fu11 developr~nt of [hc proposed use ir a manner not detrinental to the particular are~ nor to th~ ~e.~ce, heal[h, s~fety, and qeneral ~.~elfare of the Citiz_ens o f the C i ty of Anahe i ~n. ~. iiia~ u~e ~_;ranting ot the Condi+_i~n<~I Use Perriit under the conditions imposed, if any,ti•~ill not be detrirnental to the pcace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of ~he City or Anaheim. G, That the traffic gencrated by the propc,sed use a;iil not impose an undue burden upon .he streets and hi~h~.~ays desic~ned and improved to earry the traPfie in the ~rca. ~ 7. Tlia[ nc~ ore indicated their presence at said publie hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence aras received in opposition to the subject petition. Ei~VIR011~1EflTAi.. IHf'.~CT FIPJUI~IG: That the llnaheim City Plannin~ Commission hr~; revic.a~d the proposal to permit a comn~rcial offic~ uuilcling in the F1L (Industrial, Linited) Zone un an irregul.9rly-shaped ~arccl of land consistinn o` approximately 0,1~ acre, having a frontaye of anprox~mately 7~ i'cet on thc ~ast side of State College Eioulevard, and being locnted a~proxim~Cely "10 feet south of the centerline of ICatc:ila Avenue; and eioes hrreby ~~prove the ilec;ative Declaratic~n from tiie requirement to preoare :m cnvironmental in~~acC repcirt on the basis that [herc would be no -2- PC8i-141 significant in~livicJu:~l or curiulr~tive a~lverse envirnnment.~l ir.;paet rluc~ to ~:he approval of this ileqativr. Declarati~~n ;ince the /1n~heim Gen::rnl Plan ~ies~9nates the subject property for eon~r..erc~al recre~tiun l,-~nd w~s ior~nensurate t•~ith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental im;-,acts arc involvcd in the pr~~~os~l; that the Initial Study submitCed by the peti[ioner indic~tes no sinnificant indiviuual or eumulative adverse environnent~.l impacts; :~nd th~t t!ic Ilegat'ive Declaration substantiating the feregoin<: findinr:s i_~ on fil~~ ir. the City of Pnaheim f'lanninq Ucpartrient. NO':1, TiIERCFJRf_, E3L IT R[SOLVEU that thc Anaheim City Planning Commissio~ does hereby yr~nt subject Petiti~n `or Conditional Use Permit, upon the folia~~ing eonditions 4rhich are here'~y found to be a n~ccssary prere~uisite Co the ~roposed use of the subject prc~pcrty in nrucr [o preserve [nc safety anu r~encr~l o-~elfare of the Citi:en; of thc City of An~heici: 1. That sidc~:a~l:> siiall be inst:illed alorg Statc Colleqe E3oulevard as requireci by thc City Enqineer ind in accordance ~:~ith sf.andard plans and specific~tions on file in the Gffice of the City Engineer. 2. That tr~sL stor,~cie ~reas si,al I be nrovided in accordance Uiith apnroved plans on tile r~ith tne Office of the Exeeutivc Director of Publie ',lorls. 3. That subjr.et propcrty snall bc s^rved by undcrctround utilitics. ~!. That Jrainage of ,ubject pro~+crty shall be disposed or in a nanner satisfaetury to ti~c City Enyineer. 5. That thc o:~ner(s) of suhject ~r~perty sh~ll nay the traffic signal assess~~~ent fee (Ordinanee t+o. ;~~~G) in an ar~r,unt ~s deternined by the City Council, for comr~~e-cial builJings prior to the issuancr of a builuing permit. 5. That fire hydrart~ shall be installed and charned as required and drtrrmi~rd tci h~ , .~r~c~~n~ , -~.,, rti; .,r .,r .i, . r~ Of structura? „ ' ~ - .. ~ .. , ~.,~ . . ~ ~ ,.~;:~, ..~,...~~ N, ~.li ~v .,~ii.~;wi~.ai~~c:lli frami ng. 7. That ap~ropriatc ~:~ater ~ssessment fce, as determinec'. by the Office of Utili~ics General I1ana~~cr shall bc p~id to [h~ City oY Anai~eim prior to thc issuance of a bui lc:ing perrii t. 3. That subject property shall be clevelopeu su~~stantially in aeecrdanee a~ith pians and sp~eifieations on file with the City of Anaheim marl;e~l Exfiibit t1os. 1 and 2. 9. That the o~,rner~s) of suLject prc~perty shall submit ~ letter reyuesting thc termination of Cor~ditional Use Pcrmit Ho. 1;•'+' to the Pla~ninn Department. 10. That Cor.dition flo, r, above-mention~d, shail be c~mplicd Hiith prior to the comr~iei~cement of the activity authorized under tliis resolution, or prior to the tir~e th~t the bui Iding p~rmi t is iss~~d, or ~rithin a perio~! of one year from date hercof, arhichcvcr occurs first, or such furthcr tir,~ as tho ~I~nninq Comr~ission may grant. -3- Pc81-141 11. That Con~!iCir~n !los. 1, :'., ;, 1• and ~' ~buvc-me,ntioned, shall be coi~ipiic~! ~•~ith ~rior t~~ fin~l buildinci .-ind :~~nircj insn~.ctions. 1'• lhat subject use siiall be 1 imitc~d to the s~~ecificd list contained hcrein; excepr. thar. m.•dic:,l offic::, shall not be ~ermitted. (iC IT FUP,TlICR f~ESpLV[i~ th~t ti•c Anaheim City Pl~,nnin~; Cor,~mission does hereby find a;.cl ~letermine that the acJoption of this Resolutior~ is expressly predicated upon applicant's eompliancc rrith e~c!> >rcl all of the conditions fiereinabove set forth. Should any condition nr a;,y ~.~rt: thcrcof, bc dccl~red invalid or unc~nforce~ble by the final judgment r~f any eourt of coripetent jurisclic[inn, then this Resolution, and ~ny approvals hercin contained, shall bc deerx~d null and void. TIIE FOR[GOIfJG RESOLUTI0;1 is si~r.r.d ancl ap~r~-v•~d by mc this l~th day of June, 1931. ~'~~ ~2.~~~. cti~i~rtnr; PFe ~~r;~oFE i~;l~1H~1~1 CI fY PI..'~:;'!I(JG COt!~qIS510~1 ATiFST: ~~~~ ~ ~~~ SECRETARY, A~IAIiEI~; CITY PLAIJIJiIlf, CO~1111SS10!I STATE OF CALIFOR~11l; 1 CUU(~TY OF ORAtlGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAIIEiPi j I, Edith L. flarris, Secretary af the P~n~heim City Planniny Conviission, do herety eerti fy that tha foregoir.g resol ution a~a : p~ssed cird ~dopted at a meeti ng of the Anaheim City Planning Commission hcl~ on Jun~ 15, 19~1, at 1:30 P.m., by the followirg vote of the ner~bers thercof: AYGS: CoP1t11SSI011ERS: B/~RIJES, f30Ul~S, FRY, HLRJST, f;ltlr, NO[5: COh1P11 SS I O~IERS : NOIIE AElSEI~T: C011rtIS510~;ER~: [tUSHORE, TOL/1P. lil IJIT~JESS'dIlEREOF, I h~ve hcreunt~ s~~t ny hand tl~is 15th day of June, 19~1, /~~ ^{ !V ^ i /•/ SE_CRCT~U?l, ~11lAHEI!1 CI~Y PLAI!!:I'I~ COh!MISSIOiJ -~ PC81-141