PC 81-152R~so~u7~ior~ rio. ~c3i-~,2 A RESOLUTIOM OF THE A!lAfIE1H CITY PLA~lNItIG CO!1111SSIOFf THAT PETITIUt! FOR CONDITIOt1P,L USC PER~11T tl0. 2235 BE GRANTED WhIEP,E/1S, the Anahelm C;ty Planning Commission did recelve a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from IEASE-ALL ORAVGETHORPE, 4~'11 East La Palma Avenue, Unit R, Anaheim, California ~2307, owner, and A. J, iIATALi, THE LF_AVERTON CO., 40~1 East La Palma Avenue, Unit A, F~naheim, California ~123~7, agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County cf Orange, State of California, described as: The North 660 feet of that poreion of the northeast quartcr of the northeast qua:~er of section 3, to~.~nship t~ south, ran~z 1~ ~~est, as sa i d sect i on i s shoi•m on a map recorried i n bool: ~1 , page 1 ~ of miscellaneous maps, City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, records of Orange County, California, lying easterly of the easterly line of land conveyed to the California Central Ratiway Company by deeds recorded Novemher ~, 18^? in bo~k 32~~ P~ges 220 and 221 of deeds, records of Los An9eles County, California. Excepting therefrom the 4~esterly 3~ti feet. Also excepting thereTrom the easterly ~+7~.~•~ feet. WHEREAS, the City Planning C.ommission did hold a pub;ic hearino at the Civic Center in the City of f,naheim on July 13, 1~81, at t;3n p,m., notice nf said public hearfng having been duly given as reyuired by la~~,~ and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahelm Municipal Codc, Chapter 13,~3, to hear and consider evtdence for and against said proposed conditional u,c permit anci to inv~crinar~ .,.~ makP fin~lic~s ~~~ -;,~~-;,;;"~~~~~i~ns in connectlon therc~:~ith; and ~ b1FiEREAS, said Com~ission, after due inspection, investfgatlon and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evir!ence arid reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the foiloU~ino `acts: 1. That the ~roposed use is properl~ one for which a condit(onal use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.G1,~5n,~~n to wit• to retain t~•~o existing automotive repalr facilities in the ML (Industrial, LimiYed) Zone. 2. That the propose~l use is hereby granted su!~ject tn the petitioner's stipulation that there shall be no o~tdoor storag^ of venicles overnlght and that the hours of operation shall typicaily be 7:3~ a,m, to >.00 p.m., Monday Yhru Friday for the Precision Porsche facility, and '?:n~ ~,m, t~ (,;p~ ~_~,~ ;tonday thru Friday for the Fidvanced Enterprtses facility. 3. That the proposed use ~•~ill not adversely affect the adjoininc 'and uses and the grcn~th and develo~ment ~f the area in ti~f•~ici~ it is pro~osed to be located, PC81-1S2 ~+. That the size and shape oF the site preposed frir the use is adequate to allc~a the fti11 development of the proposed use in a manncr not detrimental to th~ particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and ~eneral ~ielfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, 5. That the qranting of the Condilional Use Permit under the conditions impesed, if any~ ~.~i)1 not be d~trimental to tiie ~ea~~, health, saf~ty ar,d generai welfare of the Citizens nf the City of ~naheim, ~- That t!ie traffic generated hy the proposcri use ~~rill not impose an undue burden upon the streets and htg!~~•~ays designeci and improved to r-arry the trafflc in the area. 7. That no one indicated their presence at said pubiic hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence a~as received in oppositlon to the subjeet petition. EtJVin01dMENTAL INPACT F;~1DItlG: That the Anaheim Citv Planning Commission has revtewed the proposal to retain two existing auto~otive repair facilities in the 11L (Industrial, Limited) Zone on a rectangularly-shaoed rarcel cf lond consisting of appror.imately ~,h acres, having a`ronta~e of approximately h~6 feet on the south side of Orangethorpc• Avenuc, approximately 475 feet aiest of the centerline of Raymond Avenue (~j0-F a~d 97^-B East Orangethorpe Avenue); and c~es hereby approve the Ne~aLive Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmentai irrpact report on the basis that there would be no sfgnificant individual or curnulattve adverse envirunmental impact due to the approval of this tlegative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates th,e subject property for general industrial land uses commensurate witl~ ~iie propo,ai; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposai; that the initia) STudy submitted by the petitioner indic~tec ~~ s(gnificant indfv~~~~-,~ ~~ -,,.-. ~";~~ d~v~rse environmental impacts; and that the Negatlve DeciaratJon substantiatin~ the roregoing findinns is on file in the City o~ Anaheim Planning Department. N04/, TIIEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City P)annin9 Commission does hereby grant su6ject Fetition for Cond'tion~l Use Permit, upon the fo;lowing condttions o-ihich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed ;:se of the subject property in ordzr tc preserve the safety and gener~l welfare of the Citizens uf the City of A~aheim: 1. That the oo-mer(s) of subject property shali pay the difference bet~~een the industrial and ccmm~rclal trdffic signal assessment fees (Grdinance r~o, 339F) (~ an amount as deterriined by the City Council, ~•~ithin a pertod of sixty (G~) days of the date hereof, ?. Tnat all automobil^ repair uses and sCorage shall he conducted ~•~holly inside the buildings and there shall be no outdoor overni9ht stora~e of vehicles. 3. Thot suh~ect ~rooer-ry ;ha~l b~ developed substantially in aecordance with plans and specifications on 'ile ~„ith ch~ City of Anaheim mar4;~d Exhlbit ~Jos. 1 Lhrough f+. ~2' PC~iI-152 DE IT FURTHER RESOLVCD that the Anaheim City Pianning f.ommission does hereby Pind and determine tiiat adoption of this Resolution is er,pressly predicated upon applicant's r_ompliance ~•~ith cach and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such conditiun, or any part thereof, be declared invali~l or unenforceable by the final judgnent of any court of competert jurisdictinn, then this Resolutio~, and any approvals herein contained, shall Le deemrd null and void. TNE FOFEGOING RESOLUT10~1 is signed and approved hy me t5is 13th day of July, 1931. ATTEST• 9-~.~-~<~. ~Z "~~.~. CNA I R"IA"J, /1tJAHE 1 M C i TY PLA~IN t M~ COMM I SS I ON ~ ~ ,~ ~~,~.~.:.~, SECRETARY, A~•IAfIE I M C ITY PLANN I t!r COMr1155 I~~I STATE OF CALIFOP.~lI~ ) COUP:TY OF ORANGE } ss. CITY OF AtIAH[!11 ) I, Edith L. Narris, S~crecary of the Anaheim City Plannina Co~~mission, do hereby certffy that the foregoinq resolutio~ ~las passed and aclopted at a meetinn of the Anaheim City Planninq Commission held on July 13, 1^81, by the follo~vinq ~~ote of the members thereof: - AYES: COMMISSIOrlERS: BARNEST EOUAS, BUSHORE, F't'Y, HERRST, Kl~~r, fJOES: C011MISS10^JERS: N0~lE n,OCrnIT. ('f11.1~~~CCi.~.~.~~.~: ~~~r~~~ IN IJiTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto se: r~y hand this 1?th day of July, 19"1. E~ ~-~ ~° /~~u.~ SECRETARY, ANFlHE I M C IT PL.AN"! I~lr, CqMM I SS I ON -3- PCfi1-15?.