PC 81-158RESOL!!T I~J~! td0. PC31-1 ~!~ ^F`GLUT 10"I OG TIiE AN~NE I'1 C I TY Pth~lN I ~!~ C~~iM I SS I n~~ 2EVOY,IN~, CO"lDITIQPJAL USc P[R'11T tJO. 153; 4JNER[AS, Con~itional Use Permit No. 1~3; ~•~as ~ranted hy the Anah~eim f,iYy Planning Commission und?r Resoluti~n No. PC75-i^2 on May 12, 1~1;5, to permiY. on-sale liquor in conjunction tiv;th an existin~ restaur~nt, ~,•~ith waivers uf minimum kitchen area and miniMUm fronC landscaping for an irreguiariv-shaped narcel or" land consisting of approximately 0.93 acres located nortr ancl east of the northeast corr,er of La Palma Avenue and ~~rookhurst Street, havinn a frontane ~f ar~pror.imately 127 feet on the north side a` La Pa1ma Avenue artd a f;entag? of -~3 feet on the east side of Broo4;hurst Street, and further descrihed as 1112 !Jorth ftrool<hurst Street (Chez Paree); and WN[REP.S, on June l~, 1981, the Plan~ing Commission did conduct a dui•~ no~iceJ public `~eariny ~ursuant to provisions of Section i;;.n3.Oti1 of the Anahei ~ Municipal Code to c;:-termine if groimds existed under the provisions of Anahei7 Municipal Code Section 1,1.03.09~.01+0 for the termination of Conditional Use Permit P~o, 1535 for exercisic3 said permit in a manner ~~~hicn constit~~tes a detriment to the public's health, safety and general orelfare and ~~,hich is considered a r.uisance; and WH[REAS, said ~ublic hearing ~aas continued to July 77, l~ot; and 41FIEREAS, after considerin~ all of the evidence and testimnny offered at said h~arinna; rhr~ Plannin~ (~~mmiccin ~In ~.~ .,F,. F7...1 .h ~ti„ ..,i~~ ` 4JJ „ ^?_-.i Conditional Use Permit No. 1535 in a^manner which is detrimental to the puhlic health and safety and wliich constitutes a nuisance as follows: 1. Tiiat evidence preser.ted at the public hearinq hy Anahein Polica Department staff in the Profile, dated tlarch 3~; 19~31, and submitted by the Police Department, reflects an on-going law enforcement problem; said profile being a cur~ulative list documenting tFe efforts of the Vice and Plarcotic Qetail wlth assistance from other agencies and divisions (State of Callfurnia Alcoholic 5everage Control, County of Oranqe Environmental Health, Fatroi Detail, and Zonine~ Division). 2, That the cwner and ooerator of the husiness have faile~d to exercise and implement ~easonabte me~.sures to prohiLit, curb or otherwise cJiscourage and prevent criminal activ(ties on and ahout the p+•~mises; and PC31-~j.`; ~. dl[rimcnt to t5eupuhlic('health anlhsafetynand ~S~~stitutes a nuisance, ~~a~~~. TIi`RFFORG, BE IT R[SOLV[p by rhe ? Anaheim that, for each of the reasons hereinahove specifiei,rConditiona)f ~~e ~~ty of NO. 1~~35 be, and [he same (s hereby revoN:ed and Resolution !Jo. PC ? se Permtt null and void, 75-1~, is declared 1981. TH[ FOREGOIIJG R[SOLUTI0~1 is sig~ed and approved hy me this 27th day of July, ~ i.~.~~_ -..., . r' `' I ATTEST: CI1~ i- R~jqp; ~ A~IAt- {F ~,q ~ I TY P~{•~{.-~ ~ LANMI~lG COMMISSIO~I ~-cr_r° ~ ~ SFCPET/1RY, 4HqHEIM CITY PLA~d^llr~ ~ c C0,11iS„ ION STATE OF Cn~ ~ Fpo,1 ~~~ ~ COUNTY OF ORAPlGE ) ss. CITY OF AhIAHEIM ) ~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the hnahein Cit~~ Planninq Commission, ~o hereby certify that the foreooi~n resolution ~•~as nassed a~,r~ ~~~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission held ~~ ~~~Y ~7~ ~~ ~~ nted at a r~eettng of the members thereof: ' y the followinq vote ef . AYES: COMNISSIOHERSc Rm~nc ~~~~,~,.._ '"~~~': COMHISSIO~tERS: NONF ~ yyy"V~,~, ~~~i, HERBST, !:IPlG ADSEPJT: COM~IISSIOtIEf;S: TOL~1R AQSTAINED: CO.MMISSIOPlERS: 3AR~lES ~"~ WITNF.SS UNEREUF, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day op July, lq~l, SECRETAR ~ AN.~ ~ ' "-- "`'~- ' EI~1 CITY rLAr~rllrlr CO!'MISSION -~- pr.8i-i53