PC 81-160RESOL~~TIO;! PIO. PC~iI-1!0 A RESOLUT 101! OF THE P~~ IAHE I"1 C I T, Y PL~tih! I ~I~ Cn'i~~ I55 10.'1 7HAT PETITI~t! FOR C~~1bITl~'U1L USE PER'91T ~70, .^..'.?`1 BF ;R/1N'~D 4IhIERE~S, the :lnaheim City Planninc~ f,ommission di;i rPCeiv^_ a v~rified PEtition for Conditional Us~ Pcrmit from ~'. E. HULETi A!1~ ETIif.L NULFTT, ET AL, ~20n Irvine Boulevard +'391, Irvine, Cal?f~rnia ~2711F, o~,mers, and ~~`SERT SI!lP.LEY, 160~ borth Main Street, Santa Ana, Cali`ornia ~27^1, age~~t, of certain real property situated in the City of Fnaheim, County o` Oranne, State nf Califnrnia, dr_scribed as: THAT POP,T 101! OF SECTI011 1 E, T011fIS11 I P h SOItTl1, RA~J ,[ t J 4;EST, SA~! BER~lARD 1 tJ0 BASE At~D MF.R I D I~;`!, DFSC? I BE~ A£ FOLL0115 : CEG i'1'! I 176 AT TH[ t~ORTHlJEST CORtIER OF T:iE ~IOpTHEAST QU~°TER OF TI:F ~~~P,THEAST 2UARTER OF THE NORTHIJEST QU-1RTER OF SAID SECTIO!I 1~; TNE'ICF ALO"~r THE WEST BOt1~1JAP,Y Of S~. I D TRACT ~ SOUTN 3.02 CHA I'!S : THE'ICE AL~i~G THE tJORTFiEASTER~Y L I NE OF TiiE SOUTHER;~ PAr I F I C RA I L~'AY C~~~,?A"IY RIGNT QF l•~4Y SQl!-~I ~G 1/? nr~, FAST ~.!!? CH.0.lWc; T4Ft1CF rinzTF~ l~,qi CHA I"!S Tb TNE NORTH DOUIlD<;RY L I NE OF 5.41 D TRACT; THrNCE hL011f: THF SAID FJOP.TH bOUtlDAP,Y LI!~E ?dE~T 2.85 CHAIPiS f`.1 TFiF PCI~IT ~F 6EG1~1111~I~~. Ei(CEP71~1G A ST~IP 45 1/.'_ LItJ!;S WIDF 0~' TF+E ~!p?Tu BOUt~UARY OF SA i D LAt1D f~!ID A ST21 P ;~~` f"~ET '.!f f`F 01! TNE ',lEc? BOU'lUARY OF SAID L4FID. 4JHEREF~S, the City Plannin~ Commissic~n did hold a~uhlic hea'inn at the Civic Center in the City of .Anaheim on July 27, 1''ui, at 1:3~ v.m „ notice of said nublic hearing havinq `.:een dulv 9iven as renuired hy li~•i and ir accnrcianee ti•;ith the provisions of the Anaheim ^tunicipal Code, Chaoter l~i..!13, to he~r and consider ev~dence for and against sc~id pr~rosed conditional use permit an! to investigate and make findings and recommendations in conn_cti~n there~•~ith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after dce inspection, investigation and study made hy itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all rvidence and reports ~ffered at said 'nearino, does find and determine the follo~•rinq facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for Hrhicn a conditional use permit is authorized by anaheim tlunicipal Code Section 1R,(,1,~5~,~7~ to wit: to permit an automobile servir.e center in the ML {Industrial, Limfted) Zone. 2. That the proposed use is hcreby granterl su!~ject to the petiticner's stipulation that t:iere shall be no nvernight outcf~or storzqe of vehicles. 3. That the proposed use ti•~ill not adversely aff~ct the adjoinin~ land uses ond the groa~th and devclopment of t~c area in s~hich it is pr~~~oseci to be located. 4. That tFe s1zc~ and siiaoe ot thc s;tc proposed for the use is adequ+te to allotia Che ~ull development of ehe ~~r'upused use in a wanne-~ not detrimental to the oarticular area nor co t~ie peace, he~ltf~, sa`ety, and General ide~fnre of the Citlzens of the City of Anaheim. PC~I-1G~ 5. That the grantinr~ of thc Conditional Use Permit under the conditions impos~d, if any, ~,riil not f~e r~n[~j~~~tal to the pcace, healt"~, safety and general aielfar~ of thu Citizen; of the ~.i[y of l~naheim, ~~. That the traffic ncnerated !;y [he prop:~se~; us~~ ~~i 11 not impose an undue burden upon the streets and hiqh~:~ays dr.;ignec; anri im~rn•~~d tn carry the traffic in the arr.a. 7. That no one indicated their presenc~ at said puhlic hearing ir opposition; and that no correspondence t;•as recei~~ed in opposition to the subjeet petition. ENVIRO~J~1EiITAL 111PArT FIPlDItvG: That rhe Anahcin City Planning Conmission has reviewed the propo;al to pernit an autono:~ile service centFr in the 1L Limited) Zone on an irre ularl ' ~~ndustrial, acre, and having a frontage of~approxiimately,14~1 fe~~t onnthetsouthf a~dPox~fatLincoln Avenu~ (1520 West Lineoln Avenue); and does hereby aoprove [he Neaariye peclaration f rom the reau i rament to p~ en3!"^ ar, cn•: i r.r,n ~~~nta I iin;~act ren•~rt or _'iP bas i s that there ~•roul~ be no sinnificant inc'.ividual or cumulativ~~ adverse environnental impar_t due to the aporoval of this !Ieg.~tivc~ 'ieclaration since thr. F,naheim 6eneral Flan dAsfgnates t!ic suhject property fnr c~eneral indu,trial land uses cn-r~ensurate with thc proposal; that no sensitive environmcntal inpacts are invoived in the propr.sal; that tfie Initial Stud~i submitted hy the s~r.titioner indicatr_s no signiriean~ individual or cu~ulative adverse environmental ir~pacts; an~i tha[ the Pleqativ~ Declaratlon suhstantiatinr, the fo-~gcing `indings is on f(le in the City of Anahei~ Planninq Departman*_. ~+u,i, 1HERtFUI:t, B~ IT ?ESOLI~ED that the Anal-eici Ci'y ?lanning Comnission does hereby gr3nt subjeet Petition f~r Conditionai Use Permi;, uoon the fotloo-~ing conditions which are hrreby found to he ~ necessary orereauisite to *_he proposed use of the suhje t property in order to prr,servc t!~e safety ~~rd general ~,elfare of the Citizens of the City of 1naheim: 1. ThaY the o~.vner(s) of subject pronerty s!,all deed to t!~e City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet in ~•:idt!i fron the centeriine of thr SC~P~Y alon~ Lincoln Avenue for street widening purooses. Z. That thr_ owner(s) of subject pro~~erty shall pay t~ thE City of Anaheim a fee, in an amount a~ determined hy tf~c City Council, for street lightinq along Lincoln Avenue. ~. That trash storage areas s1i~11 ne previder! in aeeor<lance ~~~ith approved plans on file ~•~ith [he Office or tne Execu[ive DirecCor of Puf,lic llorks. <<. That fir~r hydrant, sti~ll ~~e instnilcd ~n~l chirned ,~ ren.,uiicc' an:i determined Co t>e necess~ry i~y the Chief or [he rire Dep~rtmFnt r+ri~r to comnencement of structural fra~ing, 5. That suljeet oroperty shi)1 h^ scrved by undcr~r~un~l u[ilities. Ei. Tha[ siue~valE~s sh~ll ~,c ins[alled olong Lincnln Avenue as requir~d by the~ City Enginc~r ard in ~ccordanee ~:~ith standard plan, and specifleatinns on file in the Offi_~ ~f thc City Engineer, '~' PC81-1~~0 7, That clrainane of su'~ject nr~~per[y ,hali br~ disnase~i ~f in a manner sa[isf~cCory tc> thc C~t~~ Enc;i~ccr. ~. That t,~c o~•mcr(sj of ;ui jcct ~~roncrr.y shal l pay th~ [raffir_ sicnal assessmerT `er (Ordir~ance No. j''~9G) in .~n arnc~un[ as dct~rminc~i ~y thc Lity Louncil, for indus.*.rial bui Idinqs arior to t`~r .;uince of .~ !~ui 1~'inn ~~~rmi t, y. That ~ppropriatr. ~~~a[er assessmnnt f~rs ~s d~~r.ermin~~i by the ~ffice of Utillties Generai ";a~ayer shall be n~id to the Cite~ of Anah~in nrior co t•he issuanee of a buildin~ ~ermi[. 1;~. Tha[ ~11 pronosed au[or.o`,ile an;l/~r trucl: r~oair uses and st~raae sha11 be condueted ~•~hoily inside the huil~iin~s, I1, That the propo,:ed auto~+o;~ile servic~ cer.ter >tiall conrly ~aith all siqning requir^:~ents of [he ".L (Industrial, Limiterlj Zo~c. 12, ~ha; the o::ner(s) of suhjec~ nr~pert; ,hall suh~~it a letter to the Planning Department requcstinr the t~rnina-i~n o~ ~nnditional i!se Permir ~1~. ?tn, 13, 'fhat su~-jec[ or~nerty shalt be rlrveln~t~~i suhstinti~liy in ~ecordanc~ with plans and sneci`ie-~tions on file ~;:it~, the Citv of Anaheir~ mar!~•P~; Er.hihit Nos. 1 throug5 ?. 1~+. That Condition ~Jas. 1, 2 and with nrior to the commencer~ent of the ,ictivity pr(or [o the time that the buildinn perm(t i, from uate hereof,~rihichever occurc first, or ~.~iiiwi~ly~IVii ~~.ay Ji~.alll. 1?, ahove-n~ntione~l, shall be compiieri authorized under this resolution, or issucd, or oiithin a oeriod of one year such further timc as ti,e Flanning S, Prior io the introductic,n of an ordinance rezonina subiect oroperty, Condi[ion Nos. ?, ~, 6, 7, il, and 1;, above-mentioned, shill be completeci. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shal? hecome nuil and void by action of tne Planning Commi~sion unless saie! conclitlons are comolieci ~~ith ~•~ithin one year from the date hereoT, or such further time as the Planning C~nmission may grant. B~ IT FUP,TtiEZ RESOLV[D that the Anahein City Planrinn Commission does here6y find and determ(ne that adoption o` this Resolu[ion is ex~ressly predicated upon applicant's compliance ~~Ith each and all c,f the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condi[ion, or ary part thereof, !~e d~clared invalid or unenforceable by the final jud,ment of any court :~f com~etent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein cont~incd, sholl hc de~emed ~ull and void, THf. f"ORE;OI1f; RESOLUTIO~, i; sianed and anprnvr.~J hy ne this ?7th day of Julv, 19;1. ATTEST• ~faq~n~~n,+~~ A~,n.t~c~~~ rlTY °;.;1':`tlt:; ~0~1'tISSi01~ ~~~-~. ,~ " ";'ti1cc.~i.~.~. SECRETARY, ANAHEIN CITY PLANNIMG CO'4MISS10"1 -3- PC31-tGo STATE OF CAL I~ORP! IA ) C6UNTY OF ORFl~~G[ ) ss, CITY OF A~IAIiEIM ) 1, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Conxnlssion, do herehy certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and ~dopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Pianning Cormission held on July 27, 1~81, hy the follow(n~ vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BAP,NES, BOUFlS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KiPiG, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ~JONE ABSEMT: CONPIISSIONERS: NONE ~"~ ~l~TPJESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of J~ly, 19~1. `~~ ~° ~ti ~, SECRETARY, A~~~AFIEIM CITY PLANNIPIG COMP~ISSlON _4 PC81-'60