PC 81-162RFSOLUTI0~1 ~lU. PC31-162. !1 RESOLUTIOtI OF TH[ 4tIAHEi!1 CITY PL/1~R111!G C~'iI11SSI0hJ THAT PETITIOt! FQR CONDITIO~lAL USF PER"IIT "!0, 2?~~1 PF GRANTF~ 4JHEREAS, the Anaheir~ City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from MATTHEI•1 T. NJ~[NT JINp CHEP,! tdUGENT, f'S( South Walnut Street, Anaheim, CA 92802, ov~ners, and JAY VEn, 7~~(• East Blacl<bird Lane, Anaheim, California g2i~(17, agent of certain real property situated in the City of AnaheFm, County of Oran9e, State of Californta, described as: That portion of Lot ;1 of Anahein Er.tension as shown on a man of Survey made hy blilliam Hamel and filed in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, particularly describeci as follo~.~s; That portton of Lot 31 of Anaheim Extension, as sho~•m on a map of survey by 4lillian-~ liamel, a copy of which is sho~•m in f3ook 3, Pages 1G2 to 161f inclusive o` "Los Angeles County Maos", in the office of tlie County Recorder of Orange County, Caiifernia descrihed as follows: Beginning at th° intersection of the center line of LJalnut Street, (60 feet ~:~ide), and the Llesterly prolongation of the Southerly line of Tract rdo, ~3~h as shoLm on a mar recorded in Qool; 54, Paqes lt7, 4o and 1r~ of ~Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orangc County, Cali`ornia, thence alonn said Southerly line Piorth 74 degrees 1~' 15" Fast 2~~.17 feet; thence at right angles thereto, South 15 degrees 43~ ~+~" East 11(;.5~ feet thence at right an9les thereto, South 7~ degrees 16' 15" lJest 3~~.20" feet to a point in sald center line of Walnut Street; thence along s~id center line North 0 degrees t~' 13" West, 12n,q4 iee~ to [he point or heginnfng. WFIEREA;, the City Planning Commissinn did hold a puhlic heartng at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on July 27, 1~81, at 1;3~1 ~,,m., notice of said public hearin9 having been duly given as required hy la,a and in accordan:e with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.f?3, to hear and consider evidence for and against saici praposed conditional use permit and to investlgate and make findings and recommendations in connection therea~ltfi; an~i WFIEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made bY itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evldence ~nd reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the followin~ facts: 1, That the propo=_ed use (s properly one for ~~hich a conditional use permit is authorfzed by Anaheim Hunlci~al Code Section ~?.~~.n5~~.tto to wit: to permit a church in the RS-A-43,000 (nesi:Jentia;iAyricultural) Zone with waiver of: SECTIO"I ?I;.21.063.~1;1 - Minimum landscaped sethaek, 25 eet required alonry 4lalnut St~~et; 3~eet prop~sec!) PC~'1-152 2• That the nro~os~~i use is herel• subject to review to deterrnine ~~het'her Y 9~~nted for a neriod of five the surroundin °r ~°t the use has had ~5) years, 9 area, Extensions of i detrimental effect on the petitioner, if the Plannir,g Ccmraission~letcrm(~~Qr~nted im on ~.lrttten request from detrimental effect. th~t th; use has not had a 3• That the requnste:d waiver is her~b~ yranted ~n the hasis that deniai Wouid deprlv~ suhject Property of a privilege be1~ the same zo~e and vicinity and on the hasis t'iat the~plansyas~~~esented will be an asset to the the neighbpi-hood, P~oPerties i~ ~+• That 1') additional compact car parkinq spac.es shall he provided on-sPte ~s indicated by the petitioner at the puhlic liear(~~. 5• That the propose;: usa wt11 not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and tne grntvtlt a~d development of the area in a~hich it is nropos~d to be located. ~~. That the size and shape of the site oroposed for the use is adequate to a11ow the full development of the proposed use in a manncr no*_ detrimental to th~ ofrthe~CatyaofyFlnahelm.tnc ~~a~~' ~eai*h, safety, ~~~ 9eneral a~elfare of the Citizen; 7. 1'hat the granting of the Condltional Use ~'ernit und~~r the condition~ imposed, if any, ~•~~~~ not be detrimental to the peace, h~alth, safety and welfare of the Citizens of the Ctty of Anah~im, general burden u on thehat the traffic generated by the proposed use ~~ill not inpose an undue P streets and hign~•~ays d~signed ,~n~ im~rov~d tn carrv th~ r~~fF;,. thc area. 4 9. That 2 interested persons indicated the(- presence, anrl ao~roxir~ateiy 5 persons indtcate~ their presence in favor; ~~~ 3PProxtmately 3p signatures ~~as presented fivori~ that ~ petition 9 the suhject petltion containing ENVIRO~lMENTAL I"1PACT F}~lp~p~~; That the Anaheim Cit~~ Plannfng ,:ommissfon has reviewed the proposal to (Residential/Agrtcultural) Zone wttnr Htalvera o, rectanguiarly-sha er ` Cminimum landscaped setback~onna P parcel of land consisting of appr~ximately '~,7 acre ) the northeast corner of Geacon Av,;nue and h~ and does hereby a r alnut Street (I3SF So ~cated at pp ove Che ~legative Declaration fro Ut~' ~'~alnut Street); envlronmental impact report on the basis m the rAnuiremFnt to n individual or cumulative adverse environmental im'a~ there ~~ould ~enare ~~ he no siontficant ~Vegative Declaration since the Anaha-m General pla~ ~,U,Sj~~~teSethPpsuhject for loa~-density residentia] land uses commensurate of this sensitive environmental Impacts ar;• Involved in ~''~th the Property submi ~~~Posal; that no tted by the petitioner indiCaLes ~o s~cthe proposal; that the Initial Stud,v adverse environmental impacts; and that the Ne9atJveapeciaration1js~bStant(ating thc fore,oin, findinys is o~ ~i~e (n tl~e City of Flnaheim p cumulative lanning DepartmPnt. -2- PC81-1(2 ~lOIJ, THEREFORE, EE IT A550LVEJ that thc Anaheim City Pianring Commission docs hereby grant suhject PetiCion io' Condition.~l Use Permit, upon the f~llowing conditions which are hereby four.d tu ;~e a~ecessary prerequisit~.=, to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preierve the safety and qeneral o-ielfare of the Citizens of the City of A;iaheim: 1, That the existiny structure shall he hrought up to the mirimu~ standards of the City of Anaheim, inrluding the Unif~rm ~uildinn, Plumbin9, Electrical, Mechanical and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of ,4nahAim. 2. That the o~mer(s) of subject property shall suhmi*_ a letter re~uesting the termination of Conditionai Use Permit No. 7.173 to the Planning Department. 3. That the petitioner shail landsca~e and nrvper?y maintain the existing parb:way adjacent to Wairut Street and eeacon P.venue. f+. Tnat subject nroperty s`~all be develor.ed suhsta~tially in accordance with plans and specifications on file 1•/ICII the City of Anaheim marl:ed Exhibit Nos. 1 throuyh 3; provided, however, [hat an additional ten (1'1) ~ompact stzed n~rking spaces shall be provided. 5. That Condition No. 2, ahove-mentioned, shall he complfed ~vith prior to the commencement of the activity author(zed under this resoluti~n, or orior to the time that the building permit is issued, or a~ithin a period of one year fi-om date hereof, or`iichever occurs first, or such further tine as the Plannina Commisslon may grant. G. That Condition PJos. 1, 3, and !~, above-mentioned, shali he complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. '1 Ti. .~., .. ~i _ ;, .i_ . ~..~ . .. '.~;f,.^.SC~ ..~i: ... ~~~~..'~' subject to review to determine ~•~hether or not the surrounding area. Time extensions may be written request from the petitioner if it is detrimental effec*_. ,r~~,,.~.. the use granted ~etermin t_ _ _ . ~~~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ivc ~~i 'r'~,:rs, has had`a jer.rimentai effect on by the Planning Commission upon ~d that the use has not had a BE IT FURTHER RESOL!'ED that the Anal~eim City Planning C~~mmission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is ex~ressly ~redicated upon applicant's compliance ~•~ith each and all of the condltions hereinabove set f~rth. Should any such conc~ition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by t~~e final judgment of any court of competent _jurisdicti~n, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and void, 19i1. THF FOREGOIPJG R~SOLUTIO'! is signed and approved by ne t'ils 27th day of July, /~. ; ' - ;; ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ i 1 L~--1..~ r,fIAIRMAN, l1'!~.IIFI~' CITY Pl_4N~lIt,!^ C0~-!MISSION A-TFST: i~ ~ ~ ~ ?~F~TFETA~FY ; 7(?Tr'1l~{~~Y`~F~~ td M't ~"T'~ -3- PC31-1G2 STATE OF CAL I FORI1 IA ) COUNTY OF ORAPIAC ) ss. CITY OF APlAHEIH ) ~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plarniing f,ommission, do hereby ccrtify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission hc)d on July 27, 1~31, hy the folloa~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIO~lERS: BARtJES, Bo~laS, BUSIlORE, Fr,Y, HEP,BST, Kt~lr,, TOLAR NOES: COMP115SIONERS: N0~'E ABSENT: COMMISSION[RS: NO~~~ ~~~ WITMESS WfIEF;EOF, I have hereunto set my hand th(s 27th day of July, iqci, `~~~ .~ ~~~ ~ SECRET~.RY, ANANEIM CITY PL!Ir1~IING rn~~i~~ssiou ~~'- PC81-1G2