PC 81-164~r.soL~riori rio, r~c~3~-~~~, A P,ESOLUTIOI; OF TH[ qyqHEl~1 r~Ty p~q~~i~~;fG COIIHISSIO~! THP~T PETITIOtI FOR CONDITiO~IAL USE PEP,~tIT M0, ?2~!? f3E GR~~l7E0 IJHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Corimission did receivc a Petition fo^ Conditional Use Permit f verified rom CITY OF A~iqHEl~t, 2nn South Boulevard, l1~;heim, Caiifornia ~Z;~~ o .r Ar~aheim ~ ~ ner, and STQREP, CAeLF T~', ~~~~,~ Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California ^7 3n; q~4 East _ , agent of certain real pronerty in of Anahetm, County of Orange, State o` Califcr i the City n a, descrihed as: ~>> that ccrtain rcal p-operty in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califo i h rn a eing a portion of the land allotted Peula P~ralta de Domin~uez as clescrib d i , e n the Final Decree of Partiti~n of the Rancho Santiago De Santa Ana hi f S , 4~ c i was entered ~Ptember i2, 13GZ, in BooF: "B" Page 41~ of Judqements of tn District Court f o e the 17th Judiciai District, in and for Los Anyeles County, California described i , n parcels as follcn.~s; Parcel 2(Reservoir Site) - 6eginning at a poinr ~~ the South~r~y ~~ac of tha£ certain eisemcnt for ingress, egress and utiittl 5~•00 feet wid es, e as described in Farcel 1 herein and ti~hich point bears South 34° 55' 00" East 3~ ~ , . 0 feet frem Point "A" a$ described in said Parcei 1; thence South 34° " ' 55 00 East, 55.~n feet; thence South (F,° 55' 00" East, 54.00 fect; thencr 55' 00" E South 3l _ ± ast, 53.00 feet; thence South 5(,° 55' 00" East 63,;0 f~et: thence South 23° ' " ~ 05 00 West, 2qR,p~ feet; thence North 7l,0 33' 41" West, 254.29 feet to a point in a non-tangent curve concave Easteriy having a radius of z25 no f t th . ee ; a radial lln~ rouah said noinr ~,.,,~,- c_. ~.o a~o~~9 said curve and theVSoutherly1line~ofW id P ,~ Sa arcel l, through a central angle of 63° 51' 3~" an arc distance of 250,7i, feet thence tan nt t 3e ; o said curve ~lorth ~5° 05~ p~~~ East, 72.n!1 feet to the poin* of beglnning, WHEREAS~ the City Planning Car.mission did hold a public hearing at the Civ(c Center !n [he City of Anaheim on July 27, 1~?81, ac 1:3~ p,m., r.otice of said publ(c hearing liaving bean duly given as required by law anc'. in accordance wlth the provfsions of the Anaheim 1lunicipal Code, Chapter 1'',~3, to hear and constder makeefindings and recommen~iatlons~Pnsconnection~therewethera~~ and to lnvest(gate and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, tnvestigation and ,tudy made by itself and tn it, behalf, and after due co+isideration of all evidence and reports offered at satd hearing, does find and determine the following facts: ~. Tha t the propr,sed use i s proper ly one for ti•~h i ch a cond I t iona i use permit is authorized by A~ahelm ~1unicipa; Code Section i~.~;,n3o,~~~ io W~~. to permi[ a microwave relay station. . rc8~-~64 2. That the proposed use, in connection with cahle television, is herehy 9ranted suhject ro the petitioner's stipulation to provide additional landseaping around the base of the proposed 2G-foot hi~h t~~rror to visually screr_n said tower. ~. That the proposed use, as granted, o-,i11 not adversely aff~rt the adjoining land uses :nd [he grrn•rth ~nd devclopment of rhe arca in whieh it is propos~d to be located. 4. That the slze and shape of the site prnoosc~ci f~r the use is adequate to allovr the full deve)epment of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to tne peace, health, safety, and general ~re~fare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the granting of the Cor,~litional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, witl not be detrin~~ntal to thc peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anaheim. ~. That the traffic generated by the proposed use ~;~ill not impose an ur.due burden upon the streets and hightirays designed and improved Lo carry the traffic in the arca, 7. ?hat r.o one in~iicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence ~•~as received in opposition Lo the subject petition. ENVIRONMEt~TAL IMPACT 'rI~~DING: That the F,~aheir~ City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to pcrmit a microwave rela station on an irreqularl y y-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 2 acres, having a frontage of approximateiy 320 feet on the southeast side of Avenida de Santiago, approximately 900 feet northeast o` the centerline o` Hidden Canyon Road (City of Anaheim F.astridar , ~~~~ ~~~~ ; Rr+ar+rvnj~ ct.`~. ~~ ,y approve the Negative Declaration from the requirem~nt to prepare an en ,,nrr,ental impac[ report on [he basis that there would be no significant individuat or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approvai of this "~egative Declaration since the Anaheim Gr_neral Plan designates the subject property ~ hillside estate density residential land uses commensurate wlth [he proposal; that no s~nsitive environmental inpacts are lnvolved in the propcsal; that the Initia] Study submitted I~y the petitioner indicates no sfgnificant indivldual or cumulative adverse environnental imp~cts; and that the tJegative Declaration substactiating the foregoing f(ndings is on f(le ir [he City of An,~heim Planning Uepar[ment. NOW, THEREFORE, QE IT RESOLVE~ tiiat the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion does hereby yrant subjec[ Petition for Conditional Use P~~rm(t, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary ~rere.,~.isite [o the prooosed use of the subject property in order to oreser~~e the sa~e[•,• ana gener~l :;c~fare of the Cftizens of the City of Anoheim: 1. Tha[ subject property shail he ~evrlo;;~d cubstantir,ily in accorda~ce with plans and speciric~tions on file r~it't~ t!~e Ci[y of Anaheim marked Exhlbi[ No, 1; provided, howev~r, th~t th~ hase of Lhe tc::c; ;hu~~ t.e ~d rnj~~apFa in a manner which wi11 visually screen said te~•~er from adjacen; and near~,y p roperties ind streets. ''-' PC`31-lfi§ 2. That Condition No. 1, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. BE IT FUR7FiER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolut-ion is expressly aredicated upon applicant's compliance tiaith each and ail of the conditions Fiereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOtJ i. signed anr.i approved by me this 27th day of July, t981. ATTEST: r. ~ ~.~., ,a.~ ~ . ~ . ,9 CNAIRMA~I, ANAHEIPI CITY LA~MING COMMISSION j~-~ ,~ ~~` SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOP! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUP!TY OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF AIJAHEIPt ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheirn City Ptanning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution 4~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on July 27, 1981, by the folloa~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: C0~4MISSIONERS~ BARPJES, BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KIMG, TOLAR NOES: C0~`1MISSIOPlERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IP1ldITNESS 4lHEREQF, ! have here~nto set my hand this 27th day of July, 19Q1, ~ ~ ' SECRETAR , AP~AHEIM CITY PLANPJ NG COMMISSION -3- PC8i-764