PC 81-172RESULUTIOtI 'JU. PC81-177 !~ RFSOLI!TIU~! OF TIiE AIIAtIEl~~1 CITY PLl1~1"J1~7~; Cn!?f11SSln!! THAT P[TITI0~1 FOR COI1D1 ~ IO~JAL ~1SF PFR'+IT ":0. 22;~7 BE GRP,I~TE~ WHERFAS, the llnah~im City Plannin~ Comnission did reccive a vPrified Petition for Conditional ilsc Permit from Finr~s J, isREN!i q~l~ Fn,~rr,q ~<. BP,EtJ~J, Z~1~~ Oeean t•Jay, Lagun~ Beach, California ~7F51, o~,.,ners, and Pf~iLl~ TA,t)'I!11 A!1~ MAF TAtJZI`!I, 31t1!a-p tlest Ea)1 °oad, Anafieim, California 923~~!, ar~ents, o` certain real property situated in the City of /lnaheim, County of Grange, Stite of California, described as: PARCE~ 1; The Easterly 1~.1J feet of that portion of the West half of the Noi th~~rest quarter of tne North~~rest ouarter of Section ?j, in Townsiip 4 South, 'tanc~e 11 6!est, in the Rancho Los Coyor.es, as per nop recorded in honl< ;1, paae 7 and foiloarina, 'liscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County P,ecord~r of sai<I County, lyin9 tlortheast of the right of ~•ray of the Los /ingeles Intc~rurhan Raii~:~ay Company, recorded in hool; j>~~ ~3~c 3%,!;, pec~ls, WNEREAS, the City f lannin~ Commission did hnj~; a~i;~.~(c !~F;rinu at the Civir. Center in Che City of Anaheim on Auq~st l~, 1•~~1, at 1;3n n,~~,~ nntice of sairi p~~blic hearing having heen duly given as requir~d by lai~ and in accor.iance t~rith th~ provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, C~apter 1~,~3, to he~r and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditioral use rernit and *c, investigate and mal<e findings and rec~mmendations in connection there!virh• ~~~~ WHEP,El15, said Comnission, after ciue inspection, investigation and s;udy made oy itself and in its t~ehalf, and after due consideration of i11 rvi~tence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the folloatinq facts: 1. "ihat the proposed use is properly one fnr v~hich a conditional use permit is authorized t;y Anaheim Hunicipal Code Section S^,f!F.~~~,~~~ t~ wit• to perm;t on-sale beer ar.d wine in an existing restaurant. ~ 3. That t!ie ~roposed use r~ill not adverselv affect the adjoinin~ land uses and the growth and development of the area in ~~rhich it is pr~~ose~1 to be located, ~F. That Che sizc and snape of the sitr_ proposed f~r the use i; adeqiiate to allo~~ the fuil development o` the proi~osed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to tne peace, health, sa`ety, and genernl ~:eifare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheiri. 5. Tiiat the yrantin~ of ;:he Conditiona) I)se Permit under the conditlons imposed, if any, taill not he detrimentat t~ the ne~r_e, health, sa`ety anri ~~neral welf~,re of Che Citizrns of the Cih~ of /lnaheim, " 6. That the traffic generoted !~y the prnnosed use ~~ill n~t imnnsr ~n undue bur~Jcn upon the streets rand h;nh~•rays designed an~l in~r~ved tn ~,~~~y the traffie in th~ area. PC81-172 /. That no onr, in~iicated t'~cir prc,~nc, at said ~Ilf)Ilr hearing in opposition; and [hat no correspon~iencr•~•r,~~ received in oppci;iti_nn to rhe subject petition. E~14'Ifi0"111E"~T/1L IPIPACT Fltl~l"!G; The Planninn Oirector or his ~utnorized representative has cletermined that the nrn~>osecl prnject fi11~; ~~it`iin t!ie definition of Categoricai Er,enptions, Class 1, as defined in th^_ State EIR ~uideii~es and is, thererore, categorir.ally er.ern~t from Che renuir~ment to nren~re an EI?, ~~~'•~, THFRFFO°E, BE IT ';ES~L1'E~ that thr Anaheim Citv Planninct Commission does hereby grant suhject Petition f~r Conditional Use Permit, unon the follo~~~ing eonditions which arc hereby found to be a necessarv orr~renuislte to the propos~d use of rhe suhject pronerty in order to oreserve the safety and qenAral ~•ielfarc ~f the Citizens of the City of llnaheim: i. That trash ;tora~e areas shall be ~rovided in acce~dance ~vith ap~roved plans on file ~•rith the Ciffice of th~ Executive ~irc•ctor ~f Public'.!orl:s. 2. That subject property shall he :fevelone~l suhstanttally in accordanc=_ with plans and specifications on file ~•ilth the City o` ~~naheim marl•ed Exhihit 'Jos, i and 2. DE IT FURTIlER RESOLV;D that tht: Anaheim City Planning Commission ~ioes herebv finu and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated uoon applieant's compliance t•~ith ear_~; and all of t`ie cnnditions hereinah~ve set rorth, Should any such condi[ion, or any part thereof, he declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment r,f any cnurt of competen[ jurisdfcti~n, ti~en this "esolution, and any approvals herc9n contained, shall he d~emer{ null and v~ld. TNE FOREGOING RESOWTi0t9 is signed anrl ~nnroved hy ~~ ihis 1f1Yh ~iav nf Aua~ict . 1~F?t ATTEST 9:~~:.~~.,~ << ~,.~..~-~~ CHAIR!1A~a, A~~AHEI"1 CITY PLn~ln!IflG Cp~tyISSiOP! ~~ v ,~ ^ ~ SECRE AR RO Et;PO~ ~ AtJAHE I M C I TY PLnr~N I NG COMM I 55 10'l -2- PC81-172 STATE OF C/1~ I FOR~11A ) COUWTY OF ORI~NGE ) ss. C ITY OF At!/~HE I~i ) ~, Pamela H, Starnes, Secret~r~ Pro Temnore ~f the Anah~im City P)anning ~onmisslon, do hereby certi,`y [haC th~ foregeing resolution ~,as passed and adopted a[ a meeting of tne llnahcim Clty Planning Commiss(on held on Auaust 1~, i~%'1, at ~:'t~ P'~~•. hY ~`~= follot•~ina vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: CC~~MISSIO"JERS: DAR`JES, BUUJ~S, E3USHQkE, FRY, HFf?EST, Y,~p~r, NOFS: COhtril$SIOi~ERS: tlOFlE ABSEFJT: COMMISSIOtJERS: T6LAR i~! 4lITNESS WHEREOF, I hav~ hereun[o ser my hand this i~th day ~f qugust, 1~31. ~.~ ~~ ~ ~^ ~ SECRET„RY PRn TE~af!1pF ~w - A~IAIiF I'i C I TY PLl.~l~! I ~;~ C~N"^ I SS I ~"I '; PC~~31-iJ2 ~