PC 81-178"ESOLUTIU~I fJO. FC~1-17,^, A RESOLUT I OPI OF THF APJA'rIE I M C 17Y PLA.~!rl I'!G CQr~M I 55 f ON THAT PETITIO~; FOR ~0"1~lTIUPl~1L USE PERHIT `~~. 2?5~ B[ r,~r~r~rFn WHEREAS, the An~hein City Piannin9 Corxnission did receive a v~rified Pet i t ion for Cond i t icna 1'Js~ Perni t from JEP,RY ~l. SHE?l1ERD Allf? LAI!P,FE~I A. SHEPHERD, 32?0 Yorba I_inda Eoulevard, Fullerton, California !12631, oamers, and /~DAN LIPItJSKI, S°5 South Knott Street, Anaheim, California 92P•'14, agent, of certain real property siti~ated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: The East 202.00 feet of the Southeast quarter o` the Soutneast Quarter of the 'aortheast quarter of Section 15 in Ta•~nship 4 5~uth kange 11 lJest, Partly in t~~e City of Anahein, County of Orange, State of California, in the Ranc!~o Los Coyotes as shoo-m on a map thereof recorded in Book 51 pane 11 ef Miscellaneoas Maps, records of Orange County, California. EXCFPTi!!G THFP.EFRfIM th~ North 473.7~ `eet there~f. 1JiiEkEAS, the City Plannino Commission did hold a puhlic hearinq at the Civic Center in ~he City of Anaheim on August 24, 1~81, at 1:3~ p.n,, notice of said pub;ic heartng having been duty given as required hy la~;~ and in accordance orith the provisions of the Anaiieim Municipal Code, Chapter 1;,03, to hear anrl consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use ~ermit an:i to envestigat~ and make findings and recommendations in connection therev~ith; and WHEREAS, said Comm?ssion, after ciuP in~nP~rin~ ~~t.,~.r.... _~.. ny itseif and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidencetand~ureports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the follo~•iing facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for ~rhich a conditional use permit is authorized !~y Anaheim Ftuniripal Code S~ction 1F.,1+!a,n,~?,n1n te wtt• to permit on-sale beer and wine in an existiny restaurant ~•~ith s~iaiver of the following: SECTIO~J 18.O/,.pG~.J231 - Ftinimum num~er of parl:inn s~aces. 37 spaces required; 33 spaces existin~) 2. That the requested ~•iaiver is hereby granted on the basis [hat the restaur~nt is existing and no par~;ing prohlems have been created, tha~ the request is minimal amounting to less than il%; de~•ianc, from Code, and on the basis that denial would deprive su5ject prope~ty of a privil~ge heina enjoycd hy other properties in the same zone and vicinity. 3. That the proposed use ~•ifll not advcrselv af`~ct th~~ adi~in'nq 1a~~1 ,~s~s and the growth and development of *_he ar~a in ~•ihich it is pro~osed to be located. 1+. That [he size and shape ~f the site preposed f~r the use is adequate to allow tiie full ~evelopment ef the ~ro~oced use ~n a manner not detrimental to the particular arca nor to the peace, health, safety, and oeneral ~•~elfare of the Citi7e~s of *t:c C i ty of Ana'ie im. PC3t-178 ~. That the gr.intinr~ ~f the Conditinnal U;e Pcrmit under the eonditions imposed, if any, ~:~ill not I~e detrimental to Clie peace, health, safety and general welfare oP the Citiz<~ns of the City of Anaheiri. 6. Tt~at the traffic ga.nerated 6y r~~e nroposecf use :~i 11 nnt imposc hn undue burden upon th~ sYreets and high~~ays r.lesigned and impr~ved to r.arry the traffic in the area, 7. That r~o one indicated their presence at said pul~lic hearing in opposition; ond that no correspondcnce ~.~as recciv~d in oonosition to the suhjt:ct petition. E~~UIROIJMENTIL II4PACf FINDIPlG: Tlie Pianninn ~irector or his authorized repres~ntative has determined that the ~?ronosed project fUlis ~~~ithin the definition of Cate9orical Exemptions, Class i, as dr_fined in the State FIR fuidelines and is, therefore, cateqorically exempt from the requirement t~ prepare an ElR, ~~Ok, THf_REFORE, BE IT P,[SOLVED thai th~ Anaheim City P)anning Commission does hereby grant suhject P~tition for Conditional i_i,e Permit, upon the fulla•~ing conditions ~lhich are here5y found to be a necessary nrerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety ard neneral ~:lelfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the oi~mer(s) of subject property shall submit a letter requesting ti~e termination of Canditional Use Permit ~lo. 203 to the Planninn Department. 2. That subject pro~erty shall be develo~ed suhstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~~rith [hr_ City of /lnahein marE;ed Exhihit ~Je, t. 3. That Condition No. 1, a!:ove-mentioned, shall he cnmpifed ~.~ith prior to the comme~cement of the activity authorized undcr this resol~rtion, or prior to the time that the buiiding permit is issued, or t•rithin a period of nne vear fr~m darP iiereor, wi~icnevcr occurs first, or suc5 further time as t~e Plannin9 Comr~ission may gra~t. 4. That Condition No. 2, ahove-mentioned, shall he comnlied ~•rith prlor to final building anri zoning inspections. DE IT FURTHEP, RESOLVED that the Anaheirri City Plannin~ Commission does he~eby find and determine that the adoption of this Resolution is ex~ressiy predicated upon applicant's compliance ~•~ith each and a]', of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared invalici or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisd~ction, then this Resolution, and any approvals he.rein contained, shall be deemed null and w id. TfiE FOR[GOIPIf RESOLUTIOt! is signed and a~proved by me this ?1;;h day of llugust, 1931, ~ r % ,.~ ~~ ~~-;/.-~s~/1 ~~+~~~i~~~ci~Q ~~r^~i~si~i~ c~M~~~. ior ATTEST: ~ LL~~~ PC81-i7d SECR[TARY, AP~qHEiM CIT PLANNING C011M~g$~pV _~_ srnrE oF cn~ i Fozr~iA ) couri?v oF or~~~~cE ) ss. C I i Y OF AtJAHE 1~1 ) ~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary oi the P,nahcin City Planning Corrmission, do nereby certify that the foregoing resolutfon ~ias passed and adoptcd at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission hcid on August ,'_4, 1~31, at 1:?~ p,m,~ by the foliovii~g vote of the memhers thereof: ' AYES: COMMISS ~ONERS: BARNES, BOUAS, FRY, HER65T, K~;Ir,, r~~,r~a tlOES: COFt!dISSIONERS: t~ONE ADSE!JT: C~M'1155 IOP!ERS: 3USHORE ~~! 1•/ITPIESS WFiEREOF, I havc hereunto set rry hand this 21;th day of F~ugust, i9~31. ~ n .~`_ m%r..~,.~, SE~RETA4Y, AyAHEIN CITY PL.~t1;JIt.G COMMISSI~"J -3- PC3t-178