PC 81-184RESOLUTIO~J ~10. PCdI-1%';~! A RCSOLUT I u~! JF TIiE A'IAH~ I'1 C I TY PLF~r~rd I ~JG C0~1111 SS I OPI TEPi11PJ,1TIN~ ALL PROCEEC~IiJG$ I~d C0~1!lECI IOM blITH VARIAIIC[ ~IQ. %i~5 t~AiEREAS, on January 20, 1~35s;, Variance tdo, i;~l, a~as nranCed under P,esolution No. 16~E - Scries 19~7 by thc Anaheim City Planning Commissior, t~ permit a service station on an irregularly-sho~ed parcel of land ccnsisr_inn of ~pproximately O,GS acre, !~aving a frontage of approximately 24~ feet on the sr~~ith side of La Palma Avenue, having a maximum depth of aoproximately 130 feet and heing located approximately 21~ feet east of the centeriine of t-;PSt Street and further descrihed as 10U~ West La Palma F~venue. blH~REAS, the appl icant, E. J. "fyreman, Tru~tc~e/Tyreman Farni ly Tr~~st, has subr~itted a letter requesting termination of Variance ~~0. ~;~~ in sati~faccion of a condition of the granting of Conditional Use Permit Ho. '??f, grante~i on June 1~, 19&l, to permit a private jimior and senior high school on sui~ject property. PJOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED that the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission does IIP.f~~y terminate all proceedings of Variance Ho. ~,~5 on the hasis of the foregoing 'indings. THE FOR[GOING RESOLUI'IOP! is signed and a~~roved hy me this 2~~th day of Auaust, 19u1. CH. I R 1A~! PRO TE'iPORE At!Aft[ I N C I TY PL4~!'! I Nr, CO~+M .. I rri ATT[ST: n ~ ~ ~ ;~la~.,c., SECf;E'i,>RY, AWAHEIM CITY PL~r~riir~r, CO~~IMISS10~1 ST~1 i[ OF CAL 1 FOR~J I A ) COUNTY OF ORl11JGE ) ss, CITY OF FlPIAHcIPt ) I, Edith L. Harris, 5ecretary of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Comr~ission, do hereby certify tl~at the foregoing resolution ~~!as passed and ado~tecf at a neetinn of the Anaheim City Planninq Commission held on l'~ugust ~t+, 1~;1 by the following vote of the members thereoF: AYES: COM"iIS51n!iERS: ~ARPIES, 13011,15, FRY, HERRST, I<I'!;, T~I./~~ NOES: CO"1"11SSIO~IF^S: ~1~I;E ~as[~lT: COra!11SSIOr~FRS: BuSHORe I!l 411T;1E~S UH~RFpF, I have hercunto set mv lianrl ti~is ''!th d~y of flugust, 1~~~1. ~~'u.~G ~.° -3~ SECRET/1RY, ~1Pl~I~El~t CITY PL~.~;~IIt~G rn~.~rq~Sclpn Pc'II~-1;34