PC 81-198RESOLUTIOh! N0. PCi31-lq8 A RESOLUTIOt! OF THE AtIAHEIM C17/ PLAidPJItJR C0~4115SIOM TFRM I PlATI NG ALL PP,OCEED I ~JGS I h! COMNECT I ON W; TH C0~lDITIONAL IJSE PERMIT MC. 123? WHERE~IS, on July 26, 1~71, Conditional Use Permit No, 1239 was granted uncier Resolutlon No, 71-143 by the Anahelm City Planning Commission to establish a motel and to permlt on-sale liquor in a proposed r•estaurant on a rectanaularly-shaped parcel of land cons~sting of approximately 1.71~ acres having frontage of approximately 371 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue, having a rnaximum depth of approximately 205 feet and being located approximately 76~ feet west of the ~enterl(ne of Cliffrose Street and further d~scrfbed as 1f~00 East Lincoln Avenue. letter requfestAng terminaPPonCOftCondltio~ataUseLPermlt tlo. 1739rin satEsfac,riontof a condition of thE~ granting of Conditional Use Permit t•lo. 2223, granted un June 1, 1981, to permit expansion of a motel and restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beverages subject on property. NOW, THERFFORE, BE IT RESOLVFD that the Anzheim City Planning Commissian does hereby terminate all proceedings of Conditioral Use Pernit No. 123q ~n the basis of the foregoing findings. THE FOREf,01NG RFSOLUTION is signed and approv~d 'oy me this 9th day of Septerrber, 1981, ATTEST: _~e-~ R .~ ~e...~ CHAIP,MAN, A~IIHEIM CITY PLAPI~•~ING CDMMISSION n. - ~ ~~ ~ ~~ SECRETAP.Y, AtJAHEIM CITY PLANNItlG COHMISSIOrJ STA`E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIH ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commissfon, dc hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passerl and adopted at a meetfng of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on September 9, 1981 by the followtng vote of the members thereof: AYES; COPIMISSIONERS: BARNES, BOUAS, BUShiORE, FRY, HERBST, KIP!(;, NOES: COM~115SIOhlERS: NOPJF ~1DSEN7: COMFIISSlONERS: TnLAR I~d WITNESS 41HERE0~, I have hereunto set my hand this 9th day of September, 19&1. ~ ~1~...r~/ ,r' ~ /:~, ~ SECRETARY, A~lANEIH CITY PLANNIN~ COHMISSIr,N I'C81-198