PC 81-216RESOLUT!O~d 1J0. PC31-21'. A R[SO~UTIOP, OF THE Ar1AftEIH CITY FLAIIIJI~•!r, C~~1~1(SSIr~~ TIIAT PETITIO!I F~R CO?iDITIOtIAL I!SE °ER~11T Pl~. 2?~? 3E r,n,nhlTE~ 4JHERE/1;, the Anaheirn f,ity Planniny Cormission did rPCeive a verified Petition for CondiCional 11se Perrnit fron VERtdO~d !J, f10t1.".QE, S2^~ Seashore Drlve, PJewport 6each, California ~2hL-0, owner of certain real property situated in the City of Flnahein, County of Orange, State of California, descrihed as: PFlRCEL A: PARC[L 1, I IJ TI1E C! TY OF AIJAI{E I11, COUN7Y OF ORAt4 ;E, STATE OF CALIFORtJlA, FlS SNOIiN Ot~ ~ P/1RCEL 11,4P FiLED ihl DO~F; ~3, P/;GFS 3 AN~ «, 0~' PARCEL M1P5, I~t THC OFFICF OF TFIE COl!~lTY P,FCORpER OF ~l11D C~UtJI'Y; /1Pl~ PARCEL B: PARCEL 2 !,'~~ T,IE C~TY ~F /1~IAHEIN, CaiiplTY Of' ORAtd~E, STATE OF CFlLIFORNIA, AS SI101•!id OFI A FARCEL '1,1P FILFD IPl 40Qf'. ~13 P.4GF.S 3 AF1D 4, pF PARCEL ~1APS, Iti THE OFFICE OF TF;E COU'ITY RCC~RDER 01' SAID COU"!TY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cammission did hold a puhlic hearina at ~he Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on OctoLer 19, 1"31, at 1:3'1 p,m,, n,tice of said public hearinc~ having been duly given as require~i by )aw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahei~n !lunicipai Code, Chapter 1^.03, to hear and constder evidence for and against said ~roposed conditional use ~~ermit and to investi~atA and mal;e findinys and recomnendations in connection there~•~ith; and 41FIEREAS, said Comnission, after due inspection, investir~ation and study made b~ itself and in its behalf, ancl after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the folloviinq facts: ~• T~~~ t lI1C p roposed use i s prope r 1 y one for ~,~h i ch a cond i t i ona 1 use permit is authorized by Anahein !lunicipal Code Section 13.44,(150.~1i1 to wit: to permit on-sale alcoholic beverages in a proposed Ploose Lodc~e. 2. That the petitioner stipulated at the puhlic liearing that the proposed additional drivew~y on Sequoia Avenue (sho~•m on the submitted exhtbit) will not be constructed and that the existing driveway on Sequofa Avenu~ ~,~ill be rea)igned perpendicular to the street. 3. 7hat the proposed use i~ill not a.iversely affect the ad_joining land uses and the gro~~~th and development of the area in ~~hich it is proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shane of the site proposed for the use is adeauate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a ma;nner not detrimentai to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general ~-~elfare or the Citizens of the Lity of Anaheim, 5. That the granting of the Conditional !lse Perr+it under the conriitions imposed, if any, ~yj~~ ~~t he detrimentai to the peace, hea)th, safety and general welfare of the Citiz~ns nf t~~e City o` Anaheim, I~C81-216 ~ ~ 6. That the traffic gr.nerated by the n mposed use ~~ill n~t imp~se an undu~ burden upon the streets ancl hi~hti~ays desinnerl and irnproved to carrv the traffic in the area. 7. That one person indicated his presence at said puhiic hearina in opposition; and that no correspondence a~as received in opp~sition to the subject petition. E~1VIP,Oh!MEPJTl~L lMPACT r-or~~it~G: Tl,at the Anaheim City Flanninq Comrission has revie~~ed the proposal to permit on-sale alcoholic heverages in a prop~sed Ptoose Lodge on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of appro•r.imately 3.~ acres, having a frontage of approximately 550 feet on the south~•:est side uf Sequoia Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately 5b0 fect and hein9 located approximately 2nn feet southeast of the centerline of Siesta Street (223? 41est Sequoia Avenue); anu does hereby approve the ilegative Declaration from the requirement to ~,repare ar, environmental impact report on the basis that there r~ouid he no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the ~naheim General Plan designates ¢he subject proper•ty for general cortrnercia? land uses commensurate ~-~ith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the In(tial Study submitted by t~~e petitioner indicates no significant incJividual or cumulative ad~.~erse environmental impacts; and that tlie tJegative Declaration suhstantiatino the forasgoing findings is on file in tiie City of Anaheim Planning Department. tlObl, THEREFORE, P.E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planninc~ Coromission does hereby grant suhject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the follo~•~ing conditions which are hereby found to he a necessar;~ prerequisite to the proPosed use of the suhject property in order to preserve the safety and ~eneral o-~e;fares or the Citizen5 of the City of Anah~im: 1. That the existinq ~tructure shall be hrought up to the minimum standards of the City uf Anaheimy including the Unif~rm Quilriing, Plumbing~ Electrical, Mechanical and Fire Codes as adopted by th~ City of Anaheim. 2. That the proposed drive~•~ay on 5equoia Avenue (marl<ed driveo-ray "B" on the submitted plans) shall remain closeci and that the existing driveti•~ay on Sequoia AvenuF (marked driveviay "A") shall be re-aligned peroendicular to the s+_r~et. 3. ThaT. subject property shali he developecl suf~stantialiy in accordance with plans and specifications en file o-~ith the City of Anahein marl<eri E.xhibit tlos. 1 and 2. ~t, That Condition tdos. 1, 2 and 3, ahove-nentioneJ, shall I>e complied a~ith prior to final building and zoniny inspections. 6E !T FURTNER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that the adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance s•iith each and all cf the conditions I"reinahove set `~rth. Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared invctid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and v~id. -2- PCuI-21~, TIiE FOR[GOIiJr f;~SOLUTIO~•I is signed and approve:l hy me this l~th day of October, 1~~1, ~~,~'~ ~ CH r1 M PRO TEriPOP,E ATTEST: AP7AI!E1~1 CITY PLAtJtJI!If, CO SI01! __.[1dCI~T/.f~~.1" ~~ ~ i '~~~J SECP,CT/1RY PRO TE'1PORE, ANAHEIH CITY PLl1NNIIJG G~'~th1-SSIOfJ $7P,TE OF C/~,LIFORFlIA ) COUtlTY OF ORAFIGE ) ss. CITY OF APJ~IFI[IM ) I, Pamela N. Starnes, Secretary Pro T~mpore of t)~e Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that tne foregoing r~solution ~ias nassed an~l adopteci at a neeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on October 1^, IQ81, at 1:;0 ~ P.m., by the fo11o~.~ing vote of the memhers tl~e.reof: AYES: COM!•11S5IOtdERS: 30UAS, FRY, I;Ildr,, TOLAR iV0E5: COt1~qIS510f1ERS: ~lONE ABSE"IT: COFiHISSIOPiEP,S: f3ARWES, [3US1-;ORE, IIER?ST ~~~ ~~~~i,i~~~ iviiCtlL'UY~ i have hereunto set my hand this l~th ~iay of October, 1q£~1, S f~F~'n~v oon TC.M 0~%~~=~~~~?~~) ANAHE I M C I TY PL/ItJ~J I"!~ COw'1 I SS i ntl -3- acai-2i~.S