PC 81-23RFSOUITi~'! ~l0, pr,F~-~ A'?ESOL;iTiO~J CF TF!C ~'i%,I!EI~~ CITY PL,1~~'ll':" C~~t~'ISSIn~d TIIAT PETITIOt! FOR Cn~!GITIO~lAL U~E P~Rr~l7 ~lu. ?1~'~ 6F ~2n11TFn WNERE~S~ the /lnaheim Citv Pianninn Com^~issi~~^ did recciv<.~ .~ verified Pet i t inn for Cond i t iona 1 Use Perr? t fro,~ R~1~E4T Ei~':E"E B['~!TLE'f A!1~ Sfi~^,~0!! LY!!f! B[IJTLEY, ~i33 Idest Lireuln ~venue, ~na!ieir•i, Californin 9'?n5, o~.vner, and GARY SCHROEDFR, ~~I"1 fdorth Lenon Strect, nnaheim, Californi~ ~7°,~~, aaent, of certain real property situatr_d in the City o` /1na!~ein, Count~ nf ;r~nne, Skare uf C~li°ornia, descr(hed ds: Parcels t and ? of Parcel '1an '!o. 7~?-?2.°~ as ~,ho~-,n on a n~n filed in Elook 1'~2, Pagr_s il and 17. of Pareel ~1a~s, rr_cn:ds r,f saic' County. Wti[RE~,S, the City Pla~ning Co~mission did sche~ulc ; n~,~blic hcarin^ at the City Nall in the City of Anaheim on Decrmher 15, 1~"'~, at 1:3'1 ~.rn„ notice o` said puh)ic hearing i~3ving ~een d:~1y giv~ ~ ~; r~~quiraJ ~, iar, an:l in acc~rdance with the prnvisions of the Anaheim I^.uiicipal Ccdc, Chantc~r 1".~;, tn hear and consider evidence for and a9ainst said propose~ conditional use pernit ind tn investi9at^ and make findin9s and reeommendations in cn~nection there~•iith; said ~ublic '~earin~ havinq been continucd to the Pl~nnin~ Commissio~ neetinn o` Janu-iry ;'.~, 1~°7; and WhIf.REAS, said Commission a`tcr due inspecti~n, im~~siinati~~n and stu~y nade by itself and in its hehalf, anc a`t^r due consideration of all evidence in~1 reports offered at said hearing, does find and deternin~ the fnllrn•iin~ ~acts: 1. That the nroposed use is pronerlv one tc~r ~•:hich c, con~li?-ioial use permit is authorizeJ by ~lnaheim 'tunicipal Coc+~ Sectior, 1°.•'1~.n;~,~~~ ~~ aiit: *_o perrit two free-standing signs in the ~0 (Cummeric,~l, Offic.~ anc! Pro'essionall Zone, 2. Thit tiie proposed ~.~se ~rill n~t ad~~ersely affect the ~rijplnfn~ land ~;s.°.s anc the c,roo-~th and development of tne area in ~~~hich it is prnposed to be iocat^_c'. 3. That the size and shane o~ the site pro~osed f~r the iise is adequate to ~Ilow thc iull developmenc of the ~roposed use in a nanner nn~ dF,trimental ^_o the partfcular area nor to the peace, health, safety, a~d gereral ~:,elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anafieim. ~+. That the granting of the Conditional ~lse Perr~it under the conditions impose~, if any, ~vill not be detrir.iental to the peacr~, hcalth, safc:ty and 9eneral ~a~lfare of the Citi~ens of the City o` Anaheirn, 5. That the traffic gener~ted by the pmposerl u5e ~~i Il nc* imoose in widue burden upori the str~cts and 'ninfninys rle=ictnerl ~n;1 improved t~~ c~rry th~ traffic in the arca, ~>. Thiat no one inclicated their nr~ser.c~ ~t s~id {~ubltc hearina in oppositinn; and that no correspon~l~nce vr.ic rec~~ive~i in op,~~sit(on to t'ir, sub.jeet petition. Pc~t-'3 F.t1V I R0~lt1E~JTl1L I ~1Pi~CT F I ~ID I I; ;: Tlie P lann i nq 'i ~ rec tor or h i s ~iuthpr i zed ~~preser,tativ~ has cJceCr-rmined that tl~e F~m~osed nrojeet fill~ tiii[hin the definition of Categorieal Exemptions, Class j, as defined in Fa~,~qr.iph ? of the City ~•.f Anaheim cnvironmentai lmF,~ct Report Guidclines an~1 is, therefore~ (atCClOrjr;.~1y ~xempt from the requircnent to prepare an [IR. N~tJ, THE2FFORE, B[ fT RFSOLVC~ that tl~e ,\n~rhein, City Planninq Commissi~n does herety grarit subject Petiti•~n for Condilional Use Pernit, u~nn the follov~iny conditlons U~hich are hereby found Co he a necessary prereauisite to th~ proposed use of the subject property in ordcr to ~reservc t!;c s~fety and ~cri~ral ~•iel f~are of the Citizens ef thc City of ~\n~heim: 1. That subject prr~~rty shall be develoned suhst~ntially in accordance +~ith plans and specificatio^c on fil< <iith the City of ,~~aheir+ ma,-t;ed Ex'~ibit 'Jo. 1 and ~. 6E IT FUP,TI'ER RfSOLVCD that the Anaheir~ City Planninr, Cornmission does hereby find and determine that adootior of ehis kesolution i, expr~sslv preriicated ~pon applicant's compliance o-rith each and all of the conditions hcreinabov~ set forth. Shouio any such condition, or any oart thereof, be declared invali~i ~r unenforceable by the final judgmenc of any court of comoetent juriscic~ir~n, thr_n thl, Resolution, a~d any approvals herein contained, sha11 ~~e deemed null and void. THE FQREG01."JG RESOLUTIO'I is siqned and apnroved !ry r,e ttiis '~[h day of January, 1~81, ATTEST: CI;AI~,NA'~, ~`1PJP,NE1~+ CITY PL~,~J~ll~~r. C04r~ISSI~F~ ~~ ,._~~ ,~~•.~~ SECRETARY, ANE,r!EIM ..iTY PLANNI~lr, CnM~ilssln~i STATE OF CALIF04MIA ; COUNTY OF ORANGE ; ss. CITY UF ANNHEIM ) I, Edith L. Hairis, Secretary of the Anahcim City Plannino Comn,ission, do 5ereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~•~as passed ard adopted at a meetinq ef the Anaheim City Plann~na Conmission held on January 2G, 1~'1, ~:y the followinct voCe of C5c members thereof: - aYES: C0~1MISSIONERS: B.ARP1~5, BOUAS, BUSHO°F, FRY, hl!1~, T^Ll!,~' NO[~: COMMISSIO"IEP,S: N(1~JE ABSEtiT: COM'tISSIO~;EP,S: HERCS"- I~l 4!!T';cS:, 11tfEREOF, I havc: her~ unto sct mv !~and this ~'th dav of .lanuarY, 19~1. ~ >t'r~;l ~ .._/~'~,~~ StCR[T~~RY, AtlAHE1~1 CITY PL.4NNIhS C~'+NISSI~N -2- PC;1-'~