PC 81-269~;~~o~u~rior~ r~o. ~c~ i-259 i~ R[SOLUT I 0~! OF TIIE ~'~IL~I~iE I r~, r I T'r PLf~t~(I I ~~G COMF1 I;S I OI: TEf;l~t! ~IAT I t!G l~LL Pr'GCE~D I ~lGS I t! COtItIECT I~J~l b11 TI1 COtiUITI0t1iaL USF P~i'.I~11T tIG. 2116 WHEREAS, on Octobcr F~, 19~1. Cc>ndi~i~~n,~l Usc P~,rmit_ ~Jo. 2116 r~as yranted l~ ~~~rriil ~~ church in tfii~ ~1L (Industri,il. Lin~it•_u) Zc~n~~ iu< <~ period of onc ycar bic uxt_cnt>i~~n~~ of [ir~c by Li' Plonninq C~~r•,rni°,~i~,n, ~~n .i rr•<t.tr.qularly- aii th , oss i "' ~h~p~u parccl of lan~l cnn~i~slinq o; ~in~~roriri~tcly 4.7 <~crc;. h~i~iinq n frontage of approxiinatclY 33~ fcet on the nu~ Lh ~,i:i~ of ldin~tc~n i•,u~d, h~~:inq ,~ ~:,~fir.;w:~ c!~pCh of 2pProximat~~ly u"LO feeC ~nd bcinr~ Iccr~~eu ~~ppru::i~,:~Lcl'/ 7~G C~ _~L ~a~~~ u( th~ eentcrlire of SLa~c Collcuc Doulevar~f; ~~nd `urLh~.r ~lcseribecl ~~, 2201 Eo,[ WinsC~n P,o~,d ; and WNEREAS, th~, .~pplieant. D~nnis G. ~ost.cr, rcqu~sts Chc ter~•~in~[ion of Londitional Use Pcn,~ii hJo. 2116 tis th~• cl~urch di<1 nc~t rcr~e:~ it~ le~sc and has „~~v`,~~ Lo anothr•r l~ci[ior,. t10W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL':EU that t- ~: i~n~h~i~. Cily Planninq Conc,iissiun ~~~s ncreby [crmin~tr all Ez~~cc_dinqs of Cordi~~iont~I O~su Pcrrnit ~lo. .'.116 on thc of [h~ forc9oir;; `•~ 1: basi~~ "" ' :,,. THE FOREGCIt~,, RESCLUIIC~~ i, „;n~d ~,nc .~p^r~~~.._.~ 'oy ~~~ ~iii~, 14_~~ J~,y c` Deeerib~•r. ~9~1 . /'.~-~.a~ 'f. . ~~ _ C HA ~ r<f1AtJ i;NAHE I'1 C I TY PLC~'L'! !~1G COt'd11 SS I 0'J ATTEST: (~ ~ - SECP.ETARY A~~AHE I P1 C I TY PL~\~J~11 NG COMP11 551 GI1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C i TY UF A.PJAHE I ht I, ~dith L. Harris, Sccrc[ary or thc ~1n~hci~~ Cit~ Pl~nning Lo~~mission, de hcreby ecrtify that the foregoing resolution ~:~; passcd ar~i odo{',CC~I at ,i mceting of [hc An~hcim City Pl~nning Crn;;miti~sion h~~ld on Dccer.ibc~r 14, 1981 by [hc fellcr~•rin9 vOCC O( Ch~ m~cibuft, thcrcof: AY[S: COMMISS~O~JERS: Bllktlt':, bUU~\5, BU~HOitt, Fit'r, iiEi?65i, ~:lilG, ~1C GU«N['i PJOES: COMMISSIONERS: WONF ~~5EtJ7; COh1~11SSI0tlEft$: tJ01~E IU WITtlESS I:HEREOF, I h~vr hrrrunt~~ ~.~! my h~nn~! tLi~; 14th ct.iy- ~if ~c•c~•inbc~. 19$I. ~ ~ ~ _._Ll`~'~ L. t,c.r1 SECRET~RY %~tJ~1Nt I ~~1 L I~(Y i'LiAPlIJ ~ NG l:OF1Pt I S 5 1 0~~ PC~31-269