PC 81-31R[SQ~ UTIO:'J I10. PC~1-31 A RESOLUTIOid QF TI1E AtlAHE I'1 C ITY PLA.';1! I ~IG C0~~111 SS I O~I TEP,~11tJATiN~ ALL PR'1CF.EDINt;S I'I CO"1~J[CTIO`J L11TH ~~l~RIA'!C[ ~1Q. 23~~1~ 41HEREAS, on Octoher .'_/, 1~7i, Uariance No. 2~,G~i wns nrante~i under P,esolution i~o• ]5°21o L•y the Anahein City Pianning Commission to estahlish an auto repair shop on property described as an irregularly-shape~i parcel oT land consisting of apprnximately 0,2 acre locat~~d at the southeast corner of Anaheim Roulevard and Lemon Street, having approximat~ fronta9es of 12~~ feet on the souCh side of Anaheim Boulevard and 110 fect on the east side of Le~on Street and further descrihed as 1033 North Anaheim Boulevard. 61H~R[AS, tlie appl icants, Abel and Car~~l A. letter requesting kermination of Variance IJo. 23~!i of the granting of ~~;nditional Use Permit rlo, 21~', permit a used automohi lA sales lot ~•~itii ~•iaiver of mi subject property, Mendez, oumers, have submitted a in satisfaction of a co~dition granted c~n December l~i, 19~~, to nimum nu~ber o,` parkinn snaces on NOW, TNER'cFOP,E, GE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planninq Commissior, does hereby terr~inate ail proceedings of Variance ilo. :;;6!~ .,~ thA r>3~{~ of the foregoing findings. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTI0~1 is s?nned and approved by me this 2Fth day of January, 1931. ATTEST• i ~.-~ ~ CH~IR~1At~, A~lAt1EIH CITY PLAhNlt;6 C011MISSION ~~, ,: `~ ~ ~ ~_ , ., _ ,,,,:..,~^ , ~ SECRETr1RY, ANAHE lti C ITY PLAhJN I UG COt1M I S; i ~!J STATE OF CALlFORP1IA ) COU!1TY OF OP,/1NGE ) ss. CITY OF AP~AfIElt1 ) I, Edith L. hiarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninc7 Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoinn reselution :~ias passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on January ?G, 1~<1 by the foilowi~g vote of the members thareor: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: 4ARNES, BCUAS, 611cHpR~, F?Y, HERRST, KIPJ~, TOL4R NOES: COr1~11SSI0NER5: tJOr~E ABS[P:T: COH~tISSIOtJEfS: P30NE IN WITIIESS WIiERFOF, I have hercunto set my h~nd tl~is "~,th day of January, 192;1. -- ~ ~fz~ ,~C ~ ~~ SECRETARY, FlPJAHElFt CITY FL~fJNIMG C6~IMISSION PC91-31