PC 81-5RESOLUTIOPI N0, PC81-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLA~JNI~-r, CO!1MISSION THIIT PETITIOtJ FOR CQ~!DITIOtIAL USE PERMIT FlO, 21(li (iE GRA~lTFn~ IN PART WHEREAS~ the Anahefm City Planning Comm)ssion did reccive a verifled Petitlon for CondTtional Use Permtt from EPHRIAM BEAR~, ET AL, 1542 "R" Moulton Parkway, Tustin~ California~ ?2F8~, owners~ and Jf~i!.4THAP1 WFRR~ c/o Forest City D11~o~~ ~~c,~ ~~(,~~ San Vicente Boulevard, Los Angeles~ California ~Onqq~ agent. of certain real property sit•uated in the City of Anaheim~ County of Oranqe, State of Caltfornia, described as: PARCEL 1: THE SOIITH HALF OF TlIE NORTHEAST QUAP,TER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF Tl1E ~JORTHEAST QUARTEP, OF SECT 10!! 23, TOblNSH I P k SOUTH~ RANGE 11 WEST, IN THE RANCIIO LOS COYO7ES~ AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 11 OF MISCELLANEOI~S MAPS IF! THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID CnU~lT1'. WNEREAS, the Ctty Planntng Commisslon did hold a public hearing at the Civic CeRter trt the City af Anaheim on January 12, 14£31, at 1:^y0 P.m., notlce of said public hearfng having been duly givr_n as required by laar and in accordance wlth the provistons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditlonal use permit and to investigate and make findings and recomnendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Cortmtssion~ after due inspection, inv~stigation and study made bY itself and in its hehalf, and afcer due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said heartng~ does find and determtne the followin~ facts: 1. That the proposed ~~se is properly one for which a conditional use pe~mit is authortzed hy Anahelm Munfcipal Code Section 1?,~3,n3o.~1~ to Wi~; to permit an 81-lot~ 3Q-unit condominium suhdivlsinn (2~~ ~ffor~iahle) r~itfi waivers of: A. SECT10-1 18.01.13~ - Required lot frontaae, (Frontage on dedfcated street or alley requtred; private street fronta4e proposed) B. SECTIOq t$,31,0~1,01y - Mintmum lot area per dwellin unit. 3~00 s uare eet requ red; 2219 sauare eet proposed) C. SECT104 13.3~,062.~2Q - Maximum lot coveraqe. D. SECTIOt! 18,31.063.011 - 111nimum landscaped setbacE:. 15- 0 eet requ re a ~ng Beach Boulevard; 10-15 eet proposed) E. SECTiOtI 1t3,31.066.~10 - Mlnimum number and t pe of parktna spaces. €v` 2 0 spaces~ 1 0 enc osed ln a aarage required; ~, 2p~~Paces~ 134 enclosed in a garage proposed) ~ PC81-5 ~'°',. ~~,.: ' _ __..~:_ _-.~:.s,...y.d.~ ~...., ~ '. ~ Z. That the above-mentioned ~~raiver C, is hereby dented on the basls that subsequent to advertisemenY of this petltinn, revised plans ~•~ere submittPd deleting the need for satd waiver, 3. That the ahove-mentioned ~aaivers A., B., p., ~n~ E, are hereby granted on the basis that the developer has a~reed to entPr into an a~reement with the City of Anaheim pursuant to Government Code Section 65~15 to provide 75~ of the untts as low or moderate incrxne housing as defined in Government Code Sectlon F5~15 and with appropriate resale contro)s as approved by the City of Anaheim, ~~. That the proposed use, as granted, aii11 not adversely affect the adJoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located, 5. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use, as granted, is adequate to allow the full development of the nroposed use in a manner not detrimental to the parttcular area nor to the peace, health~ safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. F. That the Conditional Use Permit, as granted, ind under the condltions imposed, artil not be detrtmental to the oeace, health, safetv and aeneral ~veifare of Lhe Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 7. That the traffic generated by the prooosed use a~ill not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 8. That no one indicated their ~resence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was recelved tn opposition to the subject petition. ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassi y subject property `rom the CL (COMMERCIAL, LIMITED) ZONE to the RM-3000 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) 7.~NE to permit an $1-lot, 80-unit condominium subdivision (25$ affordable) with walvers of reoui~ed lot frontac~e~ minlmum lot area per dwe)ling unit, minimum landscaped setback and minimum number and type of parking spaces on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consis*ing of approximately 4,7 acres, havin,q a frontage of approximately 33~ feet on the west side of Beach Boulevard, having a maxtmum depth of approximately 620 feet and being located approximately 330 feet south of the centerline of Ball Road (1241 South Beach Boulevard); and does hereby aoprove the Negative Declaratfon from the requirement to prepare an envtronmental lmpact report on the basTs that there would be no signiflcant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaratton since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subJect property for low-medium residential and general commerci~il lanJ uses comrensurate with the proposal; that no sensltive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indlcates no significant individual or cumulative adverse envir~nmental impacts; and that the Negat~ve Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file i~ the City of Anaheim Planning Department. °2- PC81-5 ~~~.. ... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisston does hereby grant, in part, subJect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the followin9 «nditions whtch are hereby round to be a necessary prere4utsite to the proposed use of ttie subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this Conditional Use Permit is granted subject to the completlon of Reclassification No. 80-81-21, noo-r pendin~. 2. That a o-foot htgh masonry wall shall he constructed along the north, west and south property lines. 3• That subject P~operty shall be developed suhstantially in accordance wtth pians and specifications on file with the City of Nnahetm mar~ed Exhibit Nos. 1 through 7• 4. That Condition ~7os. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be comPlted wtth Prior to final building and zoning inspections. 5• That prior to appr~val of the final map of Tract No. 1t364, the developer sha11 enter into an agreement with the Cit} of Anahetm pursuant to GovernmenC ~ode 659~5 Which agreement shall be recorded concurrently with or prior to the approval of the Final Map and ~~hich shall provide that 2S$ of the units shall he sold as ~~ or moderate income housing as defined in Government Code ~5915 and with aPpropriate resale cont~ols as approved 'oy the Llty of Anaheim. 6. That in accordance with Council Policy Plo. 5~-2, "Sou~d Attenuatlon in Resldential Projects", sound attenuation measures shall be provided for all dwelling untts located wlthin 600 feet of Beach Boulevard unless otherwise approved by the City Councll• BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is exp~essly predicated upon app~i~ant~s compliance ~vith each and all of the conditions herelnabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared tnvalid or unenforceable by th~ ftnal judgment of any court of competent jurtsdfctton, then this Resolution~ and any apProvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. TNE FOREGOINf RESOLUTIOM Is signed and approved by me this 12th day of January. 198~• CHA I A, A~JAHE M C L NN 1 MG CQMM~ I SS I~1 ATTEST: ~.~.r~. SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY L NkING C M`1iS510N -3- PC81-5 ~~. STATE OF CALIFORFJIA ) COUNTY OF ORqNGE ) sa~. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~~ Edith L. Narris~ Secretary of the Anahe!m City Planning Cammission~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pacced and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cammission hr.ld on January 12, 1qR1, by the follow(ng vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMF~ISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY' KING~ TO(.AR NAES: LOMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSlONERS: BARrlES, F!ERSST ~~~ WITNESS WHER"cOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of January, 1981. f0 Qd.Q, al • /YdiL~t.t~.a SECP,ETARY, ANAHEI-1 CI ~ PLANNING COMMISSION -h- PC81-5 R[S~11.U'fIC~!~ !in. pr;?~_r fl RC-SOIUTI~'! !1F THE A~l~`,!IEI'~I CITY PI_!~'1N~~~r ~'1~~!11SS1!~F! TH~~T PE?ITlorl Fn^ r~~~~plTl(1r!~L ~JSc PER~tIT rin, ~~r~, gr ~eP~~!TF'~, i'~ Pl+.~j {dfiFRFA,, the Aniheim City Pl:vnnin~ Commi~sinn ;lirl r:,c~ive a verifi~~d Petition for Conditianal ~IS~ Per~iit fmr~ (:P!i"I.~'" B[AR~~ F- ~f., i~l~~~ ~~r:~~ ,~~,ilton Parl:o-~ay, Tustin, Cal ifnrnia, ~?G?n Dillon, Inc., 11~11 San ~ , °'•'n~rs, ar<I .1'l~~!'Ti~;~r; i;iFn~~ c'n Fnr?st City licentc Rnulevarrl, L~s ~nneleS, f.alif~rnii ~nnl,~ anent, of eertain real pronerty siiu:~ted in the City ,~f q~~h~in, Cc~unty e.f flran~e, State ~f California, ~ieserihed as; PkRCEL I: TNE S01!TN H/1LF f)F TI!E ~In?Tf~[I1ST r)II~~TFr' pF TfiF FlOkTHEAST QU/;RTEF OF T'tE ~1nRTHFn.~T ~UARTE~ QF 5[CTI!1!I 23, T~l:'~ISHIP 4 SOIITH, RA~lGF 11 llE ~T, I P! TNF R!'•.~fC110 L~S C^Y~7~S ~ A.; P~n !1~P RFCOP,DED II! E3~OK 51, P.~r,t il nc !.~ISCELI.A'IEOi~c "1rPS I!I TfIE ~FFIf,E OF THE C~I!yTY RECORUER OF SAID C^U!lTY. WIIERFAS, the Citv Piannina Comnission di~l hol~l a nu',lic hearino at th~ Civic Center iri the City of Anaheim on January 17, io~,~~ ~t ~:3~ ~ m public he~ring havin~ heen duly qiven ~s requir~d h , ' ~Ott~~ °f Said provislons of the Anaheim ~lunicipal Cor1~ Y~,L~~ ~~`' ~~ ~~~O~~~anc~ ~~!ith the evidence for and anainst said '' CSanter 1~";,n~, t~ hear and consider make `indings and reconmen~latioPs~i~oSC~nnectic,n~therrsi[her~n,{ ~n~i t~ ~nvestigate and WHEREl1S, ;~id Conmission, after riue insrection, inve>tic~ati~n and stu~ly made bY itself ard in its hehalf, a~~ ~fter due c~nsideration of ~)~ ,,~i~{F~~„ ~nr{ rPnorts offered at said hearing, does .°ind an~i determine the f~11o~;,in~ p~~ts: . ~ i~~c the nrnposed use i s nrnner Iv one fnr :.~h i cli a c~n~ i t innal usA Permit is authorized hy Anaheim Municinal Co~;~., c~cti~n 1"',n;.n,r permit an ,l-lot, ?~^-unit condo,~iniur~ ~ ~ rin r~ ~:'ir; t~ su.divisinn (,.r;• a=f~rrl~hl~1 ~:~i th ~,~~ ivers nf: A. SEr,TIn~~ ; u ~ n - 1.13 - Rr:qu~rer! lot `r~ntaaP. ~Frnntaoe on cie~Jicater+ ;tr~et n~ alley requir~d; ?rivate strcet fr~ntan,• onos~dl ft. SECTIO'! 1,;.31.^~1.~12 -~4inimum lot ar~a per d,.~~llinn i un T. 3"0'? sr,u~r~ eet re~uired; ?_21~ sau~re eet nrnnoscri) C. SFCTIO'J 13.31.OG,'..72r1 -!1ar,imum lot eoveranc, D. SECTIqt! 1°.31.063.~~11 -,!inimuri l~ndsca~ecl sethac~~, 1~-2~ eet require~i ~Innr,~ 5each Roul~v~rci; ~~`~ ` ~ ~~t nr~~oce,-~) E. SFr,T~n~~ 1~.31.^,(.6.~1'? ti • -:iinimum numher anr' tvne nf n,-rkina spaces. 2~ 0 sPaces, 1~~ enclose~i in a aar~~e rec~uireri; ?(1 0~~~~~g~ ~?/~ enclnSecl in a n~raUe prooosed) PC81-~ 7• l~h~t the a!~ovc-mr~rtioner' rnivr,r ~. is herr.hy ~Ieni~~1 n~ the h~sis khat suhsequent to adVCf tlSnRi~~nt of ti~is netitin~, revise~' r,inns t~ere siihmitt~rl deletina the n~~ed fnr sa id t•ia iver, 3. Thit the ahovr:-mrr.tionerl ~:~aiver~ n,.~ r; ~ f1.~ i~~{ E,r,, !~~rehy n~anted on Che basis th~t the drv~l~ner has anrce~: to ent~r int~ ~+r i~r~~~A~r ;;jth rF~P City of An~heim pursu,~nt to G~vernment C~de Section !.rn~r, r~ ~r~vid~ ^~"~ nf t~e units as 10~.~ or modera te i nr.cxne hous i n9 ~s d~ f i ned i n f,~~~~rrnent Cn~!~_ Sec t i ~n ~"S~ 1~ and w. i th ap~ropriate res~re c~ntr~l~ as aopr~„ed !,y the Citv nf Anahr_in, ~F. That th~ propose~i iisc, as nrnntrrl, ~•ri ) 1 nor a~iyerselv affect thP ad~oining land uses and tl~e nrn~~th ind ~I~v~lnnm~nt nf the arAa in i-~'~ich it is Pr~~,osed tn he lncate~l, ?. That th~- size and ;hane of t~c ;it~ rrnp~s~r~l f~r t`~c us~, as qranted, ~s ~dequitr' to allo~;~ the fi_ill develn~nPnt ~f ttie nr~p~~A~ usP in a manner nnt detrimental to the n~rticnlar area n~r to th~ ~,eace, healt!,, saf~ty, an~ general ~•+elfare of Yhe Citi:~ns of the Cit~~ of Anah?im, ~• T~~•~t the ~onditicnal Ilse Per~it, a~ nrintP~i, nnd ~.~n~'~r the conditi~ns imposerl, ~:~ill n~t 5e detrim~ntal tn the n~,~c, ~,-alth, sa~etv an~i ~en~ral ~•ielfare ~f lfie Citizens of +he Ci~y ~~f Aniheim, ~• T~~,3t r.he traffic nen~rated hy the or•~~osed ,_is~ ~rj ) 1 nnt innose an undue burden upon t~ie streets and hiqhtiiays ~lesinn~d ancl imprnv~d t~ c~~rrv the traffie in the area. d. That no one indicated their nresence at said nuhlic hearinn in oPP~sition; and ~hat no correspond~nc~ ~~as r~ceiverl in n~nnsitt~n tn the suhjer,t petition. E~lVIROi1MENTAL IMPACT FIIIDItJG: 'That the Anaheim f.it~~ Planninq Comnission has reviea;ed the pronosal to r~clacsify suhject LIHITE~) ZOPlE to the P,!1-3~0~ (RFSIDFyT~JIL rqi~ ~'~"~'erty frnm the CL (Cn,MMF~~~qL, 80-uni t condominiu;~ suhdivision ~ LTIPLF-F~.tiLy) .n!!F to ~~rmit an ~'1-lot frontane, minimum lot ar~a ~er dr~ellinnauni~t,~'minimumllandscanecl5sethackf'andrn~ininum nur~ber and type of parl:inct spaces on a rectan~ulirly-shar.ecl parc~l of 1~n~1 consistinq of approximatclv h,7 acres, havin~ a frontao~ of a~prnximately ~3n feet on the 4~est side of Beach Boul~v~rd~ havin~ a maximum clenCh of ~n~roximatelv ~~~ feet an~1 being located approximately 33~1 f~et south of the c~nterli-.:, of Ball 4oad (1241 South Beach Boulevard); and do~s herehy anprove the ~Jeg ive ~eclar~~t~~ fr~~ the reautrement to prepar~. an environr~ental impact report ~n *~ ~ signifieant individual or cumularive arivers~ ~n~,-~.-~,nn~nr'•1 i ict ~iiArt~ theiapproval of this Flegative Declaration since the ,,;heim ~en,r,,~ P1~~ ,i property for lo~•rm~diur~ resicientinl and q~,. - esi~nates the sub7ect with the pr~posoi• r,~i r_-. ~;,1 I~n~1 usras c~mmensurate Pr~posal• that ~ th~t no rSCIlSitive e.m~irnn ~I imnacts are invnlve~l in the > t`~e (nitial .,tudy su!~mit*erl signifieant inrtivi~iu,~l or cunulative Iv~r~r nn~~irnr,n,-. n~riti~n~~r inriicate_ n~ "le9ative Decl~rat(nn ci~;,,t~ntiatinc~ nt~l irinn~t~~ ~~~i that th~ the roren~inn fin.iinns is ~n f?lr in th~ C;±y nF An~hei^~ Plannina D~n~rtment, -'- ` ~r<3~-, hlQld, THEREF~PF, f?E IT ~~'SOL!~F~ that the Anah~im City Pl~nning Commission does hereby qrant, in part, su!,jecr f~etition fc,r Conclitinnil Use Permit, uoon the folio~•~ing e~nditions a~hieh are hereby found t~ F~> > necessary prr~r~ouisite to thr proposed use of the suhject r~ronerty in nrder t~ nreserv~ the safetv anci qenera'I welfare oT the Citizens of t'~e City o` /1r~a~ieim: 1, That this Con~iitional Use Permit is arantc•d si,hject t~ the completicm of Reclassification No. 3!1-t31-21, no~:; ~endira. 2. That a :~-f~ct hi~h mas~nry aiall sf~~l l he CnnSt~UCY.C•'~ alono thc north, west and south propers:y lines. 3. That subject oroperty shall !~e de~eloped SuhSt~~itially in accordance with plans 3nd specifications on f;le ~rith the City of lln~heir. marked Er.hihit Mos. i through 7. ~+. That Condition Nos. Z and 3, ahove-mentione<i, sha!1 hr cor~plied aiith prior to final buildinn and zoning inspections. `i. That prior to apprnval of the fin~l nap of Traci ~lo, it;F~!,, the developer sha11 enter intn an ~nr~Am~nt ~~~ith th~ ~i~" ~f q~a~Pim p~f~,iant tc Governmenr Code ~5°1~ o-~hich aqrer_nent sh,~il I,e recorded c~ncurrently ~rith or prior to the anprovai of the Final Ma~ and ~-ihich shail ornvidc~ that 2~%', of [he units shall he sold as 104~ or moderate income houci-,c as clafined in f,overnn+ent Code ~~915 and with appropriate resale controls as aopr~ved Fy Che Citv of ~nahc~in. 6. That :n accordance ~•~ith Council Policy FIO, j~1;', "Soun~i .Attenuation In Residential Projects", sound attenuation mcasures shall he pro~~ide~f rnr all dwellinq units loc~ted ~•~ithin ~~~0 feet of [ieach Roulevard unless o'herwise approved by the City Council, f3E IT FIIRTHER pESOLI~EG that the •4naheim City Plannir.g Commission do~s hereby find and determine that adootion of this Resolution is exnressly predicated upon applicant's compliance ~:iitti each and al) of the c~nditi~ns herelnahove set forth. Should any such condition, or anv part ther~:of, be declare~d i~v~lfd or unenforceable by the fina? judgment of any cour[ of com~~etent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein cor~[ained, shall I,e deemed null and void. THE FOREG01^1G RFSOUITIO!! is sigred and approved Fy rne ttiis i?th ~iay of Januarv, 1~81. ~ ~~~~% ~.~~ Cf!A!R 1Ar , AtIAHcI'1 C:ITY L~!J~IIFf~ C~'".'11SS1~~~1 arrEST: c~.~.~ ~ ~+.~.~- SEC"FT.",~Y, A~1ANE iM C ITY PL/1'!t? i'l~ CO'~r~ ISS I^'! -3- PC~1-i STATE OF CqLIF'ORtlI!'~ ) COUNTY OF OP,A~JGE ) ss. CITY OF ,~PiAHEIH j I, Edith L. Harris, Secr~tary of tl~ic /1nah~in Cit~i Plannina Cor~mission, do herehy certify that the fore9oinn res~lution aias p-,ssed and a;i~ptecl at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission held or January i2, 1^"1, hy the fo7le~~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: CQMMISSi~DIERS: BOUAS, BUSHORF, FRY, Y,ItIG, T'1L~° PJ!iES: COM~11SSi0":ER;: ~IONE ABSE"1T; COFIMIS510!IERS: ~3A~'i~!ES, HFRRST IN tJITtJ[55 S/HEREOF, f have hereunto set my han~i this 12th day of January, 1~81. ~~ ~ /~Qil~. cF~P ~-~/~nY, !lN.•^,HE I ~+ C I"y ul.~tiFi i h; ; COHM ISSI~N -~~- PC81-5