PC 81-50RES~LUTIn;; ;lp. PC:;1-~n !1 RCSOL'JTIO'I !1F TiiF ~!lAliFl~i CITY f'L/1~lili'1!: CO!11'I ;S1~11 T!illi PETITI'"I FOR RCCL;IS~IFIC,1T1!'.'1 ~l0. ~~~-01-?3 UE ~R/11!TED, +.1HER~q;~ the Anaheim City Planninq Commi;sion did reccive peti tion For Recl.~s~s i firaCic>n Frr,m TITL[ I~lSUR't,'!C[ /1;lD TRU~T ~ ',li lslii r~ Qoule-vard p, ~~ a veri fied RUSS[LL .I~'~Y ? ~ ~. ~Oic ,'!`' `~'~, Los Anqc~ics, Cal i i`orni ~ ~~~COIIP~,IY, %~n ~ C' 71 Li ncr>In /lvenue, Sui te !',, [lucn,~ Fark, Cal i fprni ~ ~~~~~~L°r'er and of eertain r•.al property SIC!J,~[E,t~ in thc Cit ~f ,Q~~h.• + o~vner State of Cali`ornia, descrihed ,~s follrn~~s: y ein, County of Orarr~e, That ~ortion of th~ [ast H~i~` of the Ilortheast Quarter of t'~e ldorthca,t Ouarter of Sectinn il:, io!•;n;;ii~ ~~ Snuth, Range 11 !~lest ~~ the Raneho L~, Coyotes, ir T.hc f,ity ~f Flnaheir~, Cnunty of Or~nc~e, SYate of C~liforni~, as said section is s~~c,~•~n ~n t~~e ma~ reeorded i r hoc~: ;,1 , pac,e 1 1 o f t? i see 1 1 ane~us 'taps, i n the nff i ee of the County Recorder ~f ~e~~nnin~ nt tne ilorth~!est'l~cornernt~~ t~~'E~~~i.dreo~:veyed~to~the State of Cali`ornia, hy cfeed record~~d December ]'l, 17~1, in bool. z~'~~~. ~~a~e ;09~ °f sr~id Op`icial °ecords; thence, ~ilonq the blesterly l;nc of tlie iand o` [he Statc uf Cali`'ornia ~ranted by, other deeds of r-ecorc:s, tl~rth 1~ ~.^;~ ~~~~ ~;tst 151~.1`? " L~ginning of a tan~rrt curve coneave eastorly an;i havinneat radius of 1(;,^~~;(„~~ feet; thence Nortiierl,v, ~~~;i~ siid c!~rve, throuqh a centr~l anqle or !}~ 13' ?~", ~ distancc of (.3.~1 fc~ South :'~P 4ri' $3" lJest, ~„ra~ ~~,~ ~•` , t> thenee section, a Jist~nce of ~~~.7~4 ~n ~` ~'~~~t~ie tlor[h 1 ine of said z~7•cn feet; thenr_c Ilorth ~co L;',.,i~'~;CQ 'OUti~ 'f~ 1^' ~7" f.ast, point o` beginninq. ~ ~~ [ast, 70I,.1~ feet to the l!N[R~AS, the i,ity Pl~nning Commission did h~l,{ a~nht~.- ~..._~_ Cenr~r i., r~,e r~ ~„ ..~ '.. _~ • „u reuruiry ~1, 1:)`31 , at 1•3`1 r.m. , noti ce ~of ~i v~ c Public hearing I;aving been duly given a, re~uirc~d bv lr•~ an~l in accordance svithsthe provisions ~f the Araheiri Ftunicipai Coci~, Chanter 1~'.r13, to hear and consider evidenee t'or and against said prorosed reclassificati~n and to ir,vestigate and make findings and recomrnendations in conr,ection there~:iith; said pub~i~ n~~~~i~~p ~~aving been ~~ntinuc~ to t;i~ pi~nning Commission mecting of March ~, 1~~1; and 4IHER[q$, saic; Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made bY itself and in its behalf, and aft~~ due consideration of a)1 evidenc? and reports offered at s~id hearin~, does find and dctcrmine the f~licr;iing facts: 1, That the petitioner prop~,~5 reclassification of suhject pro~erty from the RS-q-~;j,~'~C (P,esidentiil/Aqricultur,ii) ,'.one to the CL (ComnMrci~l, Limitedj Zone, 2 That the !\nahei~ General Plan cJesi~na[es sub comnkrci il 1~n~i us~s. I^ct pro~,er[y for general ,i. rhat th~~ f~ro^:~scd r„cl,~ssificiti~n nf ~u.~ ~ and/~r Jesi rnhle f~.~r the crdc•rl~~ ~nd i~ ~t ~ron~ rty is necessary ~ P~'oner c+evelonnr.n, or the eor,-iuni tv. PC31-5p ~- ~'. That the pro~r~sed reclassificatinn of subiect pronerty does properly rel~it~r Co the rr~nes and their permitt~d us~s 1oc~~ly establi;hecl in close pror,imity to subject nro~ercy ar.c; to tl~e z~~nes nnd their neriiitted uses yenerally establishec: throur~nuut thn cormunity. ~• That the ~ro~~o;ed reclassificnti~n of sunject nropr_rty requires the inprovernent of abirttinq streets in accorcl„nce ~•~ith tho Circulation [lement of the General °l~n, duc [o the ariticinated incrrase in tr~`fic i•~hich will he ~7enerated bv thc intensifieatinn ~~f land us~,. , ~. That nnc pe:rso~ indicateri I~is f~r~'scncc~ at the ~ebr~~ary ~, 1~~~1 meeting anu no one in~:ic:~ed t:~eir ~r~:se~nce I ~t tlie iir;rcn '~, 1""1 publ ie hearinc in °PP°Si~i°i'+ <ii~d t!~at no corres~ondenc~, ~•~~s rec~~ived ir op~osition to t'ie sub.jeet peti ti~?n. - E~;1~IROtJ`1E~lT~.L It1PACT FIliDING: That t~~c Anaheim City Planring Comr~ission has revi et•ied the proposal to reclass i f Y subjcct oroperty rr~n the RS-/'i-43.~~~0 {Residentiii//~c~~~cultur~l) r'.one to the CL (Commercial, Lini:ed) ?one to permit a h5- unit notel tivith :~:,ivcrs or minintuci nunber of ~arl:inn spaces and ~minimum landscaped setbae{: on a rectangularly-shaped parcel ef lan~ consisting of approximately 1,0 aere, havin~~ a,`rontane of ipproximately 7.1, Feet on the ~•rest side of 3eaeh 3oulevird, approximately C,4~ feet south of thc centerline of Lincoln Avenue (147 f3each Boulevarii); and does hereby approve the ile~;ative Deci~ration from the renuirem~nt to prepare an cnvimnment~l irir,~~t report on the basis that there ~•~ould be no significant individual or cumulative adverse em~ironmental impact due Lo the approval of this 'Jegative f~eclar~tion since the ~naheirn ~eneral °lan desi9nat~s the subject pronerty for general comriercial iand uses c~mmensur~te :•~ith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental im~acts are involved in Lhe nrorosal; that the Initial StueJy submitted by Lhc petitioner indicaies no significant indiviclual or cur~wlative adverse environrnent~l innacts; and that thr_ t~egative Declaration substantiating thc r"ore~~oinq iindings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning De~artment. ~~~~1~, THEREFO,",C, pE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission does herAby grant subject Petition for Reclassific~tinn and, by so doing, that Title 1~-7oning of the P.naheir~ tlunicipal Codc be amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-F,-lij,p~r, (~;~SIU[t1Tll1L/AGitICULTURAL) ZOtJE and to incorporate soid described property ir,to the Ci_(COhhtERC1,1L, LItIITED) ZOiJE u,,on the folloo-iing conclitions arhich are lierehy found to be a necessary ~~rerenuisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to rreserve tne safety and qeneral welfare of the Citizens of the City oF /lnaheim: - 1. That streeY liqhtin~ facilities al~nc: E3each Goulevard sl-all bz instulled as rec~uired by the Officc of Utilitics General tqanager, and in accordance ti•~ith specificati~ns on "ile in th~ Office of Util?ties Gener~l ~lanaqer; and/or that a bond, certifieate e` deposit, I~tter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anahcin; sha~l be postec; ~~~ith the City to guar~ntee the instailatinn of the ~bove-nentioned r~;quirements ~rior to ~ccupancy, 2. That tras~, storaqe areas shail he provided ir accordar,ce i:~ith a~proved plans on file ti~ith the ~fPice of the E_xeeutivc~ (;irector o( Puhlie '.Jor~.s. _,_ ~CSI-5o ~. That firc hydrants ;F;all hc inst~il~d ~~rid char~7ed a, r;:quired and deterrnine~l to be neces;,~ry I_,y the Chie( of thc Fire~ Denartment nr~or to commeneement of structural fr~min~i, ~F• Th~t sublect ~~rr~ncrty =.hal I i~c g~~rvecl by underr~rnu~ -? uti 1 itic:s. ` That drain,~~i,r of subject ~r!~~,crY.y sfi~ll he ~iis~~osed of ir. a manner satisfactory ~~ t~~~. City Fn~incer. 6. Thai the oo-rncr(s) of subjec[ ~~ropcrty s'iall nny tlie tr<~ffic signal assessment fee (Ordinanc~ No. 3(jc~(,) ;~~~ an for comrnercial buildin~s rin ~~'O1i~'t ~s determinrd by the City Counci), J P r t~~ *_he issuance of a bui lding nerr~it. 7. That ~~;,ro~,riatc ~•rater ossessment Fees as cletermined by the Offi~e Qf Utilities General Fianager shall b~ naic; to tlie City nf Anaheim ~rior to thA issuanee of a building permit. '~. That sub'ect ~~rith plans and ~ ~rOI''erty shall be deve)oped substantia))y in aeeordanee s~ecifications on file ~;~iCh the City of Anaheim marl;ed Exhibit ~Jos. 1 through ~F; provided, hoY~ever, that kitchen efficiency units ma• he insta''ed in n~ more than 25`,; ef the units, with ~ rn~ximunt of ~-~~hj~ Foot refriqer~tors; two-burner stoves, ex.cludiny oven and bal;in7 ficilities; and sinc~le compartmenT s~~~s~ c~~ept thit tl~e nanaoer's un:t ~•ri11 hc ~11c:;;e~ Lo nave fuii E:ilchen facilities. 9. That Conditior tJo. i, abovc-mc•ntionc~d, shall be coriplied ~.~ith prior introuuction of an orciinance re,-oninc~ s~hjeCt ~,~~~~,erty. _ to »• That Conciitinn Nos. 2 1 r - aritti ~rior to final buildin, and ~ '~~n~ ~~' ~h°~E-~'Oft1Of1E'cl, S!~~il b~ cor~plied 7 :~nin~ ins~~ecti~ns. >>• That e~mpletion of tfiese reclassification proceedinc;s is contin~enr uPo~ the grantin~ of Conditic~nal Use F<•rnir ~!., ~i-.~ - 3[_ IT FURTHEP. "ESQLV[D that t?ie /lnaheim f.ity f'innninr, Commi,sion does hereby fin~ ancf dete rniine that ado~~tion oF this ~esolution is expressly pr~dicated upon epplicant's compliance a~ith each ~nd all of the condit~ons nereinabovc set forth. Should any sucti condition, or any ,narL tliereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the fin~1 judgment of any court of cor~petent jurisdiction, then this F',esolution, and any approv~is her~in containcd, sh~il be deemed null and vo(~~, TH[ FQR[G01 ~1G RESOLUTI q!! i s s i qned and ap~roved by me th i s `3th day of March, 19t31. ~~ ~ G~ 7~~.~ ar~csT: cfiair,r~nr~, n~a~,i=Fir~ cirY PLA~JNi~lG cor~r~iss~ori SECRETFlRY, !1(IAHCl~1 CI~ P q!J;~C pp~~~ISS101; - 3- PC81-50 STATE GF C!`,LIFC~.PIir, ) COUtITY OF OR~1lGE ) ss. C 1 TY 0 F~11!/11I E I ~1 ) I, Fdith L. liarris, Seer~tar~ o( tlic /lnahc~in City Piannin9 Commission, do hereby certify that the forenoin9 resolution aias nassr_d and adoptr_d at a meeting of the Anahein City Plar,ninq Commissic~n heid on hlarch ~, 1`~~?, hy tfic foilo~,:+nq vote of tF:e mernhers thereof: /1YE5: COMMISSIO~IERS: I3~.P,IIGS, COUI~S, E;USNORE, F~'Y, fiERf3;'r, f:IIJf;, TOLAR NOES: COt1F11SS IOtJERS: 1lONE A[3SEPIT: COM111SSIOiJERS: WOIJE 11! WITNESS 4II1[REOr, I iiave hereurCO set mv hand this `?C~i day of Mareh, 19°1. ~~ ~~~ n~t1.~...~' -i ~ SECRET^~RY, ANANEIM CITY PLAlltll~lG COMDIISSIOH _4- PC~31•-50