PC 81-52RESOLUTior~ r~o. Pc:3i-52 ,4 R[SOLUTIOM OF THE GIMAHEI~1 CITY PLANNING COM'11SSIO~J THAT PETITION F~P, C!1~1DITIOtJAL US~ PEP,MIT ~10. 215;1 BF GR/1P1TE0 bJHEREAS, the Anaheim City Pianr,ina Ccmmission did receive a verified Petition for Conditionai Use Permit frnm BP,OOf;MORE AR~15, 1h1F1 Langlcy Avenue, irvine, Catifornia, ~271t~, ovmer, and BARDkP,Y C~AST P,ESTAURAPITS, I~JC,, Attention Chris Bazin, P. 0. Box 2lE85, 808 South firookhurst Street, Anaheim, Calif~rnia 928~2, agent, of certain r~al property situated in the City of Anaheir~, County o~ Orange, State of California, described as: THA7 PORTiOM OF TNE SOUTHWEST QJARTER OF SECTION 17, T~lJrISH~p i~ SOUTFi, RANGE 10 WEST, IN TNE RANCHG LOS COYOTFS, I~~ THE CI1'Y OF ANAHFIM COUPITY OF 02AHG[, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER MAP RFCOP,DED I~J BOOK 51, PAGE 10 OF M~SCELLl1MEOUS MAPS, i~! TNF OFFICE OF THE COUtdTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESrRI4ED AS FGLLOWS: BEfIMJiMr qT THE NORTHIJEST CORNER ~F THE SOUTHI/EST QUFlRTEP, OF THE SOUTH4IEST QUFlRTER OF SAID SECTIO~J AS SHOb!PI OM A!qP.P OF TRP.CT ~d0. 51F,2 FILFD IN 400Y, 302, PAGES 24 TO 29 Ii;fLUSIVE OF HISCELL.4MEOUS MAPS, IN TNE OFFICE OF THE COUPJTY RECORDER OF SAID CQUMTY; THFMCE ALO~df, THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHW~ST QUARTER OF THE SOUTNWEST QUARTER NORTH £3~1° $$+ 1 1" EAST 60.00 FEET TO A P01 P1T ON ~1 L i DlE THAT I S PARALLEL WITH ANQ DISTANT 60.00 FEET EASTEP,LY FRnr~ THE CEhITERLI^!E OF BROOKHURST STREET AS SN04/f! OtJ SA I G MAP DF TR.4CT 51 ~?. ; S.41 D POItJT A~SO BEIh~G THE TRUE P01"JT OF (3EGI~IPJIt1G; TFIENf,E CONTINUING ALOt~G SAID PJORTHERLY LINE NORTII u~° 53' 11" EASi 7_7_0.~~2 fEF.T TO THE ~lORThi1~lEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT; THENCE ALONr, THE WESTERLY LIN[ OF SAID TRACT SOIITH 00° 40' 06" 4lEST 37•3.83 FFFT "f0 A POI~JT ~N A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 31_.00 FEET NORTHERLY PRON THE CEP~TERLINE OF BROOKMORE AVENtIE AS Sli04J~1 ON StiID TRACT .MqP; TIIEtJCE ALONG SA i D PARALLEL L I NE 110RTH 9~)° 19' S1t" WEST 205.00 FEET TO THE 6EGINfJI~dG OF A CURVE C~NCAVE MORTHE~ISTERLY iIAVING A 2ADIU5 Or 15.00 FEET THE ~JORTHERL'( TERM I NUS OF SA I D CURVE tiE I P!S TAMGEPJT WITH FIRST MFNTIn~~Fn pn,~n,~Z~~ L~ ;~; i11L~~~,C 'wESTE~<LY, NORTHWESTERLY A~lD P~ORTHERf.Y ALONG SAiD CURVE TIiROUGH A CEPiTRAL APlGL[ OF ~10° 0~' ~0", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.5G FEET; THENCE ALO~iG FIRST NENTIOPIED PARALL'cL LINE NORTH OG° 40' 06" EAST 361,15 FEET TO THE T~;UF P01>iT OF BEGIhlNING. WHFREAS, the City Pianning Com,~nission did hol~ a puhlic hear;ng at the Civic Center 1n the City of Anahetm on March 9, 1~81, at 1:3~ p.m., nottce of said public hearing having been duly given as required by lati•~ ancl in accorda~ce o-rtth the provtsions of the Anaheim Municipal Co,ie, Chapter t8.o3, to hear and consider evidence For and against said proposed conditional use pernit and to (nvestigate and r~•ake fiindtngs and recommendations in c~nnection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiaation ard study made by itself and in its behalf, and afte due ccnsideration of ai) evidence and raports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following racts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for ~•ihich a condittonal use permit is authorized by Anaheim ~4unicipal Co~e Section ;~,h'1,!150,p~~ t~ lyit: to t'C81-52. permit on-sale alcoholic beveraqes in an existing restaurant in the CL (Commercial- ~imited) 7.one. .'-. That the proposed use is hereby granted subject to the petitioner's stipulations at the p~blic hearing that the hours of operation shall typically be i0:00 a.m. to 8:0~ p.m „ with a maximum of five (S) emplrn~ees, and that alcoholic heverages shali be sold in connectio~ with roeals only. 3. That the proposed use, as granted, ~,~ill not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the gre~•rth and de~-elopnent of the area in which it is proposed to be located. !~. That the size and shape of the site prn~osrd for the use is adequate to ailo~v the full development of the proposed ose in a manner not detrimen*al to rhe particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general ~~~elf~re of the Citizens of tne City of Anaheim, 5. That the qranting of the Conditional 'Jse Permit under the condttions imposed wi11 not be detrimentai to the peace, heaith, safety and c~eneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, 6. That the traffic generated by the ~ropo,ed use ~~~ill not im~ose an undue burden upon the streets and hiGhtirays de,igneci anci improved to carry the traffic in the area. ?. That one person indicated her presence at said puhlic hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to Yhe subject ~etition. EtlVIRONMENTAL IHPACT FIt~DiWG: The Plannino Director or his authorized representative has determined that the pru~osed or~~ject f„lls 4;ithin the clefinition of Categorical Exemptions~ CI]SS 1, as dPfin~~t t„ rh„ c.~.,.` r~~ ~• .. iiierei`ore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIR,` "'~c' dno is, NObI, THEREFORE, BE IT R[SOLVED that the Ana~heim City Planning Commission does hereby grant suLject Petition for Conditional llse Permit, upon the following conditions .~hich a re hereby Pound to he a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner(s) of suhject property shall sut~mit a letter requesting the terminatton of Variance No. ;~13 and Conditional Use Permit hlo. 423 to the Planning Department. 2. That subject property shall he developed s~bstantially in accordanca with plans and specifications on file ~v!th the City of Anahein marked Exhibit Plos. i and 2. 3. That Condirion PJo, l, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the comr~encement of the activity authorized unoer this r~solution, or prior to the time that the building p:=rmit is issued, or• witNin ~, period of one year from date hereof, tvhiche'ver occurs firsC, or such furtlier time as the Planning Commission may grant. -2- PC81-52 4. That Condition No. 2, above-mentioned, shall he complied o~ith prior to fina~ building and zoning inspections. 5. That alcoholic beverages shall he sold in connection a~ith mea]s only. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine tliat adoption of this Resulution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance o-iith each and all of the condition~ fiere(nabuve set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforce~ble by the final judgment of any c~urt of competent jurisdiction, then this P,esolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTIO~J is signed and appraved hy me this ~th day of March, ~~a7. ,~/~..~ v ~'.~. CHFlI P1AN, ANAHEIM CITY PLA~JPII~IG C0~1~11SSION ATTEST: - ~, uC ` . ~~~ ~~. SEf.PETARY, API.4NCIM CITY PLAP~hlIt~G COMt11S510N STATE OF CALIFORNIH ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF A.MAHEIM ) I, Editti L. Harris, Secretary of the Pnaheim City Pianning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at ~ meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission helci on March 9, 1~31, hy the follo:ving vote of the members thereof: 4~/FC• f(1M41CCIf1',~~Df. ~M1n~irc oniin .,,. .,,, , NoES: cowMissio .. , ~... ,,~~~~~,,.~, ,, ~,~-~„-, ~.~~~~;, ~o~„~: NERS: PlOI~E ABSEPIT: COMMISS IONERS: tJ(?~IE IPl WIT~IESS l~lHERFOF, I h~ve hereunt~ set my hand this ~tn day of Marr.h, 19R1. -~~ ,~ r~.U, ~ SECRETARY, i\N.4HEIH CI?Y P!AN~lIP!G CO,MMISSION -3- PC51-52