PC 81-59P,ESOIUTIQ>I ~IO. PC u1-5'? !'+ R~SOLUTIOt! OF TIiE A~1,4HEIH CITY PLANIIIIdS C~!1~11~S1~~1 THAT Pi=TIT10~; FnR vnr~in~JCE N0. ;19, f3[ r,Rn~ll'E~ blIfEREFlS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission d1d receive a verified Petition f~r Variance from KErJT LA"!D CO'iPl;IJY, Post Office Box 1~55p, Irvine, California 92713, owner, and Jl1i1CS E. C,;053Y Etd;INF_ERS, iC7r1 Eask Deer llvenue, Suite 100, Santa Ana, California ~27~5, ag~:nt, of ~e~~~~n real propPrty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Qran9e, State of California described ~5: Those portions of Lots 1 and 2 of Tract Ilo. F'F,~~ in the City of Ananeim, County of Oranoe, State of California, as shoam on a-~a~ recorded in hool; 2J, page 18 of Miscellaneous Maps, in ~he office of the County Recorder of said County, lyina Southroesterly, Seutherly and Southeasterly of the land descrthed in che: Ffnal Order of Cordemnation Cast 'Jo, 16u~1~, a certified copy of ~,h1ch ~•~as recorded October i4, 1~7~, in bool: ~h;i, page (i~, Official Records. WHEREAS, tfie Citv Planning Commission did hold a puhlic hearing at the Civtc Cen2er in the City of Anaheim on ~•larch .'.3, 1~~1, at 1:3~ p,~,~ notice of safd public hearing having been duly given as required ?,y ia~•i and in accordance w.ith the P~ovisions of the /lnaheim Nunicipal Code, r;hanter 1"„ ~3, te hear and consider evidence `or and against said proposer~ vari~nce ,~nd to investi~ate and na~:e find~nqs and recomnendations in connec[ion therev~ith; and ~ WNEREAS, said Comnission, after due inspection, inv~sti4ation and study made by itsel` and i~ its behalf, and after due consideration of a11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine t!;c followinn facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes o-~aivers of the follot•~fna to estab)fsh a 164-Iot, 162-unit R.M-300~~(SC) (F,esidential, 'lultiple-Familv ~,-,,.,f,- ~___~ Uv~~rlay) condomini~~~, ,~,~+r - _ ,._..,_,c~~. _ ..~, ~::oi (a) SECTIOhJ 18,j1,0~;2,,~~2 _ Haximum structural height. 1-story permitted ~•~ithin 7~'? feet o~si~i~)e-family resi~i~~ntial zoninq: .2-story proposed at a ciinimum of ?0 feet) (b) SF.CTIOtJ 1~.31.063.024 - Minimw7 la~dscaped sethack. Z~ eet rer~ulred adjacent to single-f2mily residentlal 7onfng; ~ ' ~.___~t nroposed) 2. That the above-mentior~ed waiver (a) is herehy qranted on the ba,is that the petitioner demonstrated that ~ hardsnin exists due to the hilly terraln and topography ~f subject property which r~duces the imE:aci of 2-stnry buildin~s. the request isTminimal at~plyin~nt~~~~)y~y,p~~~ (t'),is herFhy qrante~f on the basis Lhat ~4~ lots anrl d~ni~il ~.,~ni~lr+ dP~ri~,s Pf 31->9 subjeet property of a privilepe enjoyed i;y pro~erties ~lith similar nrade and topograhhie differentials adj~cent to singie-famiiy re~idential zoning. ft. That thrrc are exception~l or extranrdinary circ~i~stanc~s or eonditions appl icahle to the pro~erty ir.volved or te the intendecl use o` thc~ property tliat do not apply generally to the nroperty ~r class of use in *_he san~~ vicir,ity and zone. S. That the requested variance is necessarv f~r the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possesse~lf~y ~tl;er ~roperty in the same vieinity and zone, an:l denied tn the property in ~t~~e~ti~n. G. That tlie requested variance ~•iill no~ he materially detrimental to the public ~•rc)fare or injurious tr~ the ~roperty nr inprovements 1n such vicinity and -r.one in which the property is locateJ. 7. That no cne indicated th~ir preser.ce at said puhlic hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence ~~as received in opposltion to the subject petition. Et1VIRON~1EfJTP,L IPIPFlCT FIr~DIr~G: That after considerin9 Environmental Impact Feport No. 2E1 for the residen;ial and commercial development in the Bauer Ra~ch Planned Community ~nd reviewing evidence, both written and oral, presented to supplenent Draft EIR tJo. 24i, the Anaheim City Planning Commission finds that Draft EIR No. 21F1 is in compliance a~Ith the California Envircmment:~l Quality .Act and U~ith thc City and State EI° Guidcline;; that Dra`t CI~~ tlo.~'~1 i~lentifies tne Foliowing signirieant im~+acts ~~~hici said nroject could have on th~ environment: a. Extensive grading of the land ~~iill rnodify the tonoqran`~y, change the drainage and eliminatr or ~isplace flora and f~;~na in tne project area; b, l~e~iicular traffic will qenerate congestion, noise and air pollution in the area; c. The increase in nonula[ion ~rill nl:~c~ ~n ~~i~iir~~~al hur~~~ ~~ rti~ nr,,,~~ Unified School District in ar~ area ~:~here schools are npernT.inR near or ab~ve capacity; d, The nroject wili have a groarth-inducin~ impact hv stimularina residentia? and commercial development in prasently undevalo~e~i areas; ho~•;ever, such enrironmental impacts t~~ill he mitigated hy connliance a~ith City codes, policies and procedures; the pr~~ject t~ill i~ring substantial soc.ial ;nd econ~mic benefits to the city and its residents hy providing emnloyment and hiqh quality resldential facilities, and these economic and social considerations make it infeasi~le to eliminate the significant env;ronmental ir~pacts or implement the pro.ject alternativFS identified in the EIR; tlierrfore, the Piannfna Commission does hereb~ certify Environm~ntal Impact Report No. 7.!it and adopts the ahove-statement of overriJi~~ considerations. tJObi, THER[FOfiE, BE IT kES01_VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does „ereby grant subject Petition for Variance, unon the follo~iing conditions b!I'!ICII are hereby f~und to he a necessarv prereGui>it~~ to t.h~ ~ro~~sc~! ~is~ hf the subiect -Z- PC31-"° property in n,-cler Co preserv~ the safety -~nd ~~~~r~) ~.~~~fare o:` thc Citizens of the City of E~nal~cim; ~• Th~t this variancr. Es granted suhject to .-3~proval of the tentati~ie .Maps of Tra~t IJos. 10953 and 10934. 2. That prior to issuance of';uiiding permits, R~1-;~Cn(g~) Zoning shall he finali~ed or sut;ject pr~Perty. 3. That suhject property shall he developrd suhstantially in accor~!ance wlth plans and specifications on file ~::ith the City o` Anaheim mar~~d Exhibit 1ios. 1 through 7. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV[D that ttie Anaheim City Planning Cor~mission d~es herehy find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicate:! upon applicant's compliance ~•;ith each and all of the cunditions hereinabc~ve set forth. Shouid any such condition, or a mi part therrnf, he decl-3rPd inval~d or un~nforeeaole by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolutior., and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null ano' void. THE FOP,Er,O~,yG RFSOLUTIO!; is signed and aporoved hy r~c thts ?3rd day of March, 1981. ~ , CHA IR!~A~1,J qt~qHE I"+, C/ITY PLAN~I'I ~I~ ATT[ST: Crn~~~I S5 i~ra ~ r~~ a •~~~, SECRCU~RY, A~1AHElM CIfY PLA~lNI'JG COHMISSI~'! ST/1TE OF CAL i FORt! IA ) ~OUtdTY OF ORA'!(;E ) ss. CITY OF ANAkEI!t ) ~, Edith L. Harri;, SecreCa ry of th~ Anaheir~ City Pi~~nning Commission, do hereby certify that the foreg~ing resciution ~.~as passed and acionted at a meeting of the Anaheim CiCy Planning Corrmission held on Narch 23, i~ui, by the `ollowin~ vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIOYERS: BAR~lES, 60UAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HEREST, I;I~1G, TQLP.^ NOES: CO~MMISSIO~~ERS: "lONE AB5ENT: COHMISSIOVERS: 'lOtJE IPl WITNESS 4/HEREOF, I have hercunto set my hand `his 23rd day of March, 1981. `~'~=~ ,~° ~~ ~ SFf,RETARY, A~JANE i M C I TY PLF.N~! I PIG C0~111 I SS I ON -3- PCSt-5~