PC 81-62RESO~uTior~, r~o. Pc~,~-Gz A RFSOLIIT~p;i pF TIIE hU~1fiEIM CITY PLli.d'lil,r, Cp~!~~~S;~Oy T!1l1T PET~TIO~J Fq~ COtlDITI~~!AL fiSF FERMIT ~10. ?in7 gF r,n/,rl?F!) I•!HE?fAS, the A~aheirr~ City Plannin~ Commission did receivn a v~rified Pet i t ion for Cond i t iona 1 Use P.~rri t from P, FI. S ~ ErFLF.- q~lfl Ti{r_npr~qq c;, S I EGELF, p, 0. dox 3'`u'~t, Anaheir.i, California, ~,2?n,, or~ners of certain real ~roperty situated in the City o` /lnaheim~ County of Crange, State oF Califc,rnia, r;~scrih~d as; The Westerly 210 fcet of the Eastr_rly rec~angular half of V!;lEY;1Rr, L~~T H-1 , i n the C i ty of Flnai~e i r.i, as per t!ap recorded i n f3ool; <<, '~9~5 ~29 and E;~, Deeds, rc~cords of Los Angeles County, Ca)irornia, Said )and is shoi•in on a 11ap of Survey, recorded ~'arch 13' ~~~~ ~~ ~O°F' 2'~ Pa9e 1~, Record of Surveys, in the ~ffice of the Cour,ty Recordcr of ;aid Oranqe Count;. WHEREAS, [he City Flanning Co~mission did hold a nuhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheini on March 23, 1~~1, at 1:3~ o.m., notice of said oub~i~ hearing having been duly given as required by iai., an~+ 1n accordance with the provisions of the ,'lnaheim 11unicipal Cod~, Chapter 1~.~3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional us~ pernit and to investigate and rnal<e findings and recommendations in connection therei•~ith; and WH[R[AS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiqation and study made bY itself and in its behalf, and after due c~nsideration of all evidence ancl reports offered at said hearing, does find and deternine the folloaiinn facts: ~. fhat the proposed use is ~roperly one for ~•~hich a conditional use permlt is authorPzed by Anaheim Itunicipal Code Sections 1?,F~,,~7~,r,~~ ~n~ 13.U3.03,~,n~p to wit: ko permit a recvcling center and recreati~nal vehlcle storage facility in the FiL (Industrial, Limited) 7one t•~ith ~vaivers of: (a) SECT10:1 1~;,61,p63.p~z _ ~.~~~imum landscaped sethacl<. 25 ~et adjacent to South Street required; none proposed) (b) SECTI0~1 1o.61,OG4.02p - Hd~;imum fence height. 30 inches in front setbac~ r,rrmitted; ' ef~t e::isting) (c) SECTIOPI 10,61,068,p3(J - Required enclosure of out~ionr uses, (Stte screeninc, iPquired; none existing or propo~~~) (d) SECTIO~J 1~.~G.11h~1,~)Z~!+ _ !~inimur~ iumber of parkinq s~aces. r0 spaces rFquired; ~ s}~ P- aces pr~ ose~i --~_ r~ ) PC31-<? 2. That the ~~rof,c;ed use is hcrchy qrnntr.d for ~ ~eriod or one (11 year, suhject to revievi for possible extensions of time upon a,ritten request from the petitionr_r if the use fias had no adverse affect on surroundinr~ land uses. 3• B~at the rcqu~sted i•~a iv~r (a) is here~-y nrant~d subject to the petitioner's stipulation to pr~vlde t!ie entire reciui~eu l~ndscaoed setbaeN along South StrPet when the property is re-dev~io~ed ~;~ith a ne~•; building(s) at some time in the future; and subject to the petitioner's stip~lation to nr~vide part of sueh a landscapinn plant~- in fr•or~ of ~he proposed six. (6) foot high blocE~ taa11 from the abandoned Rose Street ~~estcrly to a point ~•~ithin tti•renty (20) feet of the =xisting building. ~+. Thar the requested ~•iaiver (b) is 5ereby qrante~l on the basis that denial ~~ould de~rive subject pronerty of a privilr_ge enjoyed by other properties in the same zone and vicinity. 5. That the rr_que,-~d t~aiver (c) is h=_rehy grantP~ subjeci to the petitioner~s stipulation to provide red~•.rood or r_edar slatting in the existing ciates on South Street, and to repair er,istinn damayed chainlink `encing; anJ on the basis that an existing building cn t'~_ ~~est blocks t6e vie~•~ and the remainrler of thc pi'operty is surrounded 'uy othc- industrial uses ~~~hich ~io not have site screening and denial ~•rould deprive subject pr ~erty of a privil~ge enioyed by ot~;~r properties in Yhe same zone and vicinity. ~~. That the p~titici~r stipu)ated that stored m~teriais ~•iill not be stacked hi,her than tiie surrouncina six (Ci) foot hiq!~ `rnce. 7. That the request-d ~laiver (d) is herehy aranted on the basis that t!~e proposed forty (40) parkin9 spaces arr-_ adequate for the use. and the gro~vthTand development~of`~thelarea~ina~hichcit lsfornnosedato~be~located.uses 9. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allo~~ the full development of the propos~d use in a manner not detrtmental to the particul~;r area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general ~•~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 10. That the granting of ;:he Conditlonal Use Permtt under the conditions imposed, if any, ~~ill not be detrimental to the peace, I~ealth, safrty and general welfare of the Citizens of t•he City of Anaheim. 11. That the traffic generaCed by th~ ~rr•,posed use ~•rill not impose an undue burden upon [he streets and highways designe~ and inprovec: *~ carry thA rraffic in the are~. 1?_. That no one inJicat~d thei:- presence at sai~1 publie heorinq in oppos~tion; and t`~at no correspondencr ~va~ rec~iv~r.~ ir, o~oo~(~(~~ to the subjeci petition, E~lVIROIdME11TAL I.'1PACT FINDIP~G; Th~t the :naheici Citv Planninq Conmission has revie~~ed the ~ronosal to permit ~i rr.cyc;in~ c~nter and recreation~l vehicle storage facility In Che ML (industrial, Limited) Zonc ~aith ~•raivcrs of minimum lan-iSC3PPCI -..- Pct31 -l,2 setb~ek, maxi~;iun fene~ heiniiC, rr.~~uired enclosure of out~loor !.ises ancl minim~.i^~ number of p~rLinr~ ;paces on ~, r~r_tangularly-sf,a~ed parcel ~f land consistina of approximately 3.6G acres located at ~he northr~est corner of South Street and Ro,e Street ~91^ East South Strcet); and i~es 'ierchy anpr~ve ttie 'legativr. Decl~ration frnm thc requirernent Co prepar~ an envi mnmental i~ipart re~orr. on thc hasis that there o+ould be no significant individual or cumulitive adverse e miironmental impaet due to the ap~rovai of this Negative Deciaration =incr the llnahein ;aneral Plan desic7nates tne suhject property for generai ind~istrial land uses conrensur.~te ~•~ith the prcpnsal; that no sensitive environmental impacts arr. involved in tF;e pr•oposal; tliat the Initial Study submitted by the ~etitionFr indicates no si~nificant indi•aidual or cumulative adverse envi mnmental im~acts; and that *he tlegative Declaration substantiatinc the foregoinq fin~inas is on file in the City of Anahein Planning Department. NOI.', TNEREFQRE, BE IT fi~SOLVFD that the Anaheim Ci±y Pianning Commission does hereby granC subj~ct Petition `or Conditional !IS~ Pcrmit, upon the follo~ring conditions whicii are here!~y found to be a necc~ssarv pr~requisite to the prnposed use of the su6ject property in crd~r to ;~reserve the safr.ty anc' ~teneral !•ielfare ~f the Citizens ot' the City of :9nahei~:i: 1. That t`ie o~:mer(s~ of ;uFject pr~nerty s'~a'1 conrlitinn~lly deed to the City of Ana!ieim a strip of land 32 feet in ~;idrh from thc c~r`erline nf the street alon_y Sout'~ Street fnr ,tr^ct ~ridc~ninn nurposes, actuai d=riicati~n to !~e made at the fime the ~r~perty is r,-developed r;it`~ a ner, !,ui];iinc~(s). 2. That ail en~ineering r^quirerents ~f the City of .~naheim alonn South Stre~t ineluding preparation of improvement ~1ans and instailation of a11 improvenents such as ci.irhs and gutters, side~•~a11;s, street 9rading an~i paving, drainage faei 1 ities or other appurtenant ~rorl:, ,hal l':e cmm~l i~c! 4/1 t'~ un~n fntur~ ~~tir~aC~ rc-J~:veiopmenC or sut~ject prnperty, 3. That trash sto n~e areas and renoval of tras(: shall bn provided in accordance ~•~(th the approval of the Er.ecutivc~ '~ir~ctor o` Puhl ic l•lorF:;. ~i. That fire hydrants shall '~e installed and charge~; as rcquired and determined to be necessary by the Cfiief of t'~e firc Denartment or(or to cor^mencement of structural framino. 5. That drainage of subject ~ropcrty shall he disposed of in a nanner satisf~ctory to the City Engineer, E• Tliat the existing sCruc_ure sh~ll be brounht up to the minimum stanclards of the City of Anaheim, inclu~ling the Unif~rm f3ui?ding, Pli.imbing, Electrical, Ftechanical and Fir~, Coc!es as ~dopter by the City n` Anaheim, 7. That a landscapec' pl,?nter shail he or~vided in fr~nt of the six ((ii foot hian wall along South Street froci abandoned Rose StrFet ~~~esterly t~ a{,oint a~ithin t~.~enty (~~i) fc~t of tlie existing builciin~~. 8. That ttie o~~mer(s) of suhject ~r~~,erty s'iall n~y tu thP City of Anaheim a fee, in an amount as d~,termined hy t!ie Citv Council, fnr str•~~t li~htinq along South Strcet. -3- prgl _ ;Z ~, T~i1~7C fire sprinl:lr~rs sn,~ll `'~~ installed in ^r.i~tina ~uildin~s as required by the Firc Depart~ncnt. 1~. That all existing d~mac~ed chainlinl: f~ncing s`~all he repair?d and nates adjaeent tc Soi.th Street shall he sl~tted iritl. c-it!i~r redi•:oorl ~r ced~r slats. 11, That th~ blaek-topp.^.~ portion of thc nrnnerrv shall I;e oainted ~•~ith yellcw lines to desinnate the uriv~-t'~r~nnh arF:s for cu~,t~ners, and cust~mers shall not F;e allo~-red out of those designated drivc-t`irou4h are~s r~xcePt in th~ oarl<iny and receivin~ areas. 12, That the recreational vehiclc storacle parl~in~7 ~.(~aces shali he clearly ma rl~ed . 1?, That a special custnmer unl~ariing area shall he desianate~i ir, order t~ keep the customcrs frnm the other areas of the far_ility. 11i, That the interior rnad~•~avs sha11 hav~ i miniciun ~~idth or 2'1 feet and he I<ept clear at all gates in order to accormodatr_ er~^_rg?ncy vehicles. 15. That "employees only ar~as" shall he postcd as such and no custorers shall be allo~.~ed i~i tl.ose areas. 1G, That t'~~ property shall be oosted to pr~hihit hare feet. 17, That employee parl:ing spaces shall i~e clearly ~iesi~nated at the rear of the property and employees shall I:e re~uired to ;arl: in said desi~nated areas. 1~. That subject property shail be developed ~ubstantially in accordance with plans and specifieatiens on file a~ith the City of Maheim marked Exhih~oro~ed b~ and that any changes or modifications to said plan shall be revie~~rec~ and ap, Y tne riannii~y Ca~~~~~I~~~..,,. 19, That Condition Plos. 1, and u", ahove-mentioned, shall he complied v~ith prior to the commencemen*_ of the activity authorized under this res~lution, or prior to the time that the building permit is issued, or ~•~ithin a pericd of ~ne year Trom date hereof, whichever occurs first, ~r such further time as the Planninq ComMission may grant. 2r. That Condition Nos. 3, ~~ E~, 7> `~, 1~, 11 and 1:' throug~ 13, above- mentioned, shall be complied t•~ith prior to final buildin9 an~1 zoning inspections. 21, Tha~ no trucks, containers or other vehicles delivering, Faulin~, or containing tr~sh shall be permitted to be parked outside the perimeter of the enclosed yard. 22, That the proposed use is `icrel~y qrarted `~r a ~criod nf one (1; year, subjeet to revi~~•: for possible extensions of time unon v,ritten r~quest fror the petitioner if the Planning Commission deter~-~ines that t~~c ~se had n~t had an r,dverse i~i~~aet on surrounding land uses. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE[1 that ti•ie Anaheim City Planninc~ Con~mission docs hcrc~; find and dete mir,~ t1,at adoptlo~ of this Resolution is expressly ~redicated upon _! _ PC31-~,2 applicant's complianee ~~ith each anr! i11 oF the c,nditinns herrinahove set forth. Should any sucii condition, or any part tnereof, ~e dec)ore~l invalid or unenforceable by the fin.~1 judqment of any court of cr~mpetent .jurisdiction, then this P,e;olution, and any approvals herein contalned, sha11 be deemed null and voici TI!E FOREGOIP~f RESOLUTIOII i; si~ned and a~prnv,.d ~,y n.^ this 23rd day ~f ~larch, 1`i31. Frrt;r: StCRETARY, A~JAHEI!~TY PLA~~;JI.I~~M~~ r ~ ISS10.J STAT[ OF CALIFORp~IA ) COUtlTY OF ORFl~.GE ) ss, C ITY OF ~,IAHE IN ) ~, ~dith L. Harris, Secretary of th2 Anaheim City Plannine Comnission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutin~ ~.~a5 ;~J~;~~{ ~~; ~,~~,,,teci at a mceting of the Anaheim City Planninn Commission held ~r,~tarch 23, 1?~1, ~~v the follcwing vote of the memhers t'iereof: AYES: CQMMISSIONEn~: nAR1~Eg~ Elp!)/~5~ gUSf10?[~ F~Y~ HE'?~ST~ f;IN^~ T~L.hn 'dOES: CO!9P11SS10'JERS: IdqPIE FlGSEt!T: COI~~t!SSIO'4Er',5: 'JC.dE ItJ WITNESS ~dN[REOF, I havc her,^unto set my han~f this ?3rd day of ~qarch, ~~'~~• - "' "'~'~-~ `` <~ d~ .~.« J SELRtiTl1~Y, nri~-lEl~1 CIiY PL1tJ'lING COI~~IISSIQPI r~" -..' ~ y' ~ '.%i ~ -~~; r,i{;, ~ r;~~nri,~ nrin.NF i"1 C I T~~l_A~!'! I Nr, C~Fi~~ 155 I Ot! -~- Pr,31-~?_