PC 81-64RCSOLUT(0;~1 P;O. Pi.~31-CI! A RF.SOLUTIOtI OF THE ll'~~1H[IM CIT`( PLf•.~~1~11tJq C~~1~IISS1~!I TYAT PETITIO!I FOR VA!',I:~,'IC~: ~10. 3201~ EF. G~/1!:TFD WHERcI',S, the Ma'~eim City Planr:nq Canmission did receive a v~rified Petition for Variancc from RICHA4D R, Hr LEr1nRr q,~p ~~Eyn E, HC 1_F'tO~E, 172~ ~iort`i Holbroo!; Strcet, Anaheim, California 92'',^7, oo-mers of certain real pronerty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California descrihed as: Lot S of Tract 590!? as per map recorded in Boolc 23'~, Pages 37 and 3? of tqiscellaneous ~taps records in r.he office of the ^^cor•~ier of said County. - VHERE/1S, the City Planning Cor~nission did holci a pu'~lic hearinn at the Civic Center ir tfie C;ty of Anaheim on Ma;~i~ ?3~ ~~~~~ ~t ~.~,~ ~~ hearing having b~en du1~ r' , n~tice of ;aid puhlic / ~ i vcn as requ i rcd hy 1a~ ~ and i r accor,ia„re +:; i tF the provisions of U~e Anaheim Municipal Cod.~, Chapter 13,03~ ~.~ hear •,n,~ consider evidence for a~d against said p-oposed variance and to invesl'i:,ate and m~t,_e findings and recomrendations in connection therei~it'i; and 41f~EREAS, said Commission, af*_er due inspection, investtq~tion and study ~~~~, by itself and in its behal`, and aftar due consideration of a11 evi•fencr and re.ports off~red a"t said hearing, does find and det~rnine the follot•i;n~ facts: 1• That thr_ peti~ioner pr~poscs a~ratver o* ;h~ room addition: fnlin~~~ina te cnnstruct a SEC7l0~1 1~.2].(1~?,~2~ - Haximum lot eoveraqn, (2C° _~ .. ,. ~~....:~ ~__ ~~fO~IUSP~i) Z. That the a~~ove-menticned a~ai~~er is ' erebv ~ranteo on the hasis that :he petitioncr demon~trated that a hardship exists in t~at denial r,ould ~ieprive subject property of a privilege enjoyFd hy ~th~r pro~erttes in °~~e samc zone a~d vicinity and that the request is ninimal, 3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conrlitinns applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that ,~o .:,~t apply qeneraily to the property or class of use in the sane vicinity and zone. i~• That the requested variance is necessary for the preservat(on and enjoyment of a substantial property riqht possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, ,~nd denied to the ?roper[y in question, 5. That the requested variance ~vill nor_ ~~ naterially ~letrimer,tal to the public welfare or injurious to tfie property or im~r~vnr~ents in such vicinity and ~one in ~~~hic'i thc property is located, ~• That no one indicat~d their nresenrc~ ~t ;~i~ n~F,~~~ hearing i~ opposition; ond tl~aC no correspcndence o-~as received in o~onsitlon tr the suhject petition. P~ ~ 1-!~'f EtlVIR011MEtJTl1L 119PACT Flfl~lt;;: Thc Planning Dir~~ctor or hi, ~uthorized representative iias determined that the ~ro~osed nrnj~ct `alls l~~ithin the definition of Categorical Exr_m;~ti~ns, Class >, ~s defined in the State Ei~ ~uidelines and is, therefore, c~tegor;cally exemnt from thc rnr~uirrment to prepare an Fif'. NCW, TNEREFORE, FE IT RESOLVED that the ;~n;~heim City Planning Cormission does hereby grant su5ject Fetition `o;- Variance, upon the foll~~•-inn con~iitions which are herehy fnund to be a necessary nrerequisite to the pro~+osed use of the subject property in order to ~res~rvc the saf~~ty and general ~:~elfare of the Cittzens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That suh;ect property shall I~e develope~.l suhstartially in aceordanr.e with plans and specifications on f~1~-~:.i[h the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit tlos. 1 and 2. EF IT FUP,THER RESOL'![D that the Anatieim City Plannin~ Commission do~s herehy find and deternine that ado~tion of this Resolu~ion is exnr~essly predicated upon applicant's comn~iance ~~itn eac'i and a;1 nf the cnnditic~ns hereinahove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, ~,e ~i~~~~;ed invalid or unenforceable hy the fina! judgment of any court of conpetent jurisdict~on, tnen this Resnlutlon, and any apNrov~)s herein contain~d, shall i~e deemed null and void. TfIE FOREGOING RE5f1~1ITI0i! is si9ned a~d a~prove~i hy me this ?3rd ~lay of ~~arch, 1:~II1. ATTEST: ~ ' ! ./) , i l.....~~ e.~-~'..., .~ i.~.1~~ SECRET/1RY, APIANE IFi C I1'Y PLAFlG 1 WG COP1H I SS I Ot! STP.T~ OF CALIfORFlIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AtdAHElM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary nf the Anaf~eim City t'Ianning Comrission, do hereby certi`y that the foregoir.g resolution ~~ras passerl and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plann~ng Commission held on 1larch 23, 1~~31, hy the fo11o~;~tnc~ vote of the memher, thereof: AYES: COM!~ISSIONERS: [~APIJES~ f3011AS, ~USH02E~ FRY~ f;l!1R, 7~LAR NOES: CQMHISSI0NER5: P!Otl: ABSE:~7T: COM111SSIONFRS: H[RE~S'f IPl 4lITNESS IlhIEREOF, i %~~ve ',ereiint~ set ,roy h~in~l t~i ;?lrc! -1ny of ~1.3fCI1~ 193t, - ~. ,' , . ' ~ ~ J S~C.RETAR , Ap!l1~CITY PLANNIDIf; COMMISSIOPJ ; ~~~~; , (~.;'~~ ~ _ ~ , ~ ~'% c CNAIR'tA!, A~IAI'Ei~t CITY PLAN~IItJ~ CO"'HISSI~P! -2- F'f. ~1-i,'~