PC 81-66zr_so~uTio;i ~~a. Pct;i-~; A RESOLIIT I OF; OF THE AtdAFIE U•1 C I7Y PLn.PUi I Nr C~t1~1 f SS I ~~J TERMItJATI~IS ALL PP,OCEEDIPJf;S ItJ C~tdn~ECT10~1 bliTH VARIANCE tJ~, (29 WHE;EAS, on SeptemF:er 17, 1~5G, Variance tio. 67.~ ~,ras granted under Resolution No. 5G - Series 1^5G-57, hy the Anaheim City ?lanning Commissinn to pe~mit a service statioi on approximately 0,4 acre located at the north~~~est corner of Ball Road and Brookhurst Street and further described as ?4~3 South Broo!:hurst Street. WHERFl1S, the applicant, Ruth Feuerstein Trust, has submitted a letter requesting termination of Variance Plo. 52~1 in satisfaction of a condltlon of the grantiny of Conditional Use Permit Mo. 2173, granted on February 23, 19°1, to permit a drive-through restaurant ~rith ~;~aiver of minimum number of ~~arl:ing spaces on subject property. tJOIJ, THEREFORE, E3E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pianning Commission does here~y terminate ali proceedings of Variance ~do. 629 on thc basis of the foregoing findings. THE FOP,EGOING RESOLUTIOId is signed and approved by me this 23rd day of March, 19II1. ATTEST• - / ,,~ /;- '~` ~C. t!"C' ..r~..i ~.'. ~~ ~- Cc `: CHAlRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLAM~IIN~ COM~IISSIOPI ~~.~~~ z~ I~_ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIPlG CO~iMISSI0t1 ST.A?F ~c rn,i ~p~~n!~n ) COUNTY OF qRANGE ) ss. C ITY OF ANAIIE IM ) i, Editli L. Harris, Secretary or the Anaheiin City Planning Commission, do hereby certify tha~ the foregoing resolution 4~as passed and aciopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held ori March 23, 1~31 by the folloaiing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIO"IERS: [3ARNES, Ei0UA5, BUSHORE, PRY, KING, TOLAR NOES: COM~11SS10?JERS: PJOhiE ASSENT: COMMISSIONEP,S: HERF,ST I~~ WITMESS 41NEREOF, ! have her~unto set my hand this ??r~i day of ~tarch, 19&1. ~,~~;~ .,r ~,~.~..` SECRE?ARY, A"AF!EI11 CITY PLA~lNIUf, C~M'11SSIOh! PCcI-6(,