PC 81-75RCi01_'ITIO•`I ^I0. PC°1-]!i A RESQUJTI0,1 OF TiIE A'!A!'EI'1 CITY r~~nr~~~li1G C'1H'?IS~I^'1 TIIAi P[T1710;1 FOR R~CL~SSiFIC~TION ~L~. ;r1-81-2~ 3[ GRnriTE~~ b!tIER[AS, the Anal~~eim City Planning CoTmission did receive a verif~ed Petition for Rcclassificatio~ from [D4!A°.D /1. P?~DILLA N~ID CHERYL PA'11L1_P, 7~:5 South Eirea Uoulevard, Brea, California `l2'1_1, o~vners of cert,~in rr:al nrnnerty ~,ituated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 5*_ate o` California, ~!escrihe~i as: That portion of the East 2'1 acres of the ~dortheast ~uarter of the Morth~-~est quarter of Section 2c , To~~mship h South, Ra~qe 1~ 41est, in L-he Rancfio La, Bolsas, as shol•m on a map recorrfe~ in Bonl< S1, Pa9e 1'1 of 'lisce) laneous '1a~~s, recorrls of Oranne County, California, described as follo~:~s: Comnencing at a point en the Easterly 1 ine of Tract ~~o. 32~Eo, as sho~~rn on a ma~ rer_orded in Pool: 11;, Pages 1 to 3 inclus~ve of 11i>cellaneoiis Maos, records of Orange County, California, distant Plorth ~ degrees 5~' 3~" t~lest 317,(7 feet from the Southeast corner of said Tr:~ct Pie, 37_4~'1, beirig a point on a curve in the Easterly line of land described as Parcel No. C;-904 in a Fir~al Order of Cordemnation, a certified copy of which was r~corded !'ay o, 195;, in Eiook 1f7~~, Fa9e 5%5 of Official Records, concave llesterly tiaving a r~cfiuc c,f t?~~,~'1 feet, a radial line thr~ugh said point hears Sout~~ 7<< degrees ?~' 5S" East thence Northerly along said curve Chroi.i~h a central anole or 10 degrees !~7' 04" a distance of ?3~.57 feet to the true noint of beyinning; thence leaving said F.asterly line North ''~ dearees 12' 4~" Fast ~i17.41 feet to the Easterly line of the Worth~~~est quarter of said Section ~~, thence ~lorth ~ deqrees 55' 1r?~~ West alony said Easterty lin~ a distance ~f 27~.i3 feet to the ~ortheast corner of said tlorth~•~est quarter; thence South 3~O degrer.s 13' 30" 6!est alnng the Nortlierl~~ line of said idorthwest qu~rCer, a uisCZincc c,r ~,11.~~1 reet to said tasterly line of the lnnd of t'ie Orange County Flood Control District; thence South 0° d~~grees ~5' ;`7" East alorg sail Fasterly line 15~.53 feet to the beainning of said tan~~en[ curve, `~avinn a radius of 1?_25.n0 feet, thence Southi•~esterly alnnc~ said curve through a central angle of S cl~~~~recs 3!,' 31" ~n arc distance of 1'~~.G3 feet to the true point of b~ginning. WHERCP,S, the City Planning Commissinn did hold a puhlic heari~g at the Civic Center in the City c~f Anaheim on ll~ril ~,, 1~1"l, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said public heariny having been duly yiven as required hy laai and in accordance taith the provisions of the Anaheim t^unicipal Cocle, Cha~tFr 13,~3, to hear and consider evldence for ancl aqainst sai~ pro~c~s,e~i reclassification and to invest(gafe and make findings ancl recommend~[ions in conn~~ction there~iith; and 'dfiER1-;5, _;aid Conmissiun, a!'trr due ins-,ection, investigation anri study made by itself and in it, ~:ehalf, and :fta.r due c~nsid~,rati~n nf all evf~ience and reports affered at saici !ir..arinc~, does fin~l and deten,in~ t!~e `~ile~~ino facts: PC81-75 1 That the petitioner pr~~oses rec~assific~rtion of suhject nr~perty from the RS>-A-~t?,OOQ (Residential/Anricultural) 7onc tn the '2N-;~)~ (?esidential, Mul*.iple-Family) Zor~e. 2. That the Anaheim ,eneral Plan designates suhjert pr~perty for medium density residential land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification o` suhjer_t prnperty is n>cessary and/or desirable for the orderiy and proper development of the community. ~+. That the proposed reclassification o~ subject property does properly relat~ to the zones and their permitted uses locally establi.hed in close prc~ximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitt~d uses generally established ti~roughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject pro~erty reGuires the dedication and improvement of ahut*_ing streets in accordance ~.~ith the Circulation Element of the General P1an, due to the anticipated increase in traffic Hihich will be generated t~y the intensification of land use. 6. That no one. indicated tP~eir presence at said public heartng in opt>osltion; and that no correspor.dence ~~ra, received in opposition t~ the subject petition. EtlVIROFlME'JTAL 1'1P;CT Flt•1D1;lG: Thar. the Anaheim City Planning C~r~missinn has revieored the proposal to reclassify suhject property from the RS-A-43,000 (Resiuential/Agricultural) Zone to the P,tt-3~nn (Residential, 14ultiple-Family) Zone to establtsh a 1-~lot, 33-unit condominium suhdivision ~~ith ti•:aivers of a maximum fence heiqht, minimum building site area and maximum structural heiaht on ~i rectangularly- shaped oarcel of and consisting of approximately ~.~; acres lncated at the south~~~est Cnrnf9~ pf K~tP) l? C1v~ni~~ qn~1 ~~i.~~~, cr.--...` ftQn^ eJV..~_ .~;.,L'_ ` \, '' :...~. _.- ~,~.. .. ~~ ,. . .`~i~i~C:u~Ir all~ uUC:>i I1CfCUy approve the Negativ~ Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact re~ort on the basis tliat there v~ould he no si9nificant individual or curtiulative adverse environmental impact due to the appr~vai of this ?de~ative Declaration since the Anaheim ~eneral Plan designates the subject property for medium density residential land uses commensurate ~•~ith the ~roposal; *hat no sensitive environmental im~acZS are involved in the oroposal; that the Initial St~dy submiCterl by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental inpacts; and that the Plegative Declaration substantiatina the foregoin.; findings is on file in the City oF Anaheim F'lanning Cepar[ment. NO~;!, THEREFOZE, BE IT RESOLVED ~h4t the Anaheim f,ity Planning Cortm~ission doe: hereby grant subject Petition for P,eclas~ification and, hy so daing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anahelm Municipal Code he amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-~t;,00J (RESID~WTIl1VAGRICULTURALI ZONf and to incoroorate said descrihed property into the R.M-3000 (RFSlDF,JTIAL, Ml~(_TIPLF-FA"~ILY) 7.OP1E upon the folluwing conditions ~~~hich are ,iereby found to he a necessa!-y rrereouislte to the p~oposed use of subject property in order to preserv~ the safety and general ~~elfq~e o~ thc C;tizcns of t'~e City of /lnaheir~: I, That the oo-mer(s) of su.h.jPCt property shali deed to the City of ~naheim a strip of land 45 feet in ~•iidth from the centerline o~ the street alon~ ~Iinth Streer. -2- PC81-75 and a strip of land E,0 feet in ~::idth from the centerl in~ o` t:lie strr•et alonn I:atella Avenue for street ~•~ideninr~ pur~oses. 2, That all engineering requiremE:nts of [he City o` Anahein alonq ':inth Street anJ Y,atell~ Avenuc includinc preparation o` ir~nrovement plans and installation of ali improvements such as cur'~s and gutters, side:+al!s, street grading and pavinc, drainage farilities or other appurtenant ~rurl:, shall he complied ~.~ith as required by the City En~ineer and in accordanc~ v~~th specifica~_ions on file in the Of`ice of the City cngineer; that street liqhtin~~ facilitie, alonn t~inth Street and Katella Avenue shall Le instolled as require~J hy the ~?ffice ~f Utilities 6eneral !lanager, and in accordance ~~!ith specifications on fil~ in the Office of Utilities General Manager; and/or that a bon<1, certificate o` deposit, ~etter of credEt, or cash, in an amounC and form satisfactory to tF,e City ~f Ana!~ein shall be ~osted ti•+ith the City to guarantee the installation of the ahove-inentioned reauirements pri~r to occ~~~ancy. 3. That the «tmer(s) of sutiject nr~~erty shail pay to the Citv nf ,4naheim a fee, in an ar~ount as determined hy the Citv ~ouncil, for tree planting purposes along Ninth Street and I:atella Avenue. 4. That trash storage areas shall h~~ provided in accordance vrith approved plans on file taith the Office of the Executive Director of Puhlic 'Jor4~s. 5. That fire hydrants shall be ins*_ailed an~l r_har~ed as requir~d and determined to he necessary hy t'ir_ Chief of the Fire Department prior to corc~Mencement of structural frarning. 6. That cubject property shall be served by underc;round utilities. 7. That drainac~e of subject property shall he disposeri of in a manner ,.p~ ~ ..t,„ f ;r. F'.ni (...r ..~,~~.. ....~-'"_~ .. . .. . , . 8. That t(ie o~vner of sut~;ect property shall pay t~ the City of Anaheim the appropriate park. and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be anpronriate by the City Council, said fees to he paid at the time the I~uildina permit is issued. ;. That all private streets shall be devrlo~e<! in accordance ~•iith the City of Anaheim's Standard Detail tdo. 17_2 for private str~ets, inr_ludin~ installation nf sYreet name signs. Plans f~r Che private street lighting, as required by the standard detail, siiall be su:~mitted to the Quildin~ Division fc~r approval and inclusion with the buildinn plans ~rior to the issuance of huilding permits. (Private streets are t;iose ~~hich provide primary access and/or circulation within the p ro_j ect. 1~. That an ordinance rezonin~ the suhject nr~perty shall in no evenC become effec~ive except upon or follo~rinc the recordati<m of Final Tract `1~~ No, 11~(.6 ~-~ithin the Cime specified in ~overnment Code Section F,Cl~~~3.~ or such further tine as the advisory agency or City Council may grant. il. That the o~mer(s) of suhject property shail pay t6e traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance tlo, 3~~9~) in a~ amount as determined hy the Citv i.ouncil, for each ne~~r d~ielling unit 4~rior tn Che issuance of a huildin~ perm~t. -'' PC81-]~ ~2. That a~propriate ~~ater assessment fees as der.ermined hy the Oftiee of Utilities General ;lanager sfiall be p~id to the City of Anaheim ~rior to the issuance of a Luilding permit. ~3. That subject property sha11 be devrloped suhstantleal)y in accordance witli plans and specifications on file o-~ith th~ Ctty of llnaheim marked ExSibit Plos. 1 throuo't 5. ~t~' P~ior to L1~e introduction of an ordinance rezoning sui_ject property, Condition tJos, 1, ?., and ;, at,ove-mentioned, s~iall I,e compl~t~d, The provisions or rig~-t;s granted by this resolution sha~l hecome null and void hy action oF the Planning Commission unless said cor,diticn~ arr, compiied i.~ith o-~ithin one year frcxn the date hercof, or such further tine as the Planning Commission may grant. 15. That Condition Hos. 1~, 6, 7, 9 and 1;, ahove-mentioned, shall be complied with nrior to final huilding and zoning inspActions. BE IT FCRTHEP, RESOLVED that the Anaheim C~ty Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this P,esolution is er,pressly predicated upon ~pplicant's compliance ~~ith each anci all of the conciitions hereinahove set forth, Should any such condition, or any part there~f, he declared inva)id or unen`orceable ~Y the final judn^~cnt o` any court of competent jurisdictinn, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and void, TfIE FOREG~~p)r, RESOLUTIO;; is signed and .3n~roved hy me this rth day of April, 1~81, % ~~ " ~r iC Jc'r" ,.-! r~ z~' ,/~,." '; G~-1 ATTEST• CHAIRM/1tl~ .4^InflEl"! CITl' PLP,"•!^lIMG CO'1'+ISc~np~ ~ . ' . ~ ~ ~' a~c'~ 'C ' ~~,u.r SECRrTARY, APJAHEIM CITY PLANNI~~G COHFIISSIOPI STf1TE OF CALIFOP,~lIA 1 COUNTY OF ORqhIG[ } ss, CITY OF AIIAHEII1 ) I, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, cio herehy certify that the foregoing resolution ~•~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on April G, 1^;1, t,y the folloi•~ing vote of the members thereof: AYFS: COhihII5SI0NER5: E3ARNE5, BOUAS, FRY, ;IERBST, Kl~lr,, 1'l)Lq~ NOES: COP1~11 SS 10;lERS: NON[ ABSENT: CO~t'11SS10!1ERS: 3USFi0R[ !N WITPlFSS I~IH[RCOF, I have hereunt~, set mv hanci this ~th d~y ~f q~,ri~~ i~o~ G c~ ~ t~~;L SEC°,ETAt?Y, ,qilAHFi+I CiTY PLA^I`il'!G CqM~~ISSI(1N _1+_ PC~.1-% i