PC 81-76Rf:SOL!ITIO~! '!0, PC~i-7! R~SOLIITIO!( OF 71!E A'IP.~!EI'1 CITY P!_~1~liii~l~ C~'t'~IS51~'~'I T!{~T PEi ITI~ ~ ~OR Ir~RIAiIC~ '10, 32'?~, E;E rR~,.tITE ~ llHF~^,Ei~S, Chc An:i!ieim City Planninq Cor,mission dirl reccive a verifi~d Petition for 'Jariancc~ from [n',JARJ A, PPFDILL/1 AI;~ CHGRYL Pll'!ILLn„ ,7•'~'i South ~r~a Doulevard, 3rea, California ~;~Z!, o~.mers cf c~rtain rcai oro~erty situated in the Ciryo uf Ana~ieim, County of Oranqe, State of f,alif~r~ia, r!rscrihc~l .35: That port~on of thc East .^.~ acres of the 'Jorthe~st quar*_er of the ~1or[h~res[ quzrter of Section ?.8, To~~mshi~ << South, Range 1^ lJest, in t'ie Ranc~io Las f3olsas, as shoti•~n on a mao recorried in 'ool~ ~1, Pa9E' 1G cf Itiscellaneous 'taps, records of ~ranne County, California, descrihed as follo::s: Conmencin9 aY a pe.int on the Easterly 1 i ne of Tract Pio. 321i0, as sno~:fr~ on a m;~~ recor~ied i n Boo(; 11?, Pages l to 3 inclusive of Misccllaneous ;;a~s, records of Orange County, California, distant IJort!~ f? degrees 55' Z^" lJest ui],!,] feet from the Southeast cnrner of siid Tract iJo. 324~~ being a point o^ a curve in t.'ie Easterly line of land descr~bed as Parcei "!o. C3-90~+ in a Final Ord~r ~f Conde^~nati~n, a cer*.ifieJ cepy of ~~hich was recorded '1aY &. 1."5°, in Qoof: t+?~~> p~r~~ 575 of Gfficial Records, concave 4lesterly havin~ a ra~lius of 1??.;,nn feet, a radial line through sa;:1 point bea r Sout!~ 7~! dcgrees ?9' 55~' East thence Ilortherly along said curve thr~ugli ~ central ang'e of 1~ degrees !+7' ;1~t" a distance of 23'7.5? fcet to ~he true po~n; uf heginning; thence leav'ng said Easterly 1 inc~ 'lort!~ ~,? de~irces »~ '~3" East 617,h1 feet to the Easterl•,~ 1 ine o` t`~e Plorth~.lest quarter of said Section 2;i, thence ~lorth ~ degrees ~~~ 1~~~ l•/est along said Eastcrly line a distance of 2?~.~3 fe~t rn rhP ~~0~`~"~'= -"'~~'~~ ~~ tiaid idorth~•~est c~uarter; thence South ~^o ~legrees 1;' ;~'?" Uest along the Plcrther?y 1 ine ~f sa id `:ortho-~est quarter, a distance nf ull,$~ feer to said Easteriy line cf the land of ~he Orange County Flood Control District; t!:ence South ~o degrr_es 5S' 3"'" East al~ng said Easterl~~ line l~:i.~~ f,.~ beginning of said tangent curve, having a radius of 1?~' ~~r~j to the thence South~~esterly along said curve [hrou~h a cnnr_ral5angle oft; degrees 36' 31" an arc distance of 120,i3 feet to the true ooirt of beyinninc~. blflER[AS, the City Pla~ning Commission dieJ hold a public hearino at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on April u, 1931, at 1:30 p.m,, n~tice ~f s~,i~i Puh~j~ hearing having been duly g(ven as requirr_d h~y 1a,.~ an~{ in accordance ~aith the provisions of the Anaheim ~lunicipa( Code, f,haot~r 13,r)3, t~ hear ;n~i consider evidence for and against said nropo,ed variancP and to inve;ti~ate and mal~e findinqs and recommendations in connection Che~-2~r~ith; and IJHEi,FAS, said Commissi;,r, after ~lu~ insnc~ction, inve~finar(~~ ~nd s*i~dy made by itsel` and ;n its hehaif, and ~fter tiue consiJeraTiOn of ~11 evidence and reports offerecl aL said hearing, doc~s fin~l anri cfeterr~ine. t!-~e foilov,in~ rzcts: PC~1-7'; 1. That Che petitioner prr~or~~es ~~aiv.~r~ of rhr. (ollo~:rinn in construet a 1- ic~t, 33-unit condominurn si,ihdivision: (a) SFCTIOtI 1~;.!1't..^,4?.l.^,: - 'laximum fence heiqhC. (n eet ~~ermittcd ~lon,~ interi~r propcrt; linr;; i fe~t proposed) (b) SECTI0~1 SJ.31.O(,1.?i: - lininur~, huildin~~ site area. ~ ~'~~~~ squar•e feet ner un i t rec~ti i re:l; Z^il square cet orr,nosed; lc) SECTIOFI 1~.31,0G7..~12 -~1axinum structural hr:igiit. (t-storv per~itted a~ithin 15l feet o~!?S°72~'? ~oning; 7.-stories proposed) 2. That the ahove-mentioned ~~aivnr (a) is herehy ~ranted on the basis that the seven-foot hig'i fence along t'ie south and ~.~est property lin~s (school yard and flood eontrol channel) ~~ill provide a hetter sound !:arricr for this residential proiect. 3. That the a!,ovc ~:~~ivcr (h) is ~ranted on the I,a;is C~ial ~he request is mininal and also that hoCh waiv~~rs (b) and (cl are ~ranted on the hasis that the proposal ti~iill comply a~ith the oendinq revisions tn t`~c Zone standards. ~~. That there are exceptional or exEraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property inv~lved or to the intended use ~f the ~roperty that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in t'ie sare vtcinity and zone, ~. That the re~uested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property riqht nocsess~~l hv ~ther nrnnrrrv in th.. ~~,,,~ vicinity and zone, and denied to the nro~erty in ~uestion. 6, ihat the requested variance i~~ill not i~e naterially ~fetrimental to the pubiic ~•~elfare or injurious to the property nr im~,rovements in such ~~icinity and zone in a~hich the property is Ivcated. 7. That no one indicate~ their presence at said nuhlic hearino in opposition; and that no corresoondence t~a; received in epposition to the subject petition. EtiVIROF;ME~ITAL l14PACT FIfJDING: That the Maheir~ City Plannin~ Commission has revie~aed *_he proposai to reclassify subject property fmn the RS-A-1~3,0~~ (Residential;F,qriculturai) Zone to the Ri1-3070 (°esidential, !1ultiple-Family) 7.one to establish a 1-lot, 3?-unit r.ondominium su!.~division ~:~ith traivers of a maximum fence height, minimi~m building site ar:~ and maximiim structur~l height on a rectangularly- shaped parcel of and consisting of aoproximately 2.~ acres located at the southt•~est corner of f:atella Avenu~ and `Jinth STreet (1'?~3 Socith ~Jinth Street) ; and does hereby approve the ~~eqative 7eclaratior frnm the re~uiremcnt t~ prep,~re an ~nvironmental impact report on the hasis that there ~•,oulci he no si9nificant indi••iclual or cumulativ~. adv~rse environmen[ai irnpacr due [n the approval of this tdegative Declaration since the F.naiieii^ Generai Plan desi~nates *'~e suhject nroperty fnr medium density residentiil land uses c~re~i~.nsurate i~ith the. prn~~,a1; [!~at no se~sitive -2- PC3i-7( environnental impacts arc involv~~d in thc ~~~~f~~s~~i; t`~at the Initial Stu~~y subnitted by the {~etitioner indic~tes nc~ significant indiviclual ~r cunul~.~tive advcrse environmental impacts; ~~d that the Megative Declaration suh_;tantiaY.ina the foregoln9 findings is on file in the City of ~nahei~n Piannin~ Depart~ent. ~JOIJ, TN~R[FORE, G[ IT Rc_SULVED that t',e F~naheim City Planninq Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification ~nd, `-Y ~~ ~~~ing, that Title 1 3-Zon i ng of the Anahe im "tun i c i pa 1 Cod~ ~~e amendrd t~ er.c 1 ude thc~ aF.n~ie-descr i hed property from the RS-A-1+3,~0':i (RESI~F':TI~'./AGRICULTI!R.^,L) Z~"!F ~r~~! to incor~orate said descrihed pronerty into the R!1-12~~~ (RESIDE"'TiI~L, FSiI~TIPIE-F.4'11LY) 7_OtdE upon the fo1la;~ing conditions ~~~hich are !7ere!~y f~und to he a necessarv prereouisite tn the proposed use of suhject- propert;~ in order tn preserve the s~`ety and ger,eral ~•relfare of the Citizens of the ~it'/ or A~i~i~i~~ 1. That this Varia~nce is granted subir.ct to the conpl~tion of Reclassification '~o. ~~~-E1-?_~, no:•~ pending. 2, That suLject property shall he ~IC'Vnlnpn~i sul~stantially in acrordance with plans and specifications on file ~~rit`~ the City o` Anaheim marked Exhibit tlos. 1 through 5. 4C I? ftIZTNEP. P.CSOL~IED that th~~ Anaiie i m C i tY P 1 ann i ng Comm i ss i on does hereby fi~d and determine that adnPtion of this Resolution is expressly oredicated uPon applicant's compliance ~.+ith each and all of the conditions hereinahove set forth. Should any such condition, er any part thereof, be declared inval(d or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competeni jurisdiction, then this °esolution, and any :~oprovals herein contained, s~all he deemed null and void. THE FOR[GDI~IG RESOLUTIOId i=_ si9ned and approved hy me this Fth day of AP~i~+ 1931. _~.. ' , , ,. .-., CIi~11P,'1A'l, At1AHEl!t CITY PLA"~'•IING C~M'!ISSION FlTTEST: ~~ ~ ~~~ SEC°ETARY, AMAHE I M C ITY PL~Nt! i ~l~ COMM I SS 10~! _~_ PC`~1-7( STFITE OF CAL I FOf:N I A ) COUNTY OF ORAPIGF ) ss. C I TY OF AtlAHE I M ) I, Edir~i L. ~iarris, Seeretary of the Anahein City Planninci Commission, do hereby certify ;hat the forey~ing resoluticn ~~~~s P~5(~'~~ ~~~ ~~hyDth~ fnlla.•~1n9tvote nf the ~naheim City Planrin~ Comnission icld on April , 1_.~~ , the members thereof: AYES: C~f1ryISS10!1ER5; BARtlES, E3011~5, FPY, HER,'ST, Y.I!I~, T'11-/~~ 'JDES: Gn'1MIS510'IEP,S: IlOtlE ABS[~!T: CO"1"115510'1ERS: 3USNOf'.c It! 1J1?'I[SS WHEREOF, I ~ave iiercurto set rY hand this ~.tii day of ,April, 19`~1 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ S'cC'[TARY, at:AFIEl~1 CITY PLA.'I"!I!~r Gn4MiSSintJ PC~31-7~ -~F-