PC 81-82RESOLUTI0~1 D10. PC31-E32 A RESOLUT I Ot! OF TNF At~AF;E I M C I TY FL.A~IN I tIG CDHN I SS I OM THAT PETITI01: FOP, COIIDITIQtlAL USE PERMIT N0. 72'll BE GPAPITED IJNEREAS, the Anaheim City Plannina Commission ciid receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Fermit from CLYD~ h1, II:UTA, G~n'1 41est Lincoln Avenue, Buena Park, California, 90G2J, oti•~rer, and TAV~RN F~.A~1SU'~!TIY,UL, 2~ROf', Wilder Avenue, Lakewood, California 90715, agent, of certain real pr~perty sit~ated in the City of Anahei~, County of Orange, State of California, dr_scribed as: That portion of the Southo-rest quarter uf Section F., Ta:mship 4 South, Range 10 West, in tne f?ancho Los Covotes, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cal+fornia, as per man recorded in hook 51 paae 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recc+rder of said County, descrihed as folloi~ls: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map filed in hook ~8 ~ages 77 an<i ?E of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of satd Orange County. 41HEREAS, the City Plannina Commission did hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on April 20, 1~81, at 1:3~~ p.~n., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by lao~ and in accordance with the provisions of tl~e Anaheim rtunicipal Code, C!~apter 18.~3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~•rith; and 41tiEREAS, said Cortvnisslon, after due inspection9 investigation and study made ~.. „IF .,.7 f~. ~.nh~1F .,.! ~F« .1.. ,1,. «i.. ..F ~11 ~ra„ ,.,,r n.~~~.rc .-~ .~~.... ....., ..~ ~... .._.~....~ ...~._ _~..,. _.... ......_._.._..:..._.. _, .... _..._...~.._ ,.,._ ._i._.,_ uffered at said hearing, does find and determine the follo~•:inG facts: 1. That th~ proposed use is properly one for ~•~hich a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 1~.G1.050.!170 to wit: to permit a van cr~nversion facility in the P1L (fndustriai, Limited} Zone. 2, That the proposed use is hereby granted suhject to the petitioner~s stipulations that all work shall he conducted wholly inside the buil:~;ng; that there shall be no outdoor storaqe; and that no vehicles shall sold on the premises. 3. That the proposed use a~ill not adversely affect the ad.joinina land uses and the qrrn~~th and development of the area in ~•~hich it is pronosed t~ he located. 1+, That the size and shape of Che sitP proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner n~t detrimental to the particular area nor to the D~~C~?~ health, safety, and general ~•~elfare of the Citizens of thz City of Anaheim. 5. That the _c.ranting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions fmposed, if any, will noC be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfa~'e of the Cttizens of the City ~f Anaheim. PC°1-82 G. That. the treffic Genera[ed !;y the propqsc•l ~_i;e t~ri 11 not imp~~~ an undue burden upon the streets and high~~ays desi~7ned and impmved t~ carry the traffie in the area. 7. That one person indicated their presence at sa:d put;lic hear(nq in o;.position; and that no correspondencE ~-~as receiv~d in opp~sition to thc subject petition. EtJVtROtdhiENTAL IMPACT Fi~ICItJG: That the Anaheim City Plannino Corimission has reviewed tlie proposal to permit a van conversion `acility in th~ ~1L (Industrlal, Limited) Zone on a rectan9ularly-shapeh parcel of land consisting o` apprcximately 2.~ acres, havi~g a frontage of approximately 275 feet on the north side of La Palma Avenue, and being located approximately 89!l Feet east of the centerline of ~1agnolia Avenue (2511-N 4lest La Palma Avenue); ard does hereby approve the Megative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would be no significant indtvidual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the apFroval of this PJegative Declaration since the Anaheim Generai Plan designates the suhject pro~erty for oeneral industrial land uses corrmensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive envlronmen*~l impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study suhmitt2d bq thc ~~t(tloner• ind~cates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environnental impacts; and tha: the Negative Declaration substantiating the forec~oing finciin~s is on file in [he City of Anaheim P)annlny Department. NO~J, THEREFQRE, E3E IT FESOLVED that the .4naheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Peti;ion for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions whlch are hereby found to be a necessary prerenuisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and c~eneral v~eifare of the Citizens af the City of Anaheim: 1. That subject property shall be developed suhstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file 4~ith th~ City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Mos. i through 3, 2. 7hat !'ondltior, No, i, aFove-menttoned, shall be complied ~+rith prior to final buildtng and zoning inspections. 3. That a11 automotive ~rork sha11 be conducted wholly insicie the building, that there ti•rill be no outdoor storage, and that no vehicles shall he so)d on the premises. Be IT FURTHER RESOLVED tnat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolutior is expressly predicated upon applieant's complianr_e with each and all of Che cnnditions hereinabovc• set forth. Should any such conditton, or any part therr.of, I;e declared invalid or ui,enforceahle by the final judqm~nt of any court of competent jurisdictinn, then this Resolution, and any approval, hercin c:on!ained, shall be, deeri~d nuil and vnid, THE FORE~r,t~~c rESOLnTin~! ~5 ,igncd and app~~~~~1 by me this 7_nth dav ~f f\pr(1, 1981. ATTEST: /~!~~~~:~ ~~ CH1'R`1A~~, ANAhiEI~! ClTY PLA~INIMf: CQHMISSION ~~~~~~~ - I:"1 I T PLANN I Nr, COPiM I SS i f"! -2- PC81-82 STATE Or CALIFORtJIA ) COUWTY 6F OP,ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plarning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutfon o-~as passed ard adopted at a meettrg cr the Anaheim City Planning C~~rmission held on April 20, 1981, by the fo1lo~~iing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIOM1ERS: e0UA5, BUSHbRE, FRY, HEReST, KINr,, T~LAR NOES: COMMISS(0~lFRS: tlqME ABSEPJT: CqM~~1~SSlONERS: BAP,t~ES ~~d WITtIESS IMEREOF, i have hereunto set my hancl this 2oth day of April, lj~i. SECP,[TA~,~ plpHE ~ M C I~ F~~~~v~~~ LAL~ING C(t~~MiSSION 3- PCBt-82