PC 81-84RCSf1i_I1TIC~1 ^!(1. PCni-j1~ A RESOI.UTI'??i OF THE .~tIANFI"~ f.ITY PLP"'~ii'lr, ~n~~r~~SSI~!! THAT PETITIO.'I FOR RECLASSIFICl1T10'I ~l0. ~~~-31-2~~ CE GE~IIFb ~;1fIFR[A5, the Anaheim Cit~ Planr~ina Comrissior ~iid receive a verified petition for Reclassification from HERRERT [. ~!iRISTFt1SEP' A'!~ ELI7.AP,ETH C. CHP,ISTE~ISE'!, 73~ Southern Aven„~, ')rangr, f,alifnrnia ~2~~;, o~•mers of c~rtain real property situ~ted in the City of Anahein, County nf ~ranno, St~te o` Californi~, described as: Lots 2 and 3 of Traet No. 1647 as per man reeor~!ed in Book ?7, Paaes 10 [0 13 inciusive, of ~liscellaneous ,'1aos, in [he cffice of the County Recorder of Oran~e Countv, Califnrnia. WHER~S, the City Planni~a Commission did hold a puhlic hearina at the Civic Center in the City of An~h~im on April ?.0, 1'?~1, at 1:3^ p.m., noLice of said p~blic hearing having been duly given as required by la~•~ and in accordance ~•~ith the provisions of th^ Anaheim Municipal Code, Chavter 1~.03, to hear and consider evidence for a;d against said pronose~ -eclassifiw tion and t~ investigate and make findinas and rec~mendatio~s in connection th~re.~ith• ~~ri 41NEREAS, said Commission, after duc ~nspection, investigation and study T,ade by itsel` and in its behalf, and after due censideration cf all evidence •3nd reports offered at said hearing, dr~s find and deternine the follot•,inn fact~: 1. That the petitioner• nrnposes reciassification of suhject proper`v from the R11-1200 (Resid~ntial, MultiplP-Family) 7onr_ to the CL (~ommercial, Linited) Zone. 2. That the Anahr_im General Plan d~sionates suhject o~~pertv for medium ~ensity resiuc.ntiai ianu uses. 3. That the prn~osed reclassification is hereby r:enied ~~ the basis that it is spot z~nirg and 4.ould have a potential adverse imp~ct un nearhy resi~lential land uses. !+, That the pr~~osed reclassification of suhject pronertv is not necessary and/or desirahiP for the orderly and proper development of the conr+iunity. 5. That the prop~sed reclassification oF subiect oroperty does not property relate to the zones and their pernitteci USPS loca "y esta~~ltshed in close nroximity t~ subject pr~nerty and to th~ zones and their pernitted uses generally esCablished througho.~t the comr,unity. G. That 2~er~ons indicated their nrrsPncn a*_ sai~! puhlie hearing i~ opposition; ~nd that no correspondence :,as receiveci in onDositi~n to the subject pe*_ition. Ct!VIRC;IH£tlT.•"~L IHP~ICT FII!DItJ;: Tha[ [hc An,he~im Citv Planni;,n Commissiem has revir::ed the proposal to reclass;fy ;ubject pro~,erty `rc~-~ tf,~e Fhf-i?~l"~ (Residential, !iultiple-Family) 7.one t~ t;ie CL (Corrmercial, Limited) 'one t~ nermit automobile relared uses ~~ith ~+~iv~rs of mini~u^; landscaped sertiacl; ~nd r~quireri site screenino PC81-8l+ on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consistin9 of approximately 0.3 acres locaYed at the southa~est corner of Cerritos Avenue and Walnut Street (12~0 ldest Cerritos Avenue); and does hereby aoprove the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact reoort on the basis that there ~~auld be no significant individual or cumulative adverse envirormental impact due to the aopraval of this tJegative Declaration since the Anaheim ~eneral Plan designates the subject pronerty for medium density residential land uses commensurata with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental im~acts are involved in the proposal; that the initial 5tudy submitted by the petitioner indic.ates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the PJegative Declaration substantiating the `c~regoinq findings is on f1)e in the ~ity of An~heim Planning ~epartment. PlOl~l, THEREFORE, BE IT P,ESOLVED tFat the Anaheim City Plannina Commisston does hereby deny subject Petition for Reclassification on the basis of the foregoing findings. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance v~ith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such ~ondition, or any part thereof, i~e declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any coi~rt of competent jurisdiction, then this P,esolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIO~J is signed and anprovecf by me this ?Oth day of April, 1981. , t~~~~!/` ~U"~~- CH.A I F7A~J, APJAHE I ~1 C ITY PLA~JPI l IJt; COMh! I SS I QU ATTEST: ~~ ~° 1~..~. SECRETARY, AIJAHEIM CITY PLANNINf, C(1M~^ISSI011 STATE OF CAIIFORPlIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Ananeim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission held on April 20, i~lSl, hy the folloa~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COM111SSIOtdERS: BOUAS, f3USNORE, FRY, ffERBST, TOLAR NOES: Crn1MISSIONERS: KING ABSEIJT: COt1h11SSI0NERS: BAR"!ES 1981. I~! t•!IT~lESS llHER[OF, ! have hereunto set my hanci this 7_~th day of April, ~ 6LJ~~c~w ~ ~L _.... SECRETAR.Y, ANAHEIt1 CIT`~ PLFlMNIMG C011MISSIOM _2_ PC81-84