PC 81-87aESC~!irinv rin. rc~3i-8 A RESOLUTIOh! OF 7H[ AIIFlIIE I'+ C ITY PLAtIN I td~ C01?I115S I OH THA.T PETI710N FOR VARIAFICE 'ao. 3209 eE RRA"dTED, IPI PA?.T LlHERFAS, the Anaheim City Plinning Conmission did receive a verified Petition ror Variance from C~t~RAn J~ LFTTE~ A~ID JOSEPIiINF M, LFTTER, 31~? Vallejo Drive, Flnaheim, Cal ifornia 92$~4, o~mer~, and IdALTE~ K. 6~~:1MA~1, 7~3~• Cerritos Avenue, Stantcn, California °2714, anent, nf certain real pro~erty situaterf in the City of A~iahelm, County of Oran9e, Statc of California descrihed as: That portion of Lot of Lot 1 of the Anaheim extension as shorm on a ma~ of Survey made by blilliam Hamei and filed for recordinq in ttie office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, Califnrnia, described as follo~•:s: Reginninn at a ooint in the North li~e of said Lot heina in the South llne of La Palma Avenue, distant thereon 255.33 feet L•lest of the FdorthFast c~rner of said Lot runninq t5ence bl~st along the North line o` said Lot 79.91 feet, thence South parallel o-rith the Fa=terly line of saic~ Lot 3~2.23 fer_t thence PJorth 73 degrees 51.' 2S" East 77 Feet to a line alhich is parallel ~iith the Easterly line of said Lot thru a ooint of beninninq. Thence Hortherlv al~nn s~id Int nFntinnA~i nar~ll?1 line 27Q.~?4~ feet to th~ point of heginning. Said land is sh~vm on a licensed Surveyors Hap filed in Book lI, Page ~ of Records of Survey in the office of thc County Recorder oF said f,o~~nty. 4;HEREAS, the Cit~~ Plannin9 Comnission dtd hold a pubiic hearina at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on April Z0, 1~Si, at 1:3`1 p.m., n~tice o` said oublic hearing fieving beFn duly given as required hy la~•i anci in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chapter 13,n3, to hear and consider evidence for and anainst said proposed variance and to investioate an~! maF:e flndings anu rrcorrirnaations in connection [h~r.r.with; and 4IHEREP.S, said Cormiission, after due inspection, investination and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due cnnsideration of all evldence and renorts offered at said hearinn, does find and determine the Follo~•~in~ f~~ts: 1. That the petitioner pror~ses t•»ivers of the follo4~in~ •o construct a 1- lot, E-unit condominium subdfvision: (a) SECTIOhJ i3,31.~02.~12 - htaximum structural heiqht. 1-story permitted ~•fithin 15~ feet ot~` single-family residential zcnina; 2-stories oronosed ai f,3 feet) (b) SECTIOPd 1~3.31.'152.~12~ - Haximum site c~vera~e. 0,, permi tted; ~ E,7i pr~nose~i) (c) SEf,T10!! 13,3i.(1!,3.~31 - Minimum recreat(onal-leisure area. ~ 10~0 square eet par ~nit required; _29 squarc cct proposedi PC3i-87 ?_. That ti~e requestr~d ~•~aivers (a) .~n:l {t>) are herel•y granteri on the t~asis that denial ~,nu1d deprive suhject proi.erty of ~rivil.^ges enjc~yed by other propertir_s in the same zone and vicinity and t'iat a nenrlinn ~oninq co~e anonciment a+i11 elfminate the need for ,aid ~•~aivers. ~ 3. That the reque5teci ~~aiv~r (c) is herehy d~nied on the basis that revised plans ~•rere suhmitted rleleLin~ t'~e neerl t'or ~;aid ~raiv~r. 4, That t'iere are excention~l or extr:~ordi~~arv circumstances nr conditlons applicah~e to the pronerty involved or to Chr, intPnd~d ~ise, a5 qranted, of the propertv that do not apply c~enerally to the prnr.crty or class of use in the same vicinity anci zone. S. That the requested variance, as qranted, is necessarv for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial nroperty right possessed by other property in the same vicinir.y and zone, and d~nie~ to the nrooerty in question. ~. That the requested variance, as aranted, will n~t he materlally detrimental [o [he puhllc welfare or injurious to tlie oronerty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in i•,hich the pr~per*y is located. 7. That no one indicated their nrPSnnc~• at said public hear;ng In opposition; and that no correspondencc~ ~~as rer.rived in oroosition *o the si.rbject petition. E~JVIROtlMEtJTAL INPACT FI~!DIP~G: T!~at t'ie Anahei~~ Cit~~ Pianning Com;~i~sion has reviewed thP pr~posai to establfsh ~ 1-iot, ~-unit co~derainiun subdivisioi; with waivers of max(mum structural height, maximui7 site covera~E and mininum recrea:ir,•~al- leisure area on an irregularly-shaped p~~rcel of land cor,sist`ng of apnroximaCely 0,4] acre, having a frentage of anproximately ~r1 feet on the south ;ide of La Palma Ave~ue (12(,0 East La Palma Avenue); and does hero~,y aoprcve the tlegativ~ Derl.?rati~n frn~~ thc. rnm~ i ~~...~..... ~~ '~ r'~~~:-~: ~~~ Cuvironmer~af in;nact r~oort on C'ie hasis that there would be no significant individual or cumuiative adverse envirn~mr_rt;al irr,pact due to the approval of this Negative Declara*.ion sir.c~ the Anahein General Flan designa*_es the subject property for mediurrdensity residential land uses commens~rate ~.oith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental inract~~ are involved in the nroposal; Ch~[ the Initial Study suhmitCcd by the petitioner indtcate5 no sfanifi~ant individual or c~mulaYive a:lverse environmental imnacts; and that the ~egative Declaratlon substanLiating the foregoing findin~s is on file in the City of Anaheim Flanning Department. NOW, THEREFORE, EE IT RFSOLVFD thaY ~oes hereby grant, in part, suhject Peti*ion conditior,s ~vhicl~ are herr_by found *_o be a neces of the suhject proper!y in order t~ preserve the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: the A~ah~ein Citv Ptanninv Commission `or ~/ariance, ~ioon the follov.~ing sary prereauisite to the proposed u;e safety anri .~eneral weifarP of the ~. That suhjeet property shali be developed suhstant;a)~y i~ aecr~rdar+ee ~.ith plans and sper_ifications on file ~ri;h ih~ Cit•~ or Annh~im marL~~l ~.evi:i~r, ii;~, 1 of Exhibit Nos, i thr~uah ?. BE IT FURT~iER RESOLI'ED that th~ Aniheim ;:ity Plannl~~ Commission does hereby find and deterr~tne that adoption of th~s Fesolution is exnressly prrdicateo itoon -`- PC~31-fi j apPlicant's cemniiance t•~ith each and all of the c~nc!itior~s hereinabove set `orth, Should ~nv such condition, or any part thereof, h~ d~cla~e~l invalid or unenforceahle by the final jiidyment ~f any c~urt ~f competent jurisdiction, thr_n this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, sha)1 he clc~~m~.~ null and void. TNF. FORE~n~~~~ RE~OLi)TION is signed and aoproved by mA this ?Oth day of APril, 1~~1. c f,n~''„/~'`~a.~~~ ~G'-~'-~c_ ATTE3T: , ANAHEIII CITY PLP;dNlh~r. CQMMISSI~N SECRETARY ~ ~ ~ , ANAHEIt CITY PLANr,IWG COMMISSI~N STATE OF CALIFO?NIA ) COUNTY OF QqqiJGF ) ys, CITY OF ANqHElt1 ) ~+ Edith L. Harris, Sec-etary of the Anaheim Citv Piannfno C~r~r+ission, do hereby ~P~t~py that the foregoin~ resolution ti•ias passed and ado~t~d at a^~eting of the Anahelm City Pl~nnj~Q ~~~~,s;~n heid on April 7n, 1~R1, hv tf;P f, ~~~yinq vote of the members thereof: AYES; CnM'~ISSlONEt?S: COU~S, EUSHURE, FRY, HERRST, ~~~ir,~ Tn~f~o NOES: C0~1M15S 10!:ERS: tlO~lc A95EPJT: C~!~HISSIO~;EFS: BAR~lES IFI WIThJESS 4JHEREOF, I have hereunto set mv nanri thts 2nth a~y ~,f April 1^81. `~~ ~° ~~~. SECR.TARY, AM,4HEIFt CITY P(~p~~NIN~ CO~~P~ISSION -3- PCF31-$?