PC 81-96~, _ RESOUJTIO,J ~JO, PC81-96 A RESOLUTIOPI OF THE A~IAHEIM CITY PI_APJNIIIr, C0~1~11SSIQiJ 7HAT PETITIOr; FOR COIdDITlOP1AL USE PER!11T ~1~, 27.~; EF 6RAPITED I,/HEREAS, the Anaheim City Plannino Commission did recelve a verifie~ Pet i t ion for Cond i t iona 1 I_ise Permi t from FA!11 LY HEALTFI PROf,P,.AM, 1 NCORPORATED, 9930 Talbert Avenue, Fountain Nalley, California, 927'18, owner, and DAVE YEDOR, 9930 Taibert Avenue, Fountain Valley, Ca)ifornia ?27~8, agent, of cerra(n real property situated in the C;ty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: Parcel 1, in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranae, State o` California as sho~vn on a map recorded in bool; 45, ~age 5Q of Parcel Maps, in the Office ~f the County Recorder of said County. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on P1ay !!, 1~£31, at 1:30 ~.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by la~•~ and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim ttunicip~l Code, Chapter 13.~3, to hear and consider evidence fnr and against said proposed conditional use permit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~vith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due insnection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the fo1loU~ing facts: 1. That the proposed use is properiy one for ~•;hich a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.E1,050.230 to wit: to expand an existing med!cal office building in the t1L (Industrial, Limlted) 7_one. 2. That the prop~sed use wi11 not adversely affect the adjoining )and uses and the gro~rth and development of the area in ~~ihich ;r i~ nr~~~~~~+ -. ~~ ~~~. , ~ " - `-`~ uLGU. 3. That ti~e size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full dev~lopment of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and generzl ~•~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the ~rantfng of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and higln•iays dnsigned and improved to carry the traffic in the area. PC~I-96 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence ~ras r~~ceived in opposition ta the subject petition. EPJVIRONMEWTFlL IMPACT FitlDl'IG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to expand an existing medical orfice building in the MI_ (Industrial, l.imited) Zone on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 2.3 acres, naving a frontage of approximately 350 feet on the east side of Maonolia Aven~e, approximateiy 1230 feet north of the centerline of La Palma Avenu~ (1236 PJorth ~lagnolia Aver.ue); and does hereby approve tl~e hegative Declaration irorr, the requirement to pr•epare. an environmental inpact report on the basis *_hat there ~:~c;uld be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of tliis PJcgative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan destgnates the sub~ect property for general industrial land uses cammensurate ti~~ith the proposal; th.at no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the I~iftial Study suhmitted by the petitloner indicates no sianificant indFaidual or cum~lative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declarati:-n ~uhs`anti~ting the foregoing findin~s is on fil~ in the City of Anaheim P'ann?n3 Depat'ro~cn[. '+G~!, ~iHEREFORL", EE IT RESOL~IED that ti~e Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant sub;,ecr ~etition for Conditional i!se Permit, uoon the falla~~ing c~nditions s•!hich are hereby found to he a necessary prerequisite to the ~roposed use of the suhje::t property in order tc preserve the safety and general a~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1, That the oa.~ner;s) of suhject property shal~ pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinar~ce t~o. 38~6) in an amount as determined by the City Council, for comnercial buildings prior to the issuance of a building permtt. 2. That Lrash storage areas shatl be provicled in accordance with approved plans on file with the Office of the ExecutivP ^irector of Puh)ic 4Jorl:s. 3. That subject property shall be developed suhstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on riie with tlie City of Anaheim mar{:ed Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. 4. That Condition hlos. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, ,hall he complied wlth prior to final bui?ding and zoning inspecti~izs. BE IT FURTHEP. P,FSOLV[J that the Anaheim City Planning Conmission does hereby find and determine that adopt[on of this 4csolution is expressly predicated upon applicant~s compliance v~ith each and ~11 of th~ conditions hereinabove set farth. Should any such condition, or any part ther~aF, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of comnetent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals lierein conCained, shall be deemed nutl and void. TNE FOREGOIFI~ RESOLUTiOW is signed and apnroved by me this 4th day uf May, 1981 . d~ ~i'% O`~Ct~~ CHAIRH:IN, ANAHEIt1 CITY PLANNING CO~iP11SSl~td ATTEST: ~~G~t~~~R , ~M CITY LANNING COM~IISSIOM -2- PC8?-96 STAT~ OF CALIFORtllfl ; COUt1TY OF ORANGE ) ss. C ITY C'F Flt!AHE IH ) I, EdiYh L. Ilarris, Secretary of Clie Anahein Cit~ Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resalution vias passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Pianning Commission hetd on May ~~, 1~81, by the follovring vote of the members thereof: AYES: COF1MISSIOiJERS: BARNES, DOUAS, BUSHORE, HEReST, KItJG, T01_AR NOES: COM~IISSIONERS: ~J~ME AI3SENT: COP1MiSSION[RS: FRY IPI WIT~IESS YIHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of Ma~y, 1931. 4n du-~ f., ~ ~7~iQ/L-4-c~ . SECRETARY, APlAI1E I ~1 C I TY PLAN~! 1 PJG COMM i SS I ON -3- PC81-96